C13 Radix Rehmanniae Rehmanniae

Regardless of how much power the Imperial Court had changed in the face of Jin Niang, it had nothing to do with the Lin Family Village. The most important thing was that the Imperial City had been in a drought for several months, so if Jin Niang continued like this, who knew what the consequences would be?

After a drought, there would usually be disaster. The scariest part was the plague of locusts, which came in a dense mass. Wherever it went, no one was left alive, and even the animals would be bitten to death by them.

It is often used as a locust crossing to describe the desolation wherever it goes.

The young ones might not have experienced that kind of situation and didn't know the stakes involved, but the older ones knew how dangerous the locust plague was. Therefore, the village was recently filled with panic.

Even Jin Niang could feel that a great catastrophe was about to befall her. Influenced by others, her heart was filled with unease and fear.

Recently, Jin Niang had been like a little hamster who liked to bring things home, not even sparing a single firewood stick. Although she didn't bring much with her, it was still too much for her to take a stroll around, and furthermore, there was a mountain behind their house, which made it very convenient for her to take action.

In the past few days while walking outside, he had also met a few village kids. When they saw Jin Niang, they actually hid and hid themselves, which made Jin Niang very depressed for a while, am I really that scary?

However, the mood of the adults had a certain effect on the children in the village these few days. It seemed that less and less children came out to play. Even the most naughty children started to pick firewood from the mountain.

Jin Niang would often go to the village to look around so that no matter what happened, they wouldn't know anything. Seeing that others were trying to strengthen the village, she came back to discuss with Su Mo Yan about how to reinforce her own window.

When Su Mo Yan didn't understand, he asked her why. Jin Niang looked as if it was natural, "Since other people have already reinforced their families, we should strengthen our families as well."

Su Mo Yan watched her silently for a while. Seeing that she was not willing to give in, he could only follow her and play around with her, such a big commotion naturally couldn't be hidden from Xia Lanqing, but she didn't say anything.

Everyone was relieved to hear that there were locusts in other places. Locust spread very fast. As long as a village was in trouble, it would quickly spread to other places.

Jin Niang was also slightly afraid. Although she had never seen the plague of locusts before, she had heard a lot about it before. The plague of locusts could cross over and not leave a single blade of grass behind.

Everyone was tensed up, and decided to organize the villagers to pray together. Although Jin Niang felt that she shouldn't believe such things, this kind of activity could make everyone tense up a little.

It was not only their people who were praying for the rain, but even the imperial court was conducting a ceremony. The customs and rituals were different, and the ceremony was also very different.

This made Jin Niang think of River Earl's wife. There couldn't be a matter of throwing a young and beautiful girl into a river, right?

However, thinking about the river outside, it seemed like it was about to dry up. Even if he were to throw it in, it wouldn't drown him.

If there really was someone who came out like that to deceive people, Jin Niang felt that he should come out to seek justice and teach that detestable liar a lesson.

While she was waiting for the villagers to give her a chance to teach her a lesson, she rubbed her hands together and let out a sigh of relief as the villagers did not give her this chance.

Within the ancestral hall of the village, there were incense tables with pig heads, melon fruits, steamed buns, and other such items on top. These were all good things.

Everyone's expression were very solemn, causing Jin Niang to become serious along with them. After that, they invited some of the more respected elders from the village to come out and preside over the event.

In the morning, the weather was extremely sultry. Then, everyone thought that it was going to rain, so they all became very excited.

In the afternoon, the sky was covered by a layer of dark clouds. First, there was a muffled thunder, then there was lightning, and then, amidst the excited cries of the villagers, heavy rain poured down.

Not caring about the thunder outside, the villagers excitedly took out their wooden basins to fetch water. Some of them even ran into the rain and accepted the gift from nature with their faces raised.

It had not rained for a long time, and the drought made people anxious and depressed.

