Chapter 689

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 689

Bear-san Speaking with Primme’s Sister.

When I got up, there were two fairies in the room.

Based on the conversation, I could assume that the other one was Primme’s sister.

“Yuna!” (Primme)

“I thought I made everyone inhale the sleeping powder so that they wouldn’t wake up.” (Ronne)

Primme’s older sister said so.

“Noa! Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear...” (Yuna)

I called out to them, but they didn’t respond. They were sleeping.

Was I unaffected, thanks to my bear gear?

“Ronne, I believe. What do you mean by you’re not going home with Primme?” (Yuna)

“It’s just as I said. I’m staying here.” (Ronne)

“Why do you say that, sister? If you are being held captive by humans, why are you not trying to escape with us?” (Primme)

Ronne shook her head.

“I have someone important here, so I can’t go back with Primme.” (Ronne)

“Sis!” (Primme)

Primme shouted, but Ronne ignored her and turned her attention to Noa.

“I can feel a connection to my magic from that girl over there.” (Ronne)

“That’s because Sis’ handkerchief went inside Noa.” (Primme)

“I see. Well, okay, Primme, get out of this town and go back to the fairy forest. Also, forget about me.” (Ronne)

She shut Primme out.

“And a word of advice, later tonight you will be deprived of your magic power. It may affect your health, so be careful.” (Ronne)

Primme’s sister then turned her back to Primme.

Primme tried to say something, but she couldn’t utter any word. Nonetheless, we couldn’t just let her sister go just like that.

“Wait a minute, even if you say that, neither Primme nor I will be convinced to back off like this.” (Yuna)

Ronne looked straight at me, at my words.

“Just answer a few questions.” (Yuna)

“Fine, I’ll answer them in return for bringing Primme here.” (Ronne)

“You’re the one granting the Knights power, right?” (Yuna)

“Yes, I am.” (Ronne)

“Why do you give power to the knights?” (Yuna)

“To collect magic stones.” (Ronne)

“Why are you collecting magic stones?” (Yuna)

“To gather magic power.” (Ronne)

“Why are you collecting magic power?” (Yuna)

“So that he doesn’t die.” (Ronne)

“Not to make the knights stronger?” (Yuna)

Then all the magic power was not used directly for the knights?

Was it to keep the Lord of this town from dying?

“I’m done talking. I have nothing more to say.” (Ronne)

“One last thing. What if we force you out of this place?” (Yuna)

I moved.

“Yuna!” (Primme)

Primme shouted.

“Fufu, I don’t think you can.” (Ronne)

Ronne chuckled, and the wind whipped around the room, and then she was gone.

She must have gone out of the open window.

I immediately looked out of the window, but I couldn’t find her anymore.

Things were much trickier than I thought.

“Sis...” (Primme)

Primme didn’t even try to follow, looking at the window where Ronne left with tears in her eyes.

“Primme...” (Yuna)

“No, it’s not a dream. You are in my house in Crimonia. We moved last night.” (Yuna)

“Why?” (Noa)

I explained to Noa what happened last night.

“So Primme-san’s sister showed up in the middle of the night?” (Noa)

“Yes, she doesn’t seem to be planning to leave.” (Yuna)

“Then what are we going to do about it?” (Noa)

“As I told Primme, if she’s helping with something bad, we need to open her eyes.” (Yuna)

“Yes, that’s right. That’s what family and sisters are for, right? If my sister is doing something wrong, I will do whatever it takes to stop her.” (Noa)

I knew Noa would say that.

“I’m sure that only Primme, as her sister, can do that because she would not be convinced by us.” (Noa)

“Only I...” (Primme)

Even if Primme gave up and said she was going home, I would do my best to settle things.

Primme again expressed her determination.

“...Yeah, I will definitely stop my sister.” (Primme)

“Then, let’s go to the Adventurer’s Guild again today and talk about it.” (Yuna)


And so we returned to town and went to the Adventurers’ Guild.

“Are Yuna-chan and the others okay?” (Carla)

Carla-san asked when she saw us enter the Adventurer’s Guild. Today, she was looking a little sluggish.

“It looks like our magic power was taken away from us late last night.” (Guild Master)

The Guild Master also arrived, but he seemed to be okay.

“We are fine. Yesterday, Primme’s sister came and told us it will happen.” (Yuna)

He looked surprised at my words.

We moved to a private room to talk about the details.

Carla-san seemed to be getting tired, so I took a refrigerator out of my bear item box and pulled out some bottles from the fridge.

It was a bottle of tea made from the sacred tree.

“What’s that?” (Guild Master)

“It’s a tea that restores magic power. Drink it, and you’ll feel better.” (Yuna)

It also relieved fatigue, and it restored magic power over time.

I took out cups and filled them for Carla-san and the Guild Master.

They both thought it stank, but they still drank it. It wouldn’t work right away, but the concoction should work after some time.

Meanwhile, I explained to them what happened last night. Of course, I misrepresented the Bear Transfer Gate.

“So Primme-chan’s sister is really here.” (Guild Master)

“Yes. But she said she didn’t want to leave the town. But if she’s doing something wrong, we’ll do our best to stop her.” (Yuna)

“I’m counting on you guys.” (Guild Master)

“But the reason they’re collecting magic power is to keep someone from dying, right?” (Carla)

“Apparently so, that’s why she’s been empowering the knights and collecting magic stones.” (Yuna)

“Is the Lord sick?” (Carla)

“As I told you before, we don’t have much information about the Lord. I’m sorry, that includes no information about his health.” (Guild Master)

“That doesn’t mean it’s okay to steal other people’s magic power.” (Yuna)

“Yes, you’re right. To the extent that the residents of the town are suffering. Some have lost their jobs, and some have even died.” (Guild Master)

“But if the Lord’s side loses their source of magic power, the worst that can happen is that the Lord will die, right?” (Noa)

Noa said something that no one else had mentioned.

If Primme’s sister was right, and the magic power supply was stopped, the Lord could end up dead.

That’s what everyone here thought. But no one said anything about it. However, 11-year-old Noa ended up saying it out loud.

“Oh, yes. But that doesn’t mean they can continue like this.” (Guild Master)

“Yes. A Lord must make sure that the local residents are happy. He must not trouble the residents just so that he can live.” (Noa)

Noa said as if telling herself.

Perhaps she was thinking of what she would do if the same thing happened to Cliff and Ellelaura-san.

Should she choose to save her family or the residents? This was something she had to weigh in her own mind.

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