Chapter 1120 Rumors

Chapter 1120 Rumors

1120 Rumors

Xu Shi summoned her Chaos Pot, which spewed a veil of primordial chaos to protect her. In the meantime, she dealt with the attack on her mind. She found herself in a world of her mind with nothing in sight. As she was about to try something to leave this place, she heard an alluring voice.

"Do you think he truly loves you?"

Xu Shi frowned as the voice seemed familiar.

"Do you think he has changed?"

"He has," replied Xu Shi as she mustered a terrifying power of chaos to destroy this Mind Space.

"Can you trust him while he's separated from you? Do you trust him not to find another woman?" said the enchanting voice.

"If I didn't trust him, I would not stay with him," Xu Shi declared.

"Then, you're better than me," said the voice, who finally appeared.

"A Heart Devil?" The person looked exactly like Xu Shi.

"More like a manifestation of your insecurities?"

"Insecurities? Those are bold terms," sneered Xu Shi. "What insecurities do I have?"

"Of course, it is about our Xiao Fan," said Heart Xu Shi.

"Nonsense," uttered Xu Shi calmly as she waved his hand to send a black slash with the power to wipe out time itself. However, the attack passed through the other as if she were intangible.

"Why are you reacting so fiercely if I'm only talking nonsense?"

"Because your words and even your existence are an insult to me," rebutted Xu Shi. "Do you think my relationship with him defines me? Do you think I spent every waking hour thinking about my husband? Do you think my life has no meaning without him around?"

"You must have used Gu Xuan's Deception Dao."

Her deduction was correct. After studying the inheritance, Chu Luo worked hard to gain full power over Creation Dao. So, he refined a Deception Emperor Soul-instead of Creation-to allow himself to "deceive" Grand Dao into thinking he was a true Dao Overlord. Once that was done, Chu Luo rarely used his true Creation Dao because he knew using such a crooked path could earn him the ire of Grand Dao, leading to his death.

So, in most fights, he only used his limited Creation Dao unless it was absolutely necessary.

[Song of Eternity]

Xu Shi's pot spewed a fog that rapidly turned into a zither. A projection of the River of Time materialized behind her as she played, and a beautiful melody emanated from it. Under Xu Shi's guidance, a terrifying vibration that combines sounds or music from the past, present, and future rushed toward her opponent.

Before the vibration arrived, Chu Luo heard strange music in his mind, which hurt his spirit. He heard many different Zither players from the beginning of time until the last musician in the universe.

[God of Music and Vibration]

Chu Luo snapped his finger to create a God whose sole power is absolute control or mastery over music and vibrations. A large phantom of a man in all white, sitting cross-legged with a zither before him, materialized behind him. The god plucked one string to release a vibration that countered Xu Shi.

Their clash released a shockwave that could have destroyed countless Great Thousand Worlds. However, this was just the beginning. As these two masterful musicians clashed, the melodies they created reverberated from the Void Zone to the Martial Hegemony and Myriad Emperor World's world communities.

People who heard the sound had different reactions. Some felt they heard the most murderous songs between Heaven and Earth, almost driving them to madness. Others heard the most beautiful notes in the universe, elevating their minds and spirits to a higher plane of existence. A small majority had illusions that they either saw the most beautiful woman or man in existence or saw the person they loved most in their lives. And those were just the three main reactions after hearing that song.

Xu Shi frowned as she saw how easily her technique was canceled. 'Our strength is relative to each other. So, this fight is likely to end in a draw.' She was unhappy with this news, and it was the same for Chu Luo, who figured out the same thing. They looked at each other, and their auras clashed; they were both extremely competitive, and no one wanted to give up - especially given the result of their first fight.

Xu Shi saw this battle as an opportunity for payback, while Chu Luo felt humiliated that someone he could kill with one slap was not on the same level as him.

Chu Luo's eyes narrowed. He had a way of ending this as swiftly as possible, but his pride would not allow him to use this method.

'I can still win,' he thought as he used one piece of information that his [Eyes of Truth] detected. A sword manifested in his hand, and it was releasing a weird aura.

[Causality Sword]

Chu Luo swung his weapon, targeting Xu Shi's past. To be precise, he wanted to wipe out one specific event in her life - the time Lin Fan gave her the Dao Seed, and she inherited everything from him.