A few days had passed, and it was now a Saturday.

The Company commissioned Ryoma to act as an agent today.

“Calm down, calm down….”

Gazing up at the crescent moon in the dark of night, he arrived at the meeting place, the parking lot near the central bank.

Today was the fifth time that he had been commissioned.

But if you were to put it in another way, this would be the first since he was working with a woman other than Himeno.

The time for the proxy starts at 20:00.

The typical guideline at the agency he works for is to arrive precisely at the planned meeting time.

This time, however, it’s different.

The Company told him to『Arrive ten minutes before the designated meeting time』.

Ryoma, who had no particular problem with this, readily agreed, but as he had only worked on behalf of Himeno, he couldn’t really know whether this was a common practice or not.

“K-kamishiro Hazuki is my client….?”

This was Ryoma’s main client today.

She had a slim figure and stood one hundred and sixty-six centimetres tall.

Her age was 26 years old.

“N-no w-way….”

It was the same name as the woman that he had helped last night.

Her height, her body proportions, and even her age were all identical.

Even so, how such a coincidence could occur was simply impossible.

It sounded bizarre to Ryoma that such a rich and beautiful woman living in a condominium would be interested in such a service.

“L-let’s not overthink things….”

Ryoma was not used to this one bit, but he knew. He knew that he needed to prepare himself against this unknown opponent. It’s not as if he went to the agency unprepared in the first place. After all, he learnt how to please women and have fun with them.

“Alright, let’s do our best.”

Ryoma slapped his cheeks and shouted this aloud, hoping to raise his fighting spirit.

However, what happened next completely caught him off guard.

“What are you on about, Agent-san?”


There was no warning at all.

Ryoma’s shoulders trembled as he heard an amorous voice whisper into his ear. With a rush of speed, he turned towards the voice, and before he knew it, someone was standing behind him.

“Mou~, no need to be so surprised, aren’t you an agent?”


The moment she uttered the word 『agent』, Ryoma immediately knew that she was the client.

She had the looks of a model, spotting a navy blue hat, a black sweater, and a tight red skirt along with a pair of black tights, all working together in perfect synchronization.

The beautiful woman who was drunk a week ago was now…..

Unable to keep up with the situation, Ryoma’s eyes widened drastically, his mouth agape.

“Oh, something got your tongue? Is there something on my face?”

“N-no, sorry. My heads just a little hazy….”

“The service starts at 20:00, which means you haven’t turned on your switch yet, am I right? Go on. There’s still time for you to adjust.”

“O-oh, thank you….”

This action was unusual for an agent. Still, he had to do so.

Because in Ryoma’s mind, the image of Hazuki Kamishiro as a person has completely collapsed.

The Hazuki that Ryoma knew was sloppy, to say the least. The image of her sprawled all over the ground with her legs stretched out, her sluggish voice from alcohol intoxication, never left his mind.

But how about now….?

The lady standing before him had her dark brown hair neatly arranged. She was nicely dressed, albeit in a beautiful manner that would steal the gazes of those around her. Her tone of voice had been refined ever more so, ladylike even.

The Hazuki before him and the Hazuki back then were like night and day.

“…..I’m sorry about what transpired earlier. It may be a little early, but allow me to introduce myself.”

“Hou~? You switch pretty quickly. That’s what I call an agent.”

“Thank you very much.”

There was a lot on Ryoma’s mind, but this was his job. He couldn’t afford to make a bad impression on his client in order to increase his earnings and create a positive atmosphere between him and the client.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Ryoma Shiba. I look forward to working with you today.”

“Likewise. I’m Hazuki Kamishiro. Nice to meet you.”

When Hazuki offered her hand to Ryoma, he hesitated for a moment, but he shrugged it off and took it immediately, shaking her hand.

Not soft like Himeno, but slippery to the touch…….

“As you may have heard from the agency, I’m six years older than you. If it’s difficult for you to speak with me in a formal tone, you can just use a tone you’re comfortable with. Just think of me as a close female friend of yours for the day.”

“Alright. Then I’ll keep my tone as it is.”

She told me to 『keep it friendly with her.』 She was trying to make my job easier. Her gentle personality, good looks, and polite tone of voice. Slowly but surely, the impression of her that I had before when she was drunk gradually disappeared.

It was also a relief for Ryoma to have a client who was willing to let him lean on her in his time of crisis.

“Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, I have a question for you, Shiba-san.”


“Is it really okay for me to say ‘nice to meet you?’ I felt like I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

“I-is that so…? Isn’t that just your imagination, Hazuki-san?”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course.”

