Chapter 684

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 684

Bear-san Shows her Skills to the Guild Master

“So, Guild Master, what do you know about fairies?” (Noa)

“Sorry, I’ve never seen any fairies before. I only know about them through rumors and what I’ve heard from the knights talking about them, and from what I’ve heard, I was convinced that they were real. Also, it seems like there is someone they know who can see fairies.” (Guild Master)

“Is it the Lord?” (Noa)

“It is most likely him or someone related to him.” (Guild Master)

Was Primme’s sister using the Lord’s magic power to show herself to others?

If so, Primme’s sister might be lending her power to the Lord.

There was a thin line between being captive or only trying to help someone.

Hmmm, how should we approach this?

“Carla-san doesn’t seem to know about the Lord, does the Guild Master know about the current Lord?” (Noa)

I was curious about Primme’s sister, but right now, we needed information about the Lord.

“You’re a smart lad even for your age. Well, what I know is that he is really skilled with magic.” (Guild Master)

“But you don’t know the details of what happened after he went to the royal capital, right?” (Noa)

“Yeah, that’s why I researched about him.” (Guild Master)

The Guild Master answered Noa’s question.

“Carla-san didn’t seem to know though.” (Noa)

“I didn’t ask anyone to look it up for me. I simply used my privilege as the Adventurers’ Guild Master to do a little personal research about him.” (Guild Master)

“And the results?” (Noa)

“I heard that he excelled at the royal capital’s academy. His magic and his studies were excellent.” (Guild Master)

A genius, huh?

“So, when he was a student, apparently, he was passionately researching something.” (Guild Master)

“Could it be?” (Noa)

“Right, it’s about fairies. His research focused on fairies.” (Guild Master)

“Then, probably at some point, he met Primme’s older sister and brought her with him.” (Noa)

For now, we have at least found some kind of connection, albeit not proven.

“I don’t think he will be able to see us fairies just because he’s been studying us, though.” (Primme)

“I’m sure it might not just be some random fairy he met. It probably just happened that the Lord could see your sister or something.” (Guild Master)

Everyone agreed with the Guild Master’s words.

When I went to the fairy forest, there were many fairies, and I was sure that there were even more hiding or not living in the forest.

This time, however, we could only conclude that maybe the Lord was on the same magic wavelength as Primme’s sister, making her visible to him.

“Still, there’s something I don’t understand. If he only wanted to learn about fairies, why is he taking the magic power away from the residents and giving that power to the knights to collect magic stones?” (Rosa)

The Guild Master shook his head at Rosa-san’s words.

“We don’t know that much either, but it might surely be related to fairies.” (Guild Master)

Since his main focus in his research was about fairies, it was quite possible that the current events were related.

However, just as Carla-san said, we didn’t really know.

“Could it be... to extract power from fairies...” (Yuna)

“My sister’s!?” (Primme)

Suddenly, the thought that came to my mind leaked out of my mouth, and Primme reacted.

“No, it’s just a possibility, and it doesn’t mean it’s really the case. So calm down.” (Yuna)

Fairies always had a special place in fantasy.

It wouldn’t be strange if they had some mysterious powers.

There was a good chance that fairies had outstanding powers that we just didn’t know about.

The Lord was a person who was researching fairies, so it might be possible that he knew something about those unknown fairy powers.

But I couldn’t outright mention this in front of Primme.

It was possible that Primme’s older sister had suffered an even worse fate. And if I also mentioned that right now, Primme might just move out on her own to look for her sister without thinking about the consequences.

“Speaking of which, why did Carla-san say it was dangerous when I tried to ask about the Lord?” (Rosa)

“Ugh” (Yuna)

Blitz seemed to have read my mind and said so.

But Blitz’s words were correct, so there was nothing I could say in return.

“Also, if you are planning to do something dangerous, it would be annoying to have them worry about you every time. Yuna likes to do things by herself.” (Blitz)

Blitz said so as if he were reading my heart.

Did he have a skill to read minds?

Was that why he was able to capture the hearts of women?

“Also, Yuna should consider the feelings of people that are waiting for you while not knowing your abilities. If they think of you as a normal girl, they won’t allow you to do anything dangerous. They’ll be very worried. Of course, even if you showed them your power, their anxiety and worries might still not go away, but that would at least make them less anxious.” (Blitz)

Blitz was right, I guess.

If I were to fight the knights, I would make Carla-san and the Guild Master worried. But if they knew my abilities, they wouldn’t have to worry that much.

Maybe Blitz said something like that to show the Guild Masters how good I was.

I understood what Blitz meant, so I decided to prove myself to the Guild Master.

I moved to the field behind the Adventurer’s Guild and made arrangements with the guild master.


“...” (Yuna)

The Guild Master was now on the floor crawling.

“I can’t believe it.” Carla-san said.

“As expected of Yuna-san...” said Noa.

“Yuna is strong after all.” said Blitz.

“It’s outstanding, and she can also use magic.” Rosa-san said.

“One person that can act as both a warrior and a magician.” Ran said.

“I want to try fighting Yuna as well.” Grimos said.

Blitz and others who were watching the match between me and the Guild Master shared their thoughts.

“I lost to a girl dressed as a bear...” (Guild Master)

I showed my abilities to the Guild Master so that he wouldn’t get worried.

Of course, I didn’t use my strongest attacks such as bear magic.

If I used it, he would definitely die.

“By the way, that girl over there.” (Guild Master)

The Guild Master looked at Noa, who was younger.

Well, I guess, I expected that reaction from him.

“I have studied magic, but I can’t fight.” (Noa)

The Guild Master and Carla-san looked relieved at Noa’s words.

“Noire-chan, you can use magic?” (Rosa)

“Yes, Yuna-san taught me the basics.” (Noa)

Saying so, she created a palm-sized clay bear doll.

Everyone was impressed when they saw the bear made of clay.

The more precise the shape, the more precise the magic manipulation and image needed.

It seemed like she had been studying properly since then.

I also told them about Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, and how they could transform, and that they were Noa’s bodyguards.

“My common sense is crumbling.” (Guild Master)

It bothers me when I hear people say things like that, but to me, this other world itself was outside my common sense.

Magic? What was that? How mind-blowing!

“I understand the girl’s abilities. Then, why don’t I test out the abilities of the rest of you.” (Guild Master)

Blitz and his party also showed their abilities to the Guild Master.

The Guild Master was strong, but so were Blitz and his party.

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