Chapter 2 - Progress (Part 3)

"Hoshimiya, I'm really sorry. I got too carried away."



I called Hoshimiya's back as he quickly walked away.

Have I really angered him? What should I do? .......

As I regretted what I had done, Hoshimiya stopped in an instant.


"......Do you want me to forgive you?"

"Yes, yes ....... I want you to forgive me."

I nodded at Hoshimiya who had his back to me.

"Well, I'll forgive you if you take over cleaning the bathtub for today...."

Cleaning the bathtub ...... Hoshimiya and I took turns washing the bathtub every day.

So, I decided to agree to it, if that's what he wanted.

"Okay. I'll wash the bathtub today."

"Okay, if you don't mind...."

She seemed to have given his permission, and although I walked next to Hoshimiya, he did not walk ahead of me. We started walking shoulder to shoulder. It was as if going home together had become a common thing.

"Kuromine-kun, when did you and Kana become best friends?"

"We weren't best friends."

"Really? But just now, you guys looked like you worked well together, didn't you?"

"I only talked a little with Kana during my lunch break today."

"Talk? What did you talk about?" ......Ah, it's okay. I don't like it when people interfere too much in my life either."

"I won't hide it from you, you know? Kana just told me to look after Hoshimiya."

"Wh-What? That's really an unnecessary favor... besides, Kuromine-kun, you call Kana by her name, right?"


"No, it's nothing."

Hoshimiya shook his head and ended the conversation. I don't know what happened, but I decided not to pursue the matter further. By the way, I don't know Kana's last name.

I don't know what it was, but the feeling Hoshimiya had just now... was she jealous?

I peeked at Hoshimiya's face.

She.pursed his lips slightly and looked displeased.

She seemed to be trying to calm himself down by combing his hair with his fingers.

I'm not sure if it's the same as what Kana said, but Hoshimiya--

Damn, my face is getting hot......!

What is this?! Do I really like Hoshimiya?!

Before, it was just a mere flirtation, right...?!

But I still like Yono, and I still love her. ......

What should I do?! I've fallen in love with two girls at the same time...!

"Hmm? What's wrong, Kuromine? You've been looking restless since earlier."

"Ah, is that so? Just like usual, maybe...?"

"The way you speak is very deliberate...."

I wonder how Hoshimiya feels.

It would be better to make it clear in order to continue this life in the future...!

"This may be sudden, but, Hoshimiya, is there someone you like...?"

"What?! It's really sudden!"

"Is there an ......?"

"Yes, um ...... is ............."

"I've known before that you don't have a boyfriend, but I haven't known if there's someone you like. I guess this will be a rather important question considering we're going to move on with our lives this time."

"Ah, uh ...... umm, maybe ......?"

"Yes? Is there someone you like......?"

I'm so nervous! This is probably the most nervous I've ever been in my life! My hands are sweating profusely!

I wasn't nervous at all when I expressed my feelings to Yono, because I thought I would definitely be accepted.

But apparently, I...

"......Maybe yes, maybe no ......"

Hoshimiya said hesitantly, his cheeks flushed.

"What do you mean by 'maybe'?"

"I don't know ...... I don't think there is one yet. This is the first time I've felt this feeling ...... and also ....... I'm not sure if this means I like someone."


"I don't know if I ...... be able to answer that question for myself."

What is it? You're not an elementary school kid, so you should be able to understand the romantic feelings you have inside yourself, right?

"Who is that person?"


"I wonder who it is."

I asked him unintentionally and with a slight bite in my mouth.

"Well, it's ............ umm... awawa."

Hoshimiya, who was in a hurry to keep his distance from me, backed up and tripped over his own heels and lost his balance. She almost fell backwards, but I quickly grabbed Hoshimiya's arm and caught him.

"Are you alright?"


I let go of Hoshimiya's arm. Then, Hoshimiya pulled away from me slightly and complained.

"Kuromine-kun, you have no sensitivity."

"─── Ugh."

"You shouldn't constantly ask about that kind of thing."

"No, I'm just curious...."

"I understand your feelings ....... but if you ask too much, people will hate you, you know."



I may have gotten a little off track.

Above all, I don't know how to talk about love.

"Don't be discouraged. It's not that I hate Kuromine-kun."

"I'm not... that depressed."

"Really? You look like a scolded puppy."

"What kind of face are you talking about, huh?"

As I said this in a dissatisfied manner, Hoshimiya smiled brightly, as if she was trying to cheer me up.

And then, "Nn~~" she frantically stretched his body and patted my head.

"Cup, cup, cup."

"You treat me like a dog."

"Shake hands!"


Hoshimiya extended his hand, so I immediately shook hands with him.

......Do I no longer have any pride in myself?

"Ahaha, you've suddenly become obedient. Then, let's go, Faithful Dog Riku-kun."



Hoshimiya's part-time job was on vacation, so we decided to stop by the cafe on the way home.

Of course, Hoshimiya invited me.

There were a lot of people at the cafe, and the atmosphere was livelier.

More importantly, the bright lighting made me feel refreshed.

It's a very ordinary cafe that anyone can easily enter.

If it was a cafe with a fashionable atmosphere, I would feel intimidated.

"Do you come here often?"

"Yes, that's right. I came here with my friends."

Hoshimiya, who was sitting opposite me, said with a smile.

Then I looked at the parfait on the table.

"Are you going to eat all of this?"

"......It might be hard."

"Hahaha......" Hoshimiya chuckled. Well, it was indeed a parfait, but the size was strange. About the size of a small bucket. A jumbo parfait, perhaps?

There were tons of fruits cut up and stuck inside, with chocolate candies filling the gaps. I felt dumbfounded just looking at it.

"I've never ordered this before! So I was a little curious! But, it's bigger than I imagined. ...... I don't think I can eat this alone."

"I don't think it was originally designed to be eaten by one person, right? They provide two spoons for two people."

Also, a jumbo parfait was placed in the center of the table.

The waiter must have considered it to make it easier for two people to eat together.

"Kuromine-kun. If you want, why don't we eat together?"

"Okay. Leave it to me."

With no reason to refuse, I picked up the spoon and started digesting the parfait with Hoshimiya.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I suddenly realized what was going on.

..... Yes, we looked like a real couple. A man and a woman poking at a parfait together!

But Hoshimiya is Hoshimiya. She must have said, "Will you eat with me?" without thinking.

Well, that's how it is. That's the lightness of a gal......!

..... Oh, I suddenly felt nervous. My heart started racing.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on myself.

The fire will cool down if you're in the right frame of mind.


I opened my eyes and started eating my parfait in silence.

Yes, I was the only one who realized this.

Hoshimiya enjoys his parfait without paying attention to anything────

When I looked at Hoshimiya's face, she also looked at me at the same time.

We were both frozen with spoons in our hands.

And then, Hoshimiya smiled humbly and shyly as she said, "Ah......."

Haha, looks like I wasn't the only one who noticed!

If you look closely, you can see that Hoshimiya's cheeks are slightly flushed.

The hand moving the spoon was awkward, and I could sense that she was nervous.

Once I realized this, I suddenly lost my strength and laughed lightly, "Haha."

"K-Kuromine-kun? Hey, did I do something ...... weird?"

"No, nothing strange."

I slowly shook my head at Hoshimiya, who looked confused.