Chapter 700

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 700

Bear-san Fights the Knight Captain

“Everyone stay away. Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear, take care of everyone.” (Yuna)

I let Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear take care of everyone as they backed away.

Now, how do I get that disgusting face to deform?

But we were currently in a basement, and I couldn’t break the magic circles on the floor, so I was unable to go wild.

If we were to break the ceiling, we might end up getting buried alive, and the magic circles would be destroyed as well.

If I were to use fire bear magic in the basement, it would be dangerous in more ways than one.

The type of magic I could use in this battle was restricted, but the situation is still salvageable.

Besides, if push came to shove, there was always the option of entering a melee brawl .

I fired an air bullet at the man to test him out.

“Is this the only level of magic you’ve got?” (Cyrus)

The man slashed the air bullet with his sword.

The air bullet was cut in half.

I fired a barrage of air bullets like firing a gun without a pause.

But the man cut all the air bullets in half.

The air projectiles that were cut in half collided with the wall behind the man, breaking part of the wall.

Even with magic that weak, the wall could still collapse. That means that I couldn’t use any more potent magic than that.

Even more troublesome was the sword the man was holding.

“A mithril sword...” (Yuna)

I could tell what weapon he was using because I also possess a mithril knife. It was easy for me to know that he was not using an ordinary sword, at the very least.

“A mithril sword is the best way to fight against magic. Besides, being able to use a fine sword is one of the reasons why I follow my Lord.” (Cyrus)

In short, he was just flattering the person who would give him power.

But well, I could say that he was not all talk at the very least. He was definitely stronger than the other knights.

“Hm? This wind magic, I think I remember it from somewhere...” (Cyrus)

When I was about to make a move, thinking that if magic was no good, then close combat was the better choice, the man let his hand wander as if he could feel the remnants of air bullets.

Then he looked as if he remembered something.

“The same strange magic that was mixed in the wind when we defeated some monsters a few days ago.” (Cyrus)

Now that he mentioned it that much, I remembered.

He was referring to the time I used wind magic to eavesdrop on the conversation of the knights hunting wolves on our way to this town. Ne/w novel chapters are published at

At that time, one of the knights, the man they called captain, noticed me eavesdropping using wind magic.

“So you were nearby.” (Cyrus)

He didn’t seem to know I was using wind magic to listen to their conversation.

“To see the difference between someone’s magic power... how did you know about that?” (Yuna)

I have no idea how to tell the difference between someone’s magic power.

“I was able to tell since I started receiving power from Ronne-sama. Ronne-sama’s power is truly wonderful.” (Cyrus)

It seemed that the other knights couldn’t tell, so maybe it was just this guy. Perhaps that was why he was stronger than the other knights.

And he was drunk by the power he obtained. But then again, it was not uncommon for people to become twisted after suddenly becoming powerful.

“Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something. I like to break the noses of those who think they are strong.” (Yuna)

Or, more accurately, to break the noses of those who think they were overpowered. I have no complaints if they worked hard to get that power and didn’t use it for bad things. But I wouldn’t condone abusing the weak and having fun with it.

“I, too, like to break the noses of kids who use their natural talents to humiliate adults.” (Cyrus)

My power was not a gift I was born with. My power was also given to me by someone just like his illegally obtained magical enhancement.

But there was a difference in our skill level.

I made the first move.

In my hand was a Swaying Bear knife.

I swung it in a horizontal line before closing in on him.

In the game, the number of times I have fought for my life was different. I have died many times in the game, but that also gave me lessons.

But in this reality, no one would be able to fight to the death so many times.

If you die, there would be no coming back. If you sustained an injury, you could not easily heal it even with healing items.

The most significant difference between us was that I was a shut-in and fought every day, and this man would only fight safely on several occasions.

“What the hell. What are you! Are you kidding me, looking down on me while wearing that weird outfit!” (Cyrus)

The man’s expression, who had been making fun of me all this time, changed drastically.

He couldn’t believe that a tormentor like him had turned into a tormented one.

He must have thought he had become a strong man by gaining the power of the fairies.

“You know the term ‘frog in a well’? Even if you are pompous in this town, it will only be in this town. The world is a big place. Just because you have fairy power doesn’t mean you automatically become the strongest. There are many people in this world who are more powerful than you, even with the power of fairies.” (Yuna)

I think Jubei-san in the Land of Wa was stronger than this man.

If magic were involved, Kagali-san would be strong, too. Well, if she attacked from the sky, the ‘fight’ would not even be a match.

On the other hand, this man was surely strong, but not strong enough to brag about it.

He simply had better chemistry with Ronne than the other knights.

“Screw you! I don’t accept this!”

The man kicked out his leg, just as I thought he was swinging his sword.

Was that supposed to be a feint?

In the game, there would be hidden knives, hidden items, magic, and all of those things that people would use.

I kicked his leg.

“If you’re a knight, you should use your sword properly.” (Yuna)

But the man was out of it, and he couldn’t hear what I said.

So, after kicking his leg, I also followed up with a punch in the face, slamming him against the wall.

“Oh my, that girl. She is that strong?!” (Ronne)

“Well, my partner Yuna is strong.” (Primme)

“Yuna-san is the strongest person I know.” (Noa)

Ronne, Primme, and Noa were behind us, watching us fight and saying things like that.

Though I wouldn’t agree with Primme bragging about it as if she were in charge.

“Ugh.” (Cyrus)

The man stood up, using his sword like a walking stick.

I shall give him credit as an acceptable knight for not letting go of his weapon even after he was blown away and hit the wall.

“Ronne-sama! Please give me strength!” (Cyrus)

The man looked at Ronne as he shouted.

“More power, please! I want to defeat the evil bear right here in front of me.” (Cyrus)

Wait, who are you calling an evil bear?

Anyone who looked at me wouldn’t see me as an evil bear.

I mean, I would be a cute bear if I had to say it myself.

“No! Why would I grant you more power?” (Ronne)

“What, don’t you care what will happen to that sleeping man?” (Cyrus)

The man’s sword glowed.


“If you do that, that person (Lord) won’t let you off. Besides, if Ryan dies, I won’t need to give power to anyone anymore. I will also leave this place.” (Ronne)

“If I lose here and they take you away, I will end up dead anyway, so I might as well just kill that man to accompany me later in hell. What will you do Ronne-sama?” (Cyrus)

Just as I was about to make a move before Ronne could speak, something unexpected happened.

“Swaying Bear! Hugging Bear!” (Yuna)

I shouted.

At the same time, a sword poked out of the knight’s chest.

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