Chapter 126: Getting Off the Ship

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 126: Getting Off the Ship

With the key finally in hand, Lin Qiushi quickly returned to the hallway where Ruan Nanzhu and Gu Longming were. But when he returned to the hallway, all he found was an empty chair and a rumped bedsheet on the ground. Both Ruan Nanzhu, who shouldve been tied to that chair, and Gu Longming had disappeared.

Seeing such a sight, Lin Qiushis brow instantly broke out in cold sweat. His mind turned rapidly, hundreds of thoughts surfacing, and immediately he was running off in the direction of the dining room.

When Lin Qiushi got to the doorway, he could hear a spine-chilling chewing noise without even going inside.

Lin Qiushi had a very bad feeling about this sound. He didnt dare burst straight in, instead slowly shifted to the window and looked in from the outside.

He saw that everybody still alive had gathered in the dining room, including Gu Longming, who hadnt seemed affected earlier. They surrounded a circular table, each with a dead white fish in hand and shoving it into their mouths with horrifying looks of indulgence. And sitting right next to Gu Longming was the person Lin Qiushi was most concerned about, Ruan Nanzhu.

Ruan Nanzhu was eating fish too, though compared to those around him, his motions werent so brutish. Still he was definitely picking up bite after bite of fish and placing it into his mouth.

Watching the scene before him, Lin Qiushi didnt actually know what to do, and when he glanced at the fish on the table, an odd sense of craving reared from somewhere deep within himlike Ruan Nanzhu had said, it as if the dead fish before them didnt taste so bad after all.

The thought only had to flash across Lin Qiushis mind for him to detect that his own condition seemed strange. He glanced down at the key in his hand. Knowing something was wrong, Lin Qiushi gritted his teeth and darted into the dining room.

The people with their heads buried in fish inside didnt notice someone enter at all. Their attentions were completely fixed on the dining table, uncaring of what was happening around them. Which was actually convenient for Lin Qiushi. He took a spin around the dining room but couldnt find what he was looking for. Then he thought of another locationthe ships galley.

The dining room and kitchen were the only two rooms that didnt change location on this ship. Lin Qiushi had already found the key, so he was guessing that the door to leave was in one of these two rooms.

It wasnt in the dining room, so only the galley was left.

As he was leaving the dining room, Lin Qiushi peered at the people eating fish around the table. When he spotted a particular detail, a deep chill shot through his back.

On the face of the person whod first started the fish-eating, green scales had appeared. These scales emerged from his skin and spread up from his neck toward his cheeks. This change seemed to have been happening for a bit now, and if it continued, what would the end result look like?

Either way, Lin Qiushi didnt want to see it.

And so he quickly left the dining room, glancing back at Ruan Nanzhu one last time.

Ruan Nanzhus head was still bowed, and he languidly consumed the fish before him. His indifferent expression made something clench in Lin Qiushis chest, but Lin Qiushi didnt dare dawdle any longerbecause he discovered that he himself didnt seem to hate the smell of the fish so much anymore either. He was even unconsciously salivating.

Lin Qiushi left the dining room and went into the adjacent galley.

The galley was currently empty of people. There was only stale dead fish covering the entire room. On the chopping board, on the floor, in the barrelsit was all fish, and the entire room was filled with that nauseating stench of rot. But Lin Qiushi didnt have time to care about all that. He dropped his head and began turning over the room in search for what he wanted.

Quickly, under a giant barrel, Lin Qiushi discovered a dark tunnel. He climbed inside and at the end of the tunnel saw a black metal doorwhat an exciting sight that door was. With little other care, Lin Qiushi used the key in his hand to unlock the door before him and saw the passage filled with light appear before his eyes.

Then, Lin Qiushi bent down and picked the hint slip up off the ground. He didnt even read it before shoving it into his shirt pocket.

He turned back around and returned to the dining room.

The people there were still eating fish, and this time, Lin Qiushi walked right up to Ruan Nanzhu and called his name: Zhu Meng.

Ruan Nanzhu glanced up at him. Linlin.

Can you come with me for a second? Lin Qiushi asked.

Ruan Nanzhu: But I want to eat fish.

Lin Qiushi: I know. You can eat as you come with me. Itll only be for a little bit. I found more fish in the kitchen.

After a beat of silence, Ruan Nanzhu complied with Lin Qiushis suggestion, taking the plate of fish with him as he stood up.