As the saying goes, life four joy, "long drought when the sweet dew, it met the old. On the night of the wedding, when the title was being written. " There was also a reason why he was the first in line. Because it was related to the hope and surprise of life, in ancient times like this, what was more important than the heaven giving food? The entire Lin Family Village was in an uproar. After being tense for such a long time, they finally relaxed. Everyone began to sing praises and praise. They all shouted out that the person who followed the will of the heavens was the true dragon and the Son of Heaven. Otherwise, why would it never rain before today, when the sky was clear? If this wasn't responding to the will of heaven, then what was it? Since the commoners had already said so, who knew what the situation in the imperial court was like, but they were still very far away from it. It had rained for three days in a row and the ponds and rivers in the village were filled with water. Fortunately, Jin Niang had placed some of the firewood into the stable and even covered some of them. After the rain had stopped, the villagers began to busy themselves with their crops. After all, it had been a drought for too long, and the harvest this year would definitely not be good, but it was still better than not having any grains at all. Some people even started to fish. The water in the river was full, and the fish and prawns were more numerous. This was a miraculous thing. These fish and prawns were all hiding somewhere, and as long as the river rose after rain, they would all appear. Jin Niang also made a ladle for herself before taking the bucket to fish. Su Moyan, who was watching from behind, was speechless. His little sister was like a man, and there was nothing she couldn't do. How good it was for a little girl to stay home and not be able to go out all day. Which girl was like this? Jin Niang didn't know that Su Moyan was silently cursing him from behind, but she was still quite excited. Fish, shrimp, quickly fill the bowl! By the time she reached the river, there were already quite a few children there. However, with adults watching, the river was rising too fast. How could they allow children to approach it alone? If you're not careful, you drown. Every summer, when the rainy season came, many children would fall into the water. However, Jin Niang was an exception. She came over alone with a small barrel, and without going near anyone, she found herself a shallow area filled with water, took off her shoes, stacked them onto her pants legs, and directly entered the water. Lin Da Shun brought his son to join in on the fun, and upon seeing Jin Niang, he turned to Lin Da Shun and asked: "Hey, look, is that Jin Niang?" Lin Da Shun's honest face did not change in the slightest. When he heard the question, he immediately looked in Jin Niang's direction. Actually, he had already seen Jin Niang as soon as she arrived, then turned his head and pretended not to see it. Now that she saw so many people looking at him, she couldn't pretend that she didn't see anything anymore. She opened her mouth and revealed a simple and honest smile, "Jin Niang is lucky. A middle-aged lady by the side spoke up, "That's right, we should at least be able to eat our fill in the Su Family. Jin Niang is really pitiful." The meaning of her words was to ridicule Lin Da Shun and Yang Lihua for treating Jin Niang as a servant and not even giving him food. Lin Da Shun acted as if he did not understand and laughed while nodding his head, "Our family's conditions are not good, Jin Niang has suffered alongside us."

The reason why she wasn't full previously was because her family was poor, but now it was because her parents found a rich family for her so she could eat to her heart's content.

Lin Da Shun and Yang Lihua had always been so shameless that they had gotten used to it. The people around them all knew what was going on, so they just sneered and ignored him.

Aren't these words shameful? Looking at the rock and then looking at Jin Niang, it was obvious at a glance that the rock was extremely fat and sturdy, but Jin Niang's face was yellow and skinny, as if a gust of wind could blow it off.

Jin Niang did not care what they were saying, she was seriously staring at the water surface, the fish had not been fished, but there were quite a few prawns, and Jin Niang was not disdainful of them, as everything she fished out was placed into a bucket, the prawns were also good things, when she went back to make prawn cake s, the prawns were all delicious.

Seeing her scoop and scoop into the bucket, the child beside her who didn't get anything was curious. What did she get? Why are there so many?

As a result, unknowingly, there were a few children gathered around Jin Niang, all of them looking at her curiously.

When she put the shrimp in the bucket again, one of the children couldn't hold it in anymore, "Jin Niang, what are you fishing for?" And there were screws in the pail.

Jin Niang glanced at the child beside him and said one word, "Eat."

Everyone could not react in time. It was the child from before. "This doesn't taste good." The child beside him also nodded, "Yes, it's not good."

The child's eyes were bright and clear, and there was not a single trace of malice in her eyes. Jin Niang then spoke a little more, "I made it delicious."

"Are you for real?" Is it really that delicious? "

This child seemed to be called Lin Dong, and at the age of eight, he was the child king of the village.

At this moment, looking at Jin Niang's drooling, she realized that she had thought of something to eat because Jin Niang had said that she had cooked a good meal, so he decided to think of something else.

No one in the village was rich, and it was rare for them to have a good meal. Coupled with this year's bad new year, every household was even more frugal. It had been a long time since the children had eaten a good meal.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come out of the village to fish. The fish in the river, even if it had a head, was extremely small.