It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Ryoma countered with a lie. It was partly because of Hazuki’s concern for him at first, along with the thought that revisiting that story would be highly embarrassing for her. In short, it was a return of his kindness.

Besides, that was a week ago. It’s not like he saved her for the sole purpose of gaining something in return.

“Ah, that’s too bad. What a shame it is, he saved my life, and I wanted to thank him. I wonder if he’ll come forward one day.”

“Oh really? If the beautiful Hazuki-san told me something like that, I’d probably come forward, even if it was a lie. Haha.”

“I’m surprised you complimented me out of the blue. Is that an attempt to divert the conversation, I wonder?”

“I d-didn’t mean that….”

Hazuki had completely seen through Ryoma’s ploy with her sharp and narrow eyes. Even so, she smiled somewhat kindly, as if there wasn’t displeasure within her at all.

“So you’re really not the man who saved me before, are you? I’m going to ask this one last time.”

“That’s right. It wasn’t me at all, so please thank the person who actually helped you.”

Of course, Ryoma was naturally curious about the ‘thanks’ that Hazuki mentioned. It felt like a waste to disregard it, but it would be a problem for him if he brought in events from outside the agency.

This was enough to make him feel like this entire thing was a test from the agency, and if he succeeded in the test, he would get paid more than his usual hourly rate. This made it easy for him to overcome the temptation.

“Hmmm…I see. I thought it was you.”

“What’s with that look on your face?”

“I just figured you were still too young to eat.”

She squeezed her face, forming a cute but dissatisfied pout.

At this point, Hazuki was already convinced that the man standing before her, Ryoma, was the one who helped her when she was drunk, which is why her current concern was heartwarming. At the same time, Hazuki is an irritated social worker that is determined to puke.

“Well, leaving things aside for now…the place that we’re going to go is the Bar, am I right? Based on what I was told by the Company today.”

“Yes, Shiba-san is 20 years old if I’m not mistaken, so you can drink a little, right?”

“Yes, a little. I looked up the store’s rules on my own, so…it is, alright……”

Ryoma, who had only just become an adult for less than a year, had never visited such a restaurant. Without a doubt, such a place had a very high threshold.

“Pfft, don’t worry about it. I’ve been to that store a lot, so it’s not as intimidating as you think.”

Hazuki stated it as if it was apparent, but from Ryoma’s point of view, this was the moment he felt the difference in their experience firsthand.

“Thank you. Is the store near here?”

“It’s about a ten to fifteen-minute walk from here. It’s called Shine, but not many people know about it because it’s kind of like a hideout.”

“Oh…that’s exciting.”

“Let’s go, then. I’ll show you around.”

“Yes, please.”

The two of them began walking to their destination.

There was no hand-holding or arm to arm action, but Ryoma was able to form a comfortable, mature smile and say, “Let’s have some fun.”

On the way to Barshine, they were met with the cold winter air.

“Hazuki-san, aren’t you cold? From the looks of it, you seem a little too lightly dressed.”

“Hmmm, I wonder if you’ll lend me that warm scarf if I tell you I’m cold.”

“Of course, I intend to. If that’s the case, you can take the jacket as well.”

“You’re pretty devoted. But if you do that, you’ll get cold, won’t you, Shiba-san?”

“I can handle the cold just fine.”

“That’s enviable. But…just because your tolerant of the cold doesn’t mean you can stand the cold, right?”

“That’s true, but as long as Hazuki-san is happy, I’m satisfied.”

“Sorry for getting a little too carried away. But thank you. For standing up to the 『Harsh cold』, for my sake.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hmm…then you can pass that off as me talking to myself. But I’m sure you know best.”

“No, I don’t…”

Hazuki had already seen through him like a piece of cake. At work, she plays a significant role as an area manager. As such, her eye for people and her eye for observation is a realm that Ryoma will never be able to match.



A short pause ensued between the both of them, and it was here that Ryoma realized what was happening.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend you, but are you really okay!? Aren’t you cold, Hazuki-san?”

“I didn’t think you’d notice… Fufu, it’s not that long of a walk, so it’s fine. I’ve chosen clothes that I can put up with from the beginning.”

As Hazuki said, fashion meant enduring the cold. In fact, most women would sympathize with this idea, but that’s not the whole story.

“Women get cold easily, so don’t hold back. I don’t mean to interfere, but you have to take care of yourself.”


Ryoma’s sister was the only member of his family left. This family environment was why he could express such strong feelings, even to Hazuki.

“I’m sure you don’t want to wear the scarf of a man that you’ve never met before, so please put on my jacket…I mean coat.”

“Well, if you say so, then I have no other choice but to wear it.”

“Thanks for listening to my selfishness. Please feel free to use it before you get cold. I’m wearing HEATTECH, so I’m not that cold.”

