Chapter 690

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 690

Primme’s Sister Ronne Part 1

POV of Primme’s Sister

I did not expect Primme to be in town looking for me.

I was happy when I found out that she was in town, but I could not leave.

I looked at the man sleeping on the bunk.

I remembered the first time I saw him.

I was flying a little far from the fairy forest, and there I found a man. I thought he couldn’t see me anyway, so I flew in front of him, but then I noticed that he seemed to be following me with his eyes.

When I moved left and right, the human’s eyes followed as I moved.

“Could it be that you can see me?” (Ronne)

When I spoke to him, his eyes lit up, and he replied, “Yes, I can see you. Are you a fairy?”

He could also hear my voice.

The human’s name was Ryan.

He had come here because he had heard rumors about fairies.

“Is there a place nearby where fairies live?” (???)

He asked me with a sparkle in his eyes.

But I couldn’t tell him that.

Even though the Lost Forest existed, we fairies would be in big trouble if humans knew where we lived.

I knew there were good humans, but I also knew there were bad humans.

Some fairies lived happy lives after meeting humans, while others were miserable.

Therefore, no fairy was allowed to tell humans where they lived.

“No, there is none. I just happened to pass by alone.” (Ronne)

Ryan looked disappointed at my words.

“You are alone, aren’t you? If you like, why don’t you come with me to the town where I live?” (Ryan)

“I can’t go with you because I have my own place to stay.” (Ronne)

I declined Ryan’s offer.

I was interested in a town where humans lived, but I would be in trouble if this human were a bad person.

“I see. Then will you meet me again when I come back here?” (Ryan)

“Well, if I feel like it.” (Ronne)

I didn’t mind if we met only once in a while.

I had never met any human who could see me before.

Since then, Ryan visited me a few times a year.

He came from a faraway place. He told me it took him a long time to get here.

Ryan informed me that where he lived, there were plenty of humans.

I have been to a nearby village, so I asked if it was “That many?” but he simply laughed at me.

He mentioned to me that there were many more, so many that he could not even begin to count them.

I had never seen that many people.

Ryan shared with me that he attended an academy in that town.

He informed me that the academy was a place where human children studied.

“Is Ryan a child?” (Ronne)

“Hmmm, I don’t know. I am still a child because my parents are paying for me to go to the academy, but I consider myself an adult. I’m graduating soon.” (Ryan)

Graduation, apparently, referred to someone who had completed their studies.

Then, the next time he came to see me, Ryan told me that he had graduated from the academy.

Ryan mentioned to me that he had graduated from the academy and was now living in another town, working for the Lord of that town.


According to Ryan, the Lord was the most important person in a group of humans.

Bellung asked me many questions.

He asked me if there were any other fairies besides me and where I came from.

Even if he was a friend of Ryan’s, I couldn’t tell him about other fairies. I have not even told Ryan about it.

So I said the same thing I said to Ryan.

“I don’t know. Fairies do things on their own.” (Ronne)

Bellung was dismayed by that answer.

He was even more disappointed when he learned that he was unable to see me without Ryan’s magic.

“Um, was what was written in the book true? That only the chosen ones can see fairies. Does that mean I wasn’t chosen?” (Bellung)

Not exactly. Each fairy had their own magic wavelength, and only those who matched that wavelength could see them.

I had many friends in the fairy forest.

Perhaps there might be a fairy who matched his magic wavelength, but I could not tell him the location of the fairy forest.

Moreover, we fairies simply met humans by chance. So it could be concluded that meeting us fairies could certainly be considered really good luck.

Then he asked me to stay in town for a little while until Ryan could take me back to the fairy forest.

Since I was also interested in the human town and wanted to spend a little more time with Ryan, I decided to stay.

At that time, I was still unaware of Bellung’s feelings, and I was still excited to be in a town with so many humans.

The next day, Ryan showed me around the town.

It really was different from the nearby human-inhabited village. The number of humans and the size of the buildings were so vast unlike anything I had ever seen.

Despite the presence of so many people, not a single person noticed me.

Occasionally, there were people who reacted, but they could not see me.

I was told that people with a close wavelength to us would be able to notice us, and some could even see us in the form of a flickering light and could sometimes even vaguely hear our voices.

It was said that it was rare for humans to be able to perfectly see us fairies as is, but with this many people in the world, there might be others who could see me as well besides Ryan.

But Ryan told me to be careful because I might cause a commotion if anyone noticed me.

I didn’t want to make a scene either, so I decided to be careful.

So, right now, only Ryan and Bellung were the only two people who knew how to use magic power to make me visible to others.

Then, a few days into my stay in town, Ryan and Bellung asked me to help them with their research.

I knew that Ryan and Bellung were researching fairies. That was the reason why Ryan and I were able to meet.

“What can I help you with?”

“Ronne, can you let us check out your magic power?”

They said that they wanted to investigate the wavelengths of magic and other mysteries that cause other people to not see us fairies.

I was also curious. Why was it that only certain people could see us?

So I agreed, if only for a little while.

In essence, when I used Ryan’s magic, other people would be able to see me.

And as a result of our research, we found out that Bellung could also see me by taking in Ryan’s magic power.

But that was only for a short time. It was not possible for long periods of time.

“Soon, I won’t be able to see Ronne.”

“Is it because my magic power will be converted into Bellung senpai’s magic power?”

“You mean like water from different sources mixing to make similar but different water?”

I thought that water was just water, so how could it be different?

He explained that there were different kinds of magic powers as well.

Ugh, it was difficult to understand.

I could barely understand what Ryan and Bellung were saying, but it seemed that Ryan’s magic power, Bellung’s magic power, and my magic power were basically the same, but with different subtleties.

I even tried it the other way around. I tried to channel my magic power to Bellung so that he could see me, but he could not.

Bellung was disappointed.

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