Chapter 1119 "Greatest Weapon"

Chapter 1119 "Greatest Weapon"

1119 "Greatest Weapon"

Wang Wei looked at the distracted Yan Liling and shook his head. He guessed the Disruption Rune must have inspired her, so he looked forward to what she would do with it. He gazed at the mortal civilizations and the Mortal Dao Art to ensure nothing unexpected would occur now that Yan Liling was distracted. He sent orders to one of the puppets to keep watch of the world.

Finally, Wang Wei checked on the Nether Hell's seal before shifting his attention to someone else, or to be specific, another group - the Innate Demon Gods' leaders. Some people realized these people's identities and lusted after their bodies and bloodlines. Their situation appeared dire as countless powerhouses surrounded each of them; Wang Wei even detected people from the Corpse Selling Sect secretly encroaching on these people - most likely interested in their dead bodies.

'This is a perfect opportunity to help them and increase their allegiance to the Myriad Emperor World,' he thought before scanning every battlefield to see how he could send help to these people. However, everybody was occupied and could not leave their stations.

'The best option would be to free Ji Lanfang, but his release would increase these people's suspicions. So, my other option is to use some people from the Fate Shadow Guard or....' Yôur favorite stories at

Wang Wei pricked his finger to draw a single drop of blood, and when it fell on the ground, five clones of him with weak aura - relative to him - appeared. Then, these five individuals turned into different people, including men and women of different sizes, appearances, and even personalities.

"You're now mercenaries hired from world communities unaffiliated with the Commerce Hub. Go find Tie Gang; he will order you to help these Innate Lives." The clones bowed before disappearing. Wang Wei continued his observation and planning before muttering: "It's about time for this farce to end.' He ordered Wang Ju and the Fate Shadow Guards to prepare for mobilization; it was almost time for them to play their parts.

Void Zone:

Xu Shi floated in the void with a pink hanfu, looking more feminine and beautiful than ever. She glanced at the handsome young man before her, dressed in all white, with a natural arrogance and nobility that could compare with Huo Fenghuang - if not better.

"You're the last person I expect to take orders from the Commerce Hub," said Xu Shi.

"Where is Wang Wei?" asked Chu Luo.

"Haven't you heard? He's been exiled to the upper dimension."

"I don't believe that for a second." This fact was obvious to Chu Luo, not only because he knew what kind of talent it took to become a Dao Overlord, but due to the actions of the Myriad Emperor World's Eternals. All these people work together because there is a monster above them to restrict their actions ??? forcing them to act accordingly and follow the rules.

So, what would they do once that monster was no longer here? They would show their fangs, returning to their lesser or basic instinct of greed and unrestrained competition. Chu Luo knew there was a flaw to this analysis, and it was patriotism. These Eternals might have continued to band together to protect their home world.

But that's not how things are looking. They continued acting as if that monster still had its leach on them; they entered this war without hesitation, and the confidence that they would be the winner never wavered. Chu Luo had no choice but to conclude that Wang Wei was playing a major scheme, and this was nothing but a facade.

Chu Luo's eyes narrowed as he realized what had happened. She temporarily sent her body into a parallel timeline to evade, so he slashed once again with the intent to cut off space-time itself. Xu Shi created a sword with the fabric of space-time and countered the attack. Her sword slash erased the enemy's slash from time itself before continuing forward.

The sword in Chu Luo's hand suddenly changed, beginning to release the same spatial-temporal aura as his opponent. He used the same attack, canceling hers.

[Death of Time]

What would happen if "time" were to die? Chu Luo's body stopped moving since time no longer existed, but was that all it did? No. Time is linked to causality, so his past, present, and future were erased-including all his karmic connections, such as his parents.

Without time, he lost all ability for experience, including growth and improvement. Without his past, all his achievements became pointless. There was also the breakdown of the laws of physiques or the existence of many concepts, but these were the least of Chu Luo's problems.

[Birth of Time]

The sword in his hand turned into a cauldron, releasing a power that recreated the space-time continuum that Xu Shi had destroyed, reverting things to how they used to be.

'Something is wrong.'

'Something is wrong.'

They both had the same thoughts at the same time. However, Chu Luo was the first to realize why.

'She's extremely familiar with how I fight.' Although this was a short confrontation, he noticed this anomaly. It did not take him to deduce why:

'That damn dream world,' he thought.

'His battle IQ and experience are not less than mine,' Xu Shi analyzed after their initial clash to test each other. 'He probably used his Creation Dao to create something similar to the Dream World to train himself.' She was instantly jealous of the versatility of Creation Dao.

'However, what is the anomaly I'm thinking about?'

[Whisper of the Heart]

Chu Luo began to whistle a tune, and Xu Shi's expression changed as she immediately entered a defensive state. Chu Luo smirked. He had refined a new pair of eyes for himself with the Dao of Truth; in other words, his new eyes were a talent called [Eyes of Truth]. With his new eyes, he saw and exploited a small flaw in his opponent.