Chapter 2 - Determination (Part 2)

"Here you go, Kuromine-kun."

"Thank you."

I took the bowl from Hoshimiya and checked the rice.

The rice was slightly steamed and each grain was fluffy.

"Riku-kun, you can stay here as long as you like. I also have Tappei-san's clothes."

Tappei-san ...... was the name of Soeda-san's late husband.

"Thank you very much. I'll take them."

I bowed my head politely and thanked her. Soeda-san really is a kind-hearted person. She accepted me well despite my sudden arrival. However, I still have to be a little more careful.

"By the way, are you going out with Ayana-chan, Riku-kun?"


"Soeda-san! What are you talking about all of a sudden?! We're not dating!"

Unlike me, who froze with my mouth half open, Hoshimiya's face turned bright red and she became angry.

Soeda-san nodded repeatedly with a calm expression on his face, unconcerned.

"Oh yeah, that's strange. The way Riku-kun looks at Ayana-chan is similar to the way Tappei-san looks at me, you know."


Hoshimiya, no longer able to speak, looked at me.

His eyes met mine, and then she looked away and continued to look down.

"......Soeda-san, don't say strange things. It will make the situation with Kuromine-kun awkward..."

Hoshimiya reprimanded with a small voice that sounded like a mosquito. Seeing Hoshimiya's cheerful side on display, Soeda-san did not lose her calm expression.

"Sorry, Ayana-chan."

"It's okay ...... if you're careful next time ......."

"Yeah yeah, I'll be careful. By the way, are you and Ayana-chan really dating?


Soeda-san is probably too old for that.


[Kana's POV]

The room prepared for me was a six tatami mat room on the second floor.

It seemed to be unused because there was nothing in the room except the futon. It's a gloomy scene.

Riku's room was also on the second floor, and I think it was the same.

When I opened the window, the night breeze blew in, and I could hear the chirping of insects from the nearby forest.

Hooo...... hooo.......

Mixed in with the combined sounds of nature, I even heard the hooting of an owl. ......

"It feels like a village! ..... Ugh, bugs!"

I quickly closed the window as some bugs smaller than my fingertips tried to fly in.

The invading bugs buzzed and made unpleasant wing noises and swarmed around the lamp.

Staring at them, I couldn't help but sit down, feeling sad and thinking about Riku and Ayana.

What could I do for them?

The more I tried to understand, the more the situation developed and the more I realized that there was nothing I could do. Especially when I think about Riku's feelings, I feel a tightness in my chest.

This is too painful. It's too painful to be forgotten by the person you love. ....

In Riku's case, it's not just about being forgotten.

His accident and the breakup with Harukaze, a childhood friend who had been with him all his life, were clearly too much. But after all these events, Riku still likes to visit Ayana.

But the result of all this is .....!

--- "I just want to see her, I want to live with her...."

Riku reveals his true feelings to Ayana's grandmother.

The way he spoke, neither hot nor cold, made it painfully clear that it was a sincere thought, an honest and pure feeling.

It made me want to do something about it.

And of course I wanted to do something about Ayana's ────.

"Ayana, how can you forget Riku?"

Unable to bear the painful event, she faked her memories to protect her own mind.

That's what Riku told me.

"So, for Ayana, Riku is the cause of this pain...."

Or maybe he couldn't stand the guilt, and now he's at a point where he can't stand the feeling?

Ayana's character is always blaming herself endlessly.

As a result, she forgets about Riku, the person she feels guilty about, and protects her own heart....right?

"Ah! I can't even think about it! I'm not good at using my head!"

I scratched my head with my raging emotions.

There was no doubt that this was a problem that deviated from normal relationships.

The fact that there was no one to blame made it even more difficult.

"Your relationship has been reset ...... no, it's worse."

I was also worried about Riku. He seemed unperturbed, but he was absent-minded at dinner.

I wasn't in a good mood. But I'm sure Riku must be thinking what I'm thinking right no..

And what will happen next... ....

"Okay. Let's go to Riku's place."

Now that I had vowed to be a collaborator, I couldn't just sit on the sidelines.

Instead, I wanted to help in any way I could.

Just as I was about to get up and leave the room, the door opened and Ayana appeared. Her expression was serious, as if she wanted to ask me something.

"Ayana? What's wrong?"

"Uh, I want to ask you something ..... is that okay?"

"Sure. ......."

