Chapter 4 - The Truth (Part 5)

"What's going on?"

I leaned against the railing of the corridor and looked up at the cloudy night sky.

But Hoshimiya's terrifying screams continued to echo from inside the room.

The stalker problem was solved, and we confirmed each other's feelings. .......

Although it's just beginning.

"......The noises stopped.

The quiet night finally came.

When I turned around, the door opened. It was Mondo-san who appeared.

His arm was covered with many scratches and blood was smeared all over it.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, Riku-kun. I'm sorry for kicking you out so suddenly."

Mondo-san laughed as usual with a silly grin. His demonic appearance earlier seemed to be an illusion.

"Um, Hoshimiya..."

"Don't worry, she already sleeping."

"I see. ......."

That's not what I wanted to ask.

I'm sure Mondo-san would know.

Wondering where to start asking him, I put my hand to my chin and thought.

"Do you know anything about ...... Mondo-san?"

"Yes, I know. I think this is the third time I've seen Ayana-chan like this."

"Three times?"

"It was a long time ago, so I guess I was a little surprised. I'm sure you heard about it. About that, about the car ...... around ...... and, hmm......?"

"About her parents and driving ......?"

"......Mhm. I don't know, but it would be nice if that was all. ...... I think something happened and her memory of it came back."

What the hell are you talking about?

I thought, muttering to myself.

"Mondo-san. Please explain in a way I can understand."

"Are you sure?"

"What ...... why?"

"If you want to find out, there's no turning back, okay? First of all, it will definitely change the way Riku-kun looks at Ayana-chan."

It wasn't a joke or anything, but a serious question with real weight. What did he mean by "willingness"?

I don't know what it means, but ......

"Please tell me...."

"Well, all right."

Then Mondo-san looked me in the eye and said something I couldn't believe.

"Ayana-chan's parents... committed suicide."

The night wind caressed my skin, making me feel cold.

The silence in the middle of the night made the words too heavy to hear clearly.

"It's a lie, right..."

"It's not a lie."

"But Hoshimiya talks like his parents are still alive. His parents are away for work...."

"This is what we call amnesia......"


"When a person experiences painful events beyond their capacity, they easily rewrite their own memories."

"But even so..."

A moment ago, she spoke with great excitement. She was very happy with her memories of her parents.

Seeing my uncertain state of mind, Mondo-san looked up at the overcast night sky and began to speak softly.

"About three years ago, Ayana-chan's parents died. At that time, Ayana-chan was in the eighth grade."

"Why did they come to ......?"

"There are many possible reasons, but the biggest reason is guilt, I guess."


"They got into a car accident on their way home from a trip...."


My heart jumped.

"What happened to the victim?"

"They died."


That was the answer I was hoping for.

Seeing my silence, Mondo-san continued his story with a grim expression on his face.

"Ayana-chan's parents were heavily accused. The neighbors gave them white eyes and ...... Ayana-chan was also bullied at school."


"Ayana-chan's parents have always had a good and honest reputation. Neighbors and relatives adore them. Of course, I adore them as well."

"Um, what is the relationship between Mondo-san and Hoshimiya......?"

"Ah. Well, I never had the chance to see Ayana-chan. But it seems that we first met after Ayana-chan's parents died."

"But Ayana-chan didn't recognize me." Mondo-san added.

"Back to the story, Ayana-chan's parents had a good reputation, and the way they lost their credibility was when they had that terrible accident."


"Ayana-chan's parents are very kind people, or rather, they are people who cannot ignore the misfortune and suffering of others. I heard that they are also very active in volunteer work. I guess that's why. They couldn't bear the fact that they had taken someone's life."

"So, they suicide......? Leaving Hoshimiya?"

Mondo-san nodded silently.

Damn, I can't believe it.

It's true, it was a difficult situation, but to leave her daughter and take her own life?

"She saw it, that Ayana-chan."

"Saw what?"

"She saw her own parents hanging."


"When Ayana-chan came home from school, she went into the living room and ...... they were already ......"

Mondo-san frowned as if imagining the scene.

Obviously, Hoshimiya must have been very surprised.

So much so that she had to manipulate her own memories.

"Ayana-chan, who became a single person, had to live with her grandparents, but it seemed to be very difficult for her, and ...... Ayana-chan is alienated all the time, or acts like she was just now."


"Well, her grandparents' house is filled with things related to her parents. The smell of the house and the sight of her grandparents ...... remind her of her parents."

"But..." Mondo-san continued.

"Somewhere along the way, Ayana-chan got better. It was as if nothing had happened."

"So she changed her memory..."

Yes, it is. In Ayana-chan's mind, her parents were on a business trip. Still, there are times when she suddenly remembers them. When she sees things that are related to her parents."