Ryoma quickly took off his long coat and handed it to Hazuki by the collar. He made his smile as natural as possible so as not to make her feel uncomfortable.

“Thank you. I’ll take good care of it. But why are you wearing HEATTECH even though you’re strong against the cold, Shiba-san?”

“Since when did I tell you that I’m strong against the cold?”

“Playing dumb, I see….. I’ll use it as much as I want then. To be honest, I was feeling a little cold.”

“It may be a little too big for your given your height, so please bear with it.”

“Since I am taller than most women, it shouldn’t be too baggy for me. Uwa…it’s true. All I can see are my fingertips sticking out of the sleeves. Look, look, Shiba-kun.”

Hazuki was taller than the average woman, but her clothes were one size different from Ryoma’s, who was over 175cm tall.

Hazuki raised the corners of her mouth in a slightly funny way and struck a ghostly pose to show that the back of her hand was not sticking out of the sleeves. While also showing off the beautiful dandelion coloured adult nails together.


Ryoma’s eyes were drawn to the gap moe between the graceful and glamorous atmosphere of Hazuki-san and her sleeves.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be a little cute if I told you I’m a ghost?”

Such was the case with Hazuki, who suddenly made a playful gesture. Knitting her eyebrows together, she stuck out her tongue, looking like a ghost.

This was, without a doubt, one of the many weapons Hazuki used to ensnare men. Unspeakable impressions flooded Ryoma’s mind, rendering him unable to react.

This was a response that would not only make Hazuki feel depressed but embarrass her as well.


Slowly, Hazuki lowered her head and her hands….and began buttoning up her coat as her voice grew faint.

“You could at least react a little….. Although I know it’s not what an agent would do….”

“Sorry….. It’s cute….”

Although it was an afterthought, Ryoma actually felt this way. This was all Hazuki’s fault, as she behaved in a way that made people fall in love with her.

“Then respond faster next time, okay?”


An advanced notice from the incomplete Hazuki caught him by surprise. Ryoma began bracing himself even more, and that was when he remembered.

“I don’t know whether or not it’s too late to say this, but Hazuki-san’s outfit looks nice and mature. Even without the coat, it looks really good on you.”

“Thank you. In that case, why don’t I take off my coat and show you again?”

“That would defeat the purpose of lending it to you, wouldn’t it? I think it’s warmer in the store, so I’d like you to show me again there. You look so good in it. It’s almost funny to be standing next to you.”

“Hm… You’re still young, so I’m not a fan of your self-deprecating remarks.”


“I’m talking about the “it’s almost funny that I’m standing next to you” part. Shiba-kun is more than wonderful. Though I’ve been told that many a time.”

“To be told that so many times…I can’t believe it… But, thank you.”

Ryoma was delighted to hear his words returned in the form of a counter-flattery.

“I’m pretty sure you’re 20 now, aren’t you, Shiba-san?”

“Yes, is there something on your mind?”

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but at your age, just how much womanizing have you done? You can’t just say what you just said.”

“Ah…is that it? I was surprised to hear you say that.”

“Fufu, and why’s that?”

Ryoma, was in fact, not used to women. Or, to be more precise, he’s just pretending to be used to them.

Ryoma even practised his lines to be able to do his job with Kaya’s expertise.

“You’re kind of elusive, aren’t you, Shiba-kun? You’re a rare breed, including the part where you give credit to an imaginary person.”

“That’s not true. I’m perfectly normal.”

“In the meantime, I’ll make sure you vomit every lie you ever told me, so be prepared.”

Hazuki, who was trying to dig up the matter here, accuses Ryoma in a tone without intonation. It was a flawless change of tone, similar to a voice actor. She must have planned the attack for when the distance between the two became shorter.

“Once again, it was you who saved me, wasn’t it, Shiba-kun?”

“No, I’m not.”

“But how can I thank you if you don’t confess?”

“Look, I’m not the one who saved you, so──”

Hazuki’s sense of responsibility and Ryoma’s willpower as an agent clashed.

“──Hey, Hazuki-san, you said we wouldn’t be talking about this anymore, right?”

“Gosh, it’s awful that you’re bullying a woman with your righteous argument. I think I’ll sue the agency.”

“But I’m not trying to bully you or anything!?”

“I think I’ll just start crying. You’re not telling me the truth.”

“What a cowardly thing to do…. But I’m not the one who cried, so it won’t hurt me.”

The both of them couldn’t come to a compromise in the end. In a way, that’s what makes them so special, and they would be a good match.

After that, the both of them continued on toward their destination, talking without interruption, before arriving at their destination a few minutes later.