I invited Ayana into the room and we stood facing each other.

I noticed that I was trying to brace myself, knowing the situation, but Ayana's shoulders were also tense.

Her eyes moved from side to side and she fidgeted with awkward movements.


For some reason, there was a feeling of tension in the room. Should I encourage her to speak first?

I thought so, but as if determined, Ayana opened her mouth and began to speak.

"Well, I wanted to ask about Kuromine-kun....."

"About Riku?"

"Yes. I know that Kuromine-kun and I have no relationship, right? But it's impossible that I don't know anything about Kuramine-kun ...... that's why I want to know more about Kuromine-kun ............. ahaha".

Ayana, who spoke at once, chuckled as if to hide something.

It's only natural that you're curious when a man you've never had contact with before suddenly visits you.

That's obvious, but I feel that Ayana's reaction is a bit different.

Ayana's shy demeanor, her quick and slightly high tone of voice... .......

I couldn't help but feel something sweet and sour inside.

"Okay, what do you want to know about Riku? I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

"Then ...... is Kana close to Kuromine-kun? You call each other by name and there's an aura of intimacy around you. Are you dating?"

"Me and Riku are dating ......? No, no, no! No, no, no! That's impossible! Riku is not my type!"

I waved my hand vigorously and reassured her while laughing. No, I'm serious.

"You deny it so much ...... but you get along so well, don't you? I've never seen Kana hanging out with a boy before."

"Hmm, more of a cooperative relationship than good friends?"

I crossed my arms and thought about it, then said, "I don't know. I don't even feel like I'm friends with Riku."

"What kind of cooperative relationship?"



"The point is that Riku and I are not in a romantic relationship and never will be, so don't worry."


Ayana was relieved that one of her worries had been solved.

Is there more ......?

From the storyline, what Ayana really wants to know is Riku's romantic attachment....

I want to explore that a bit more.

"Oh, Riku is quite popular. He doesn't stand out in class, but some girls like him."

Of course that's a lie, impossible, really.

The boys in the class said, "That pervert is stalking Harukaze!" "He's so dark, I don't know what's in his head." "He's good at sports and studying, and it pisses me off." While the girls said, "He has a nice face if you look closely, but he's too plain," "He stares at Yono-chan all the time, it's terrible." "He's a mysterious creature who lives in the corner of the classroom."

In a way, the Riku Kuromine I know is a popular person because of this.

Ayana, who had faked her memories and was unaware of this fact, said, "Yes, ...... Kuromine-kun, he's popular ....... he's so cool". And she really believed my words and mumbled worriedly.

"Riku, he already has a girlfriend."

"Yes, he has a girlfriend ...... Kuromine-kun. Hahaha............."

Ayana, with an expression similar to sadness, lowered both shoulders and fell into a glaring depression.

The atmosphere was dark and so depressing that even dark clouds could be seen above Ayana's head.

Guilt filled my chest. So I decided to stop the story immediately.

"No, no! Riku doesn't have a girlfriend! I was just teasing Ayana!"

"Hey, why are you lying?!"

Ayana, whose face was flushed red, puffed out her cheeks playfully and angrily.

But then she quickly mumbled, "He doesn't have a girlfriend, well," and her face relaxed with relief. The dark clouds dissipated and the light shone. With all these ingredients, it was clear what it meant.

Ayana had noticed Riku.

"Are you worried about Riku?"

"Somehow, yes. There's something different about him than the boys I've seen before. Strange. .......I'm really curious. What is it, Dad?"

Ayana crossed her arms and tilted her head. She could not understand her own feelings.

This limitation was also typical for Ayana.

...........I want to tell you everything.

But I won't.

Even if I have to tell him about the past, it's something that Riku should do himself.

I, as a collaborator, must not act to change the flow.

"Well, don't you have Riku's contact information?"

"Yeah, I don't know, okay? I've never talked to him."


If they lived together, at least they had exchanged contact information. On the train, Riku said, "I didn't contact her about me visiting her," but Ayana said she didn't know.

Did she accidentally delete Riku's contact information?

It's not surprising that she would do that. Since it was necessary to manipulate his memory... .......

Right after that, Ayana said, "I have some things to do, so I'm going downstairs. Thank you for telling me everything," and left the room.

Based on what I've seen so far, I have an almost conclusive hypothesis.

"......His memories are gone, but his affection for Riku hasn't disappeared