On the way to Bar Shine. During this time, you will be exposed to the cold winter air.

“Hazuki-san, are you cold? From the looks of it, you’re lightly dressed.”

“Hah~, I wonder if you’d lend me that scarf if I said I was cold.”

“Of course, I intend to. If that’s the case, I’ll hand you my jacket, too.”

“You treat me devotedly. But, if you do it like that, you’ll get cold too, Shiba-kun.”

“I’m cold-resistant, so I’ll be fine.”

“I envy you. But……just because you’re resistant to the cold doesn’t mean you’ll put up with it, does it?”

“That’s true, but if it makes Hazuki-san happy, I’m satisfied.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. But, thank you. For holding back and saying that you’re『strong against the cold』.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Fufu, you can let that go as my soliloquy then. In any case, I’m sure Shiba-kun understands what I’m talking about.”

“T-That’s not….”

Hazuki sees through it as though it was child’s play. At work, she plays a vital role as an area manager. She has a discerning eye for people. Her observational skills are beyond comparison. She was in a domain where Ryoma was absolutely no match for her.



A short pause ensues, and it was here that Ryoma realized.

“Speaking of which, you’ve successfully diverted the conversation, haven’t you!? Aren’t you cold, Hazuki-san?”

“I didn’t think you’d notice……heh. I’m not going to be walking that long, so I’ll be fine. I’ve chosen clothes that I can put up with from the very beginning.”

Hazuki said that it was natural to endure the cold for the sake of fashion. In fact, many women tend to sympathize with this way of thinking, but that’s not all.


Ryoma’s only family now was his sister. Due to this home environment, he was able to convey his feelings for his partner, Hazuki, strongly.

“I don’t think you’d like to wear the muffler of a man you met the first time, so please put on this jacket…I mean, please put on this coat.”

“Oh, if you’re going to put it like that, then there’s no choice but to wear it, is there?”

“Thank you for complying with my selfishness. Then feel free to use it before you get cold. I’m also wearing HEATTECH, so I’m not that cold.”

Ryoma swiftly took off his long coat and handed it to Hazuki by the collar with a natural smile on his face.

“Thank you. I’ll take good care of it. Why are you wearing a HEATTECH even though you’re a cold-resistant person?”

“When did I ever say I was a cold-resistant person?”

“You’re good at feigning ignorance, Shiba-kun…. I’ll feel free to use it then. To be honest, I was a little cold.”

“It may be a little too big for your height, so please bear with it.”

“I’m taller than most women, so maybe it won’t be too baggy for me. ……. Hmmm, true. I can only see my fingertips through the sleeves. Look, Shiba-kun.”

Hazuki was taller than the average woman, but her clothes were one size different from Ryoma’s, who was over 175 centimetres tall.

Hazuki raised the corners of her mouth a little, amused, and struck a ghostly pose, showing that the back of her hand was not sticking out of the sleeves. While also showing off her beautiful dandelion-coloured adult nails altogether.


The charming aura Hazuki with her long sleeves had, that gap, mesmerized Ryoma.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be a little cute if I said I was a ghost?”

All of a sudden, Hazuki acted mischievously. She dexterously changed the shape of her eyebrows into a figure eight, stuck out her pink tongue, and approached Ryoma like a ghost.

Now that he thought about it. This must be one of the weapons Hazuki uses to make men fall for her. He was overflowing with indescribable impressions and could not react.

It was a response that would not only make Hazuki feel dejected but also cause embarrassment to gush forth within her.


As Hazuki’s voice rapidly faded away, she slowly lowered her hands and her head down….and began to close the buttons on her coat in the process.

“Y-You could have at least reacted a little… I do know that’s not something a 26-year-old would normally do.”

“I’m sorry… It was just too cute, and I ended up….”

Although it was an afterthought, it was a fact that he felt that way. Hazuki was also at fault for behaving in a way that fascinated him.

“If that’s the case, you should react faster next time. Good.”


Ryoma, who had to prepare himself for the unexpected notice from the incompletely combusted Hazuki, was reminded of this at this point.

[Tl notes: Incompletely combusted Hazuki = flustered Hazuki]

“I hope it’s not too late to say this, but Hazuki’s attire is very mature and lovely. Even without the coat, it really suits you.”

“Thank you. Then shall I take off my coat and show it to you again?”

“That would defeat the purpose of lending it to you, wouldn’t it? I think it’s warmer inside the store, so I’d like it if you could show it to me once more when we’re there. It looks so good on you that it’s almost funny that I’m standing next to you.”