Really, Lin Qiushi answered with certainty.

It was only then that Ruan Nanzhu followed Lin Qiushi outside.

Seeing this, Lin Qiushi let out a breath of relief, because he knew Ruan Nanzhu hadnt been too deeply bewitched. Otherwise, he would have no other choice but to get rough, but getting rough with it was the worst option, because by Lin Qiushis own accounting, he stood no chance against Ruan Nanzhu at all. The outcome wouldve been awful.

Ruan Nanzhu obediently followed Lin Qiushi to the kitchen, and was actually pretty happy when he saw the roomful of dead fish. Only, while he was still giddy, Lin Qiushi shoved him right into the tunnel where the door was.

Pushed so, Ruan Nanzhu looked bewildered. He stood at the bottom of the tunnel, looking up all wronged: Why did you push me?

Lin Qiushi didnt answer, only got down into the tunnel with Ruan Nanzhu. He took Ruan Nanzhus hand and brought him to the exit passage, pointing inside.

Theres so much fish in there. Youll see once you go in.

Really? Ruan Nanzhu was a bit suspicious.

Really, Lin Qiushi nodded.

Ruan Nanzhu smiled, apparently believing Lin Qiushi. He turned and entered the passage, and once inside, his form disappeared. Seeing him go, Lin Qiushi let out a breath of relief. He lifted a wrist and looked at his watch, before clenching his jaw and turning once more for the dining room.

The truth was Lin Qiushi could feel that his own time was pretty much up, because the fish in the kitchen had become deeply attractive to him. The stench of gamy meat that shouldve been so abhorrent was, to the current Lin Qiushi, becoming delicious. He could only use all his willpower to fight the thought.

Against Gu Longming, Lin Qiushi had none of the gentleness he reserved for Ruan Nanzhu. He chose the simplest methodhe approached the meat-drunk Gu Longming from behind and, with a chop of his hand, knocked Gu Longming out, hoisting him up onto a shoulder. When he was carrying Gu Longming off, Lin Qiushi paused again, before also taking that Xiao Mo girl with them. As for the othersHe would like to do more, but was powerless. All he could do was his best, and saving only one life was better than none.

Taking the two to the entrance of the passage, Lin Qiushi tossed them both inside. Only then did Lin Qiushi, panting, climb into the passageway himself.

He was afraid to stay inside any longer, because he sensed that he too was wanting to eat that dead fish. As for what would happen to the people who continued feasting on the fish inside the dining room, Lin Qiushi didnt knowbut obviously, it would be nothing good.

Following the light-filled passage, Lin Qiushi returned to reality.

Once he was seated in the living room again, breathing in familiar air and enjoying the warmth of his surroundings, he experienced once more the beauty of life.

Ruan Nanzhu had also appeared beside Lin Qiushihe looked awful, and sprinted straight for the bathroom. Vomiting sounds from the toilet immediately followed.

Lin Qiushi sighed and thought how lucky he was to have not eaten that dead fish, or else hed likely be throwing up with Ruan Nanzhu right now.

About twenty minutes later, Ruan Nanzhu finally made it out of the bathroom. Hed vomited for a long time and then taken a shower. Now, he had his lower body wrapped in a towel, and was rubbing down his wet hair with an unhappy expression.

Ruan Nanzhu too flicked up the corners of his mouth.

Ye Niao stared at Ruan Nanzhu, expression somewhat dazed.

Come on, lets go back first, Lin Qiushi said. Since someone news joining us, they cooked just for you.

Thank you so much, Ye Niao said in gratitude.

Then Ye Niao got in Lin Qiushis car, and the three returned to the mansion together. On the way back, Ruan Nanzhu tepidly asked Ye Niao a few questions about some personal details.

Ye Niaos replies were earnest, and werent so different from the contents of Ruan Nanzhus investigation.

Ye Niao was born to a fengshui family, but studied western medicine in college. He joined the Public Security Bureau after graduating, and told them in the car that he once was a firm materialistuntil he found out about the existence of the doors.

So how did you almost die? Lin Qiushi asked out of curiosity at a red light.

I was sent on a mission, Ye Niao said, and all of a sudden I was inside a door. After I came out of that first door, I got shot in the stomach by the criminal. Wounded, hed been taken to the hospital, and when the bullet was taken out the doctor had even sighed about how lucky Ye Niao was. Despite getting shot in the stomach, it had only been a flesh wound. That none of his inner organs had been injured was practically a miracle.