"But why does she agree with the photo and the t-shirt?"

"Not at first. But over time, I think her memory has been manipulated. She has learned to accept certain things."


"However, when she saw her grandparents, she remembered her parents, and she couldn't live a normal life ....... so Ayana-chan decided to live alone. She also chose a high school far away from her hometown. It fits the atmosphere where her parents are on a business trip, right?"

"I see. ......."

"And ......, even if Ayana-chan makes a scene in the apartment, I'm the owner, so I can take responsibility. Well, it's just me and Ayana-chan living here anyway."

"Oh ...... what? Mondo-san is the owner?"

"Yes, that's right. Didn't I tell you?"

You didn't tell me! I wonder how many times Mondo-san has managed to surprise me.

"Ayana-chan and I haven't met, you know. So when Ayana-chan sees me, she won't remember her parents. Because there's no sense of kinship between us at all."

"You're a suitable guardian for her..."

I don't know what kind of exchange happened, but Mondo-san decided to take care of Hoshimiya.

Thinking back to the day I first met her, she was playing around. As soon as I opened the door, she yelled, "Ayana-chan!" and shouted .....

Mondo-san is not just a weird ero manga artist.

"The real Ayana-chan doesn't look like a girl at all."

"I know. Because her real appearance is like this, isn't it?"

"I think her appearance matured when she entered high school. This is just my speculation, but the change must be some kind of self-protection. Is it strange to say that she acts ...... to protect her own spirit?"

Mondo-san smiled wryly and changed his expression to a serious one and said.

"Ayana-chan is protecting her own mind by faking her memories and changing her appearance."

"So that's why..."

Knowing Hoshimiya's past, I was confused.

I didn't know how to react.

Looking back now, there were a few events that made me realize that.

First of all, there was the day Hoshimiya and I met for the first time.

When I told her that I was going to suicide, she cried a lot.

Maybe she was subconsciously remembering his parents.

What's more, I've just noticed that Hoshimiya's self-description has changed.

Right after the convenience store robbery, she used the word "I," but I noticed that it had changed to "I'am" Perhaps she was struck with overwhelming fear and a bit of the real Hoshimiya came out.

[TL: From "Watashi" to "Atashi".]

There's more. When Hoshimiya was sleeping, she once mumbled the words "Father, Mother" while crying. After I found out about it, it made sense.

"I heard that the victim died. ...... A family? Or what?"

"I didn't get the details down to the names, but it was a family of four. A couple, a middle school boy, and an elementary school girl."


"I don't know if I can say it was the only grace that saved them, but I think I heard that only their middle school son survived."


"Well, I still wouldn't call her a survivor. I'm not sure if she would accept the fact ...... that she herself is the only survivor."

I heard Mondo-san's words in the distance.

What is this? My heart was beating very fast.

Even though my hands were cold, I was starting to sweat.

--- "Hey, Riku-chan. Do you remember Ayana-chan's last name, Hoshimiya?"

Why did I suddenly remember Yono's words?

This time I replied, "Well, because we're classmates... ...."


How could I remember her just because he was a classmate?

I'm not interested in girls other than Yono.

I'm not sure if I can even remember the names of my classmates?

For example, Kana, Hoshimiya's friend.

I still don't know Kana's last name, and I only call her Kana because Yono calls her Kana.

So I have no interest in girls other than Yono.

So why do I remember the name "Ayana Hoshimiya"?

Although she was a conspicuous presence, Kana was no different from her.

Still, I can remember Hoshimiya without realizing it.

......No, instead of remembering, what if I had known for a long time?

What if the memories that were locked away in the back of my brain came back to me unconsciously?

What if I was corrupting my memories the way Hoshimiya was corrupting his?

All I remembered from middle school was my daily life with Yono and the time my family had an accident.

...... That's all I remember.

"What's wrong, Riku-kun? You don't look so good."


The memories that had been dormant came back to me vividly, and a reenactment of the event flowed through my mind as if I was there.

I stopped and tied my shoelaces.

I looked up and saw my parents and younger brother, who were only a few steps away from me, killed when a car hit them.

The three of them came out of the car in a pool of blood, amidst the noise and screams of the people around them.

Two nice adults and a simple girl. All three were pale.


My head hurt like it was going to burst. But still, the blur that hung over my memory dissipated by itself.

The two adults were the couple in the photograph in Hoshimiya's room.

While the innocent girl was Hoshimiya──

"Ugh, ugh ...... aaa......!"

I leaned my back against the hallway wall and collapsed.

Here it is....

That is how I felt when I saw the photo.

As my hazy memories faded away, the passion that had been dormant in the bottom of my heart erupted.

At that moment... ....

"Riku-kun! What's wrong with you?!"



"They killed my family..... Hoshimiya's parents.....?!"