“Mo ~u… You’re still young, and I, for one, am not impressed with your self-deprecating praise.”


“『It’s funny I’m standing next to you』, I’m against that. You are more than wonderful, Shiba-kun. But I’m sure you’re used to hearing lines like mine.”

“I’m used to being told such a…..thank you….”

Ryoma quickly realizes that he is being complimented, but he naturally returns her words like a counter.

“I’m pretty sure Shiba-kun is 20 years old now.”

“Yes, is something about that bothering you?”

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I wonder how many women you’ve played with at your age. Ah, I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Ahhhh…so that’s it. I’ll admit that even I was surprised about it myself.”

“Huh, what’s that?”

“In fact, I am not used to women. To be precise, I just pretend to be accustomed to them.”

Even this line was advised by his sister, Kaya, when Ryoma was practising on how to fulfil his job entirely.

“You’re somewhat elusive, aren’t you, Shiba-kun? A rare type, including the part where you give credit to an imaginary person.”

“I don’t think so? I think I’m pretty normal.”

“For the time being, I’ll absolutely make you vomit that lie, so prepare yourself.”

Hazuki condemned him in a low voice as she dug back into the matter. It was a perfect change of tone. She was probably planning to attack again when the distance was a little shorter.

“I’ll say it again, the one who saved my life was you, wasn’t it, Shiba-kun?”

“You’re mistaken.”

“If you confess, I’ll thank you.”

“You don’t owe me any thanks, and it wasn’t me who saved your life.”

Hazuki’s sense of responsibility and Ryoma’s stubbornness as an agent clashed.

“──Hey, didn’t you say we’re not going to talk about this anymore, Hazuki-san?”

“Bullying a woman with a good argument is terrible. Maybe I should sue the agency.”

“H-Hey, I didn’t mean to bully you!?”

“I think I’m going to cry now. I should call the agency and tell them you’re not being honest with me.”

“That’s not fair…..I mean, it’s not me in the first place, so it won’t do any damage if you cry.”

Not giving up on their convictions. That’s their special trait, and what makes them a good match, I’d say.

Then it was a few dozen minutes of uninterrupted conversation and excitement as they continued on their way to their destination.

Hazuki patted Ryoma on the shoulder and stopped him from moving.

This way, Shiba-kun.”

Hazuki suddenly changed direction and turned her body toward a dimly lit back alley. To be honest, it was a place with an atmosphere that one would want to be near.

“Are you sure it’s this way?”

“Fufu, there’s no point in lying here, is there? Follow me.”

She seemed familiar with the way because she didn’t show any hesitation whatsoever as she walked down the back alley, with Ryoma following closely behind.

Once they passed through the back alley, it was just a short walk.

“Here we are.”

Where Hazuki pointed her index finger, there was a small staircase leading up to the second floor, and if you look closely, there is a small plate with the word “Open” written on it is hanging on the glass doorknob.

At a quick glance, it was hard to tell if the restaurant was open for business.

“It really feels like a shop that only a few people would know….”

“I know it’s hard to get in at first, but don’t worry, I’m here to support you.”

“Haha, I’m sorry.”

“Nevermind that. I’m having a great time just conversing with you, Shiba-kun. I think we’re going to have a very satisfying time today.”

“I feel the same too. Thank you for everything.”

“Fufu, shall we go in then? And warm ourselves up?”


Because it was cold outside, she quickly beckoned him inside.

Although all of this was a first for Ryoma, Hazuki’s personality and dependability really saved him. If today’s client had not been Hazuki, he wouldn’t have been so composed…

Shine. Its interior was like a different space for Ryoma.

The interior of the store was dimly lit with nothing but candles, and jazz piano music popular from a decade ago continues to flow from the ceiling speakers gently.

Beautiful shakers were stationed at every counter. The back bar had a wide variety of whiskeys, brandies and liqueurs; all assembled together.

The bottles, which must be rare and valuable, were placed on large display-type shelves and were nicely organized as if they were for show.TL Notes: I’ll release one part every 1 to 2 days, if you wanna know why I’m taking such a long time to tl koibito, that’s because it’s complex to me(out of all the novels I’m doing, this is the hardest to tl), along with the way its worded, so I stalled it, but, I’ve decided it’s time to finish it once and for all, so I’ll release a part every 1 to 2 days. And just to mention this, V2 has 3 chapters only, excluding prologue of course, so, ye, I can probably get to v3 in a short time or so. So, sorry for making you wait.