It was easy to surmise that had Ye Niao not successfully passed the door back then, hed likely have sustained more serious injuries and died.

But why did you disguise yourself as a high school girl? Lin Qiushi looked at him and recalled the first time he passed a door with Ye Niao, and the eyeball-sizzling sight of Ye Niao in a miniskirt.

Well people let down their guards with high school girls, dont they, Ye Niao said. See? You fell for it.

He was grinning at first when he said this, but then saw Ruan Nanzhu, sitting right next to him, look over, still impassiveand that grin immediately froze. He went on to quickly and awkwardly explain:

Of course, with the missus here, other women aint nothing at all, the high school girl was completely useless

Ruan Nanzhu shot him another look, and ignored him.

Ye Niao was in cold sweat thanks to Ruan Nanzhu. He didnt think for a moment that the drama-loving Zhu Meng from inside the door would be like this outside. Were it not for how certain Lin Qiushi seemed, hed really think they were messing with him.

And the shock of this contrast reached its peak when Ye Niao got back to the mansion and learned that Ruan Nanzhu was the boss of Obsidian.

Ye Niao secretly asked Lin Qiushi in the kitchen why Ruan-ge dressed up as a woman.

Lin Qiushi looked at him, and it was like he could see his past, curious self. He said: Why dont you ask him yourself?

I wouldnt dare, Ye Niao said. Ruan-ges so scary-looking

Is he scary? Lin Qiushi said.

Hes so scary, Ye Niao said. Hes like the most dangerous criminal Ive ever seen.

Oh Lin Qiushi declined to comment.


So why do I dress up as a woman? Ruan Nanzhus voice came from right behind them, and Ye Niao shivered from head to toe, looking at Ruan Nanzhu in horror.

But Ruan Nanzhu smiled. Those lovely eyes arched into gentle lines.

Its easy if you want to know the answer.

Ye Niao,

Ruan Nanzhus smile cooled bit by bit.

Wont you know once you try it for yourself?

Ye Niao, but

What? Youll wear drag with Lin Qiushi but not with me?

Terrified, Ye Niao looked at Lin Qiushi for help, but Lin Qiushi pretended not to see it.

So Ye Niao became the new object of Ruan Nanzhus torment. Everybody in Obsidian shot him looks of sympathy, but hidden in the sympathy was also some schadenfreudethis was particularly true of Lin Qiushi. God knows he didnt want to be a poor little mute girl anymore.

After hosting a welcome party for Ye Niao, Obsidian had a new member. Who knew how far this new member would go with them? But for some things, it wasnt the results that were important. At least that was what the current Lin Qiushi believed.

As the days passed, the time for Cheng Qianli and Cheng Yixie to enter their door also came.

The atmosphere inside the mansion once again grew nervous. Hardly anybody spoke loudly inside the entire house. But more startling to Lin Qiushi was the fact that before entering the door, Cheng Yixie didnt announce the hint he had at all.

The Lin Qiushi now was no naive newbie. Through Ruan Nanzhus attitude, he could understand why Cheng Yixie did so.

Because Cheng Yixies hint was very likely special.

The type of hint that could only be obtained by a sole survivor. A hint like that could weather a monsters attack in the next door.

As for how Cheng Yixie got that hint, Lin Qiushi didnt know. All he knew was, the day before Cheng Yixie and Cheng Qianli went in the door, Cheng Yixie and Ruan Nanzhu once again had a very loud argument.

In the end the two went their separate ways, unhappy.

Cheng Qianli stood at the bottom of the stairs looking a bit down. He told Lin Qiushi: If only I was smarter.

Lin Qiushi patted his head and offered comfort in a low voice: Youre great the way you are.

Not everybody could be as quick and clever as Ruan Nanzhu and Cheng Yixie, but even not-smart people had their own not-smart ways of surviving. You couldnt demand perfection from every situation.

Plus, perhaps Cheng Qianli didnt notice, but it was his existence precisely that gave Cheng Yixie his indomitable courage.

Cheng Yixie loved his brother deeply. They were each others firmest psychic supports.

Names in this chapter:

Y Nio / Ye(4) Niao(3) / His first name literally means Bird, and his last name means Leaf.