Chapter 685

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 685

Bear-san, Primme, Moving Out

We split up and began our designated tasks.

Blitz and the others went off to defeat the monsters, while Noa and I went together to check out the Lord’s mansion.

“About Primme-san’s sister, is she working with the Lord of this town?” (Noa)

Noa asked me on our way to the mansion.

“Judging from the information we have collected thus far about fairies and piecing the other information that Noa has detected Primme’s sister’s magic from this town, I think we can be sure that she’s there.” (Yuna)

Now, if she were not here, we would be in trouble for a different reason.

“What is your sister like, Primme-san?” (Noa)

“She is a kind sister. She doesn’t do anything bad, and when I misbehave, she warns me. So I don’t think she would help a bad person.” (Primme)

If that was the case, then it’s more likely that the Lord forced her to do everything that has happened to the townsfolk.

But they say people could easily be influenced by their surroundings.

Maybe she was happy to meet someone who could see her, and she listened to what they asked her to do.

Whatever it may be, we could not proceed further without understanding Primme’s sister’s situation first.

“It looks like that’s the place!” (Noa)

We were near the Lord’s house that Carla-san had told us about.

The Lord’s mansion occupied a large plot of land away from the center of town, with a forest a short distance away.

Only in this town was the Lord’s mansion located in a location that you could say “As expected of a Lord’s Mansion in Another World”.

“If we get any closer, we’ll be noticed, so let’s check from here.” (Yuna)

“Can we do it from here?” (Noa)

Even though what I said sounded like we were close, we were so far away that we could only glimpse the mansion.

I then turned my attention to a large tree.

“Let’s take a look from above that tree.” (Yuna)

Looking up at the tree, Noa replied, “I can’t climb trees.”

That’s to be expected. I couldn’t climb a tree as well without bear equipment.

So, I used earth magic to create stairs behind the tree.

“Yuna-san can use magic effortlessly.” (Noa)

“Noa, if you practice a lot, you’ll be able to do it as well.” (Yuna)

Noa and I climbed the dirt stairs and looked at the mansion above the tree.

A knight stood in front of the mansion’s gate, looking bored. The inside of the wall was a large area like a garden, and the distance from the entrance to the mansion was about 100 meters.

Typical rich people’s houses.

“Is my sister in that house...” (Primme)

“Noa, can you feel her magic power?” (Yuna)

Since we were now closer, Noa might be able to sense the magic power of Primme’s sister more clearly.

Noa closed her eyes and started to focus.

Then, she immediately opened her eyes and stared straight at the mansion.

“How was it?” (Yuna)

“Just like yesterday, I can feel the presence of Primme-san’s sister from all over the town, but I can also feel it from inside that mansion. And...” (Noa)

“And?” (Yuna)

“I can feel it from that knight.” (Noa)

Noa turned to the knight standing in front of the gate.

“Perhaps the magic power I felt, from Primme-san’s sister, was coming from the knights patrolling the town.” (Noa)

As Guild Master and Carla-san said, Primme’s older sister may be granting those knights her fairy powers.

Primme mumbled to herself in a low voice, “My sister gives power to those humans...”

“So, Noa, you said you could feel the presence of Primme’s sister from the mansion, but can you tell if she is really inside?” (Yuna)

“I don’t know if Primme-san’s sister is in the mansion or if it’s because there are so many knights, but I can feel a strong connection from the mansion.” (Noa)

I slowly entered the room through the small window.

There were no humans inside. Looking around the room. The atmosphere felt different from other rooms.

There might be something here.

As I looked around the room, a picture hanging on the wall caught my eye.

“Huh, sister?” (Primme)

There was a fairy drawn in the picture, and that fairy was my sister.

I approached the painting

My sister in the picture was dignified and beautiful.

“Big Sister...” (Primme)

I touched my sister’s picture.

Then, was my sister really in this place?

There might be a clue about my sister somewhere in this room.

I searched the room, but since I didn’t know much about humans, there were many things I didn’t understand.

Yuna or Noa might have discovered something, but I was alone right now.

As I was looking for clues about my sister, I heard a clicking sound, followed by the sound of a door opening. I quickly hid behind something.

Even though I knew that they couldn’t see me, I still did so thinking that there might be a possibility of being discovered.

A human man entered the room.

When the man entered the room, he stood before the picture of my sister hanging on the wall and stared at it.

“...You are mine.” (???)

This man might be the Lord of this town that Yuna and the others had talked about, and he was the one who might have seen my sister and brought her here.

I wanted to jump out and ask him about my sister, but I was scared.

I didn’t know why, but I felt like I wanted to get away from this person as soon as possible.

I had to run away quickly.

Looking at the human, he stared at my sister’s picture and didn’t move.

Should I escape right now?

While I was thinking about this, I moved and accidentally touched something.

There was a slight rattling sound.

The human reacted to the sound and turned around.

Did he notice?

Even if he noticed me, he wouldn’t be able to see me.

But I have a feeling that maybe he could see me. I used my small body to move while hiding behind objects.

The human went to the place where I was just a moment ago.

Then, as if searching for something, he started looking around the area.

He couldn’t see me as I was hidden, so he wouldn’t notice me.

I caught a glimpse of the human’s face, but his eyes were scary.

They were different from the eyes of Yuna and Noa.

I could tell that the two of them had kind eyes.

The human walked around the room as if searching for something.

The man was approaching me.

I have to run away. I looked around.

I noticed that the window was still open.

I immediately flew towards the window and escaped.

I didn’t look back.

I wanted to get away from this person as soon as possible.

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