Chapter 701

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 701

Each Battle: Rosa’s PoV

We headed towards our assigned watchtower.

If our presence were noticed, the ambush would fail, so we moved inconspicuously.

Usually, nighttime would be the best time for an ambush, but we also wanted to lure out the remaining knights from the mansion and the town after we attacked the watchtowers.

Since night also had its advantages, it was challenging to decide the best time to initiate a raid, but the surprise attack was carried out in the daytime to make it easier for Yuna-chan and her friends to enter the mansion and find Primme-chan’s sister.

“I wonder if Yuna-chan and the others will be okay.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear are there too, so they’ll be fine.”

“Yuna is unbelievably strong.”

Everyone trusted Yuna-chan. I also naturally believed in her, but I was still worried about her.

Yuna-chan had to bring Noa-chan with her to find Primme’s sister and convince her to go with them.

In the worst-case scenario, if the knights and the Lord found out about our plans, it would be too late to persuade Primme’s sister. So, we had to break the magic circles in the watchtower, which would negate the flow of magic power. On the one hand, this would alert the knights in the mansion that the watchtowers had been attacked, but it would also significantly alleviate Yuna-chan and her group from more pressure.

“More importantly, conversation is strictly forbidden from now on. Let Yuna take care of the mansion raid, and we will do our own work.” (Blitz)

Blitz was right. We must conduct our raid properly.

If Yuna-chan and the others managed to convince Primme-chan’s sister, this town’s residents could finally get out of this life of being deprived of their magic power. Yôur favorite stories at this point on,as we proceeded we communicated with each other by hand signs as we proceeded.

Blitz and Grimos would lead the way, while Ran and I would be the rearguard and provide support.

This was our party’s battle formation.

Blitz, who was hiding behind a tree, sent me a hand sign, telling usme to come over there.

Grimos moved first, followed by Ran and me.

A little further ahead, there was a door leading into the watchtower. As the Guild Master informed us, there were no guards in front of the door.

According to the Guild Master, there was a guard at first, but recently, no one had been going near the door. Additionally, he also said that the door was locked.

At first, I thought we would break down the door and enter, but the Guild Master had prepared duplicate keys.

He was ready to execute the operation at any time.

That was all the more reason to put significant effort into this operation.

If we failed, the Guild Master and the others would be in deep trouble.

The Lord and the knights didn’t know who we were, so we could just run away, but the Guild Master and the others couldn’t. So we must succeed this mission.

Blitz took out the key that the Guild Master had given him. After confirming the situation above, he sprinted towards the door. He put his ear to the door and listened. He checked to ensure no one was near the door on the other side, then inserted the key and turned it slowly.

He seemed to be able to unlock the door, so he slowly opened the door and checked inside through the crack.

After confirming that no one was on the other side, Blitz made another hand sign and signalled us to come to him.

Grimos, Ran, and I checked our surroundings and sprinted for the door. We then entered the door that Blitz had opened for us.

Once inside, we found ourselves on a spiral staircase.

The Guild Master’s information said there was a room at the top, and the knights were stationed there.

Blitz led the way, walking slowly and noiselessly up the stairs. We followed him.

Blitz gave us a hand sign when we reached the top of the stairs.

He signaled that there was a knight was at the end of the staircase. As we slowly ascended the stairs, we heard voices talking to each other.

“I’m not busy, I wantwanted to join you in defeating the monsters.” (Knight 1)

“There is nothing wrong with being on guard. It’s easy.” (Knight 2)

“True, but it’s not like there’s going to be a monster attack at this tower, so why do they need us here?” (Knight 1)

“Well, the monsters aren’t the only reason we have to be on guard, right?” (Knight 2)

“Yes, but who will attack us?” (Knight 1)

‘We’re here,’ I would like to say to them.

“In the beginning, the Adventurers’ Guild was very noisy, but now it’s deserted, and they’re at our mercy.” (Knight 2)

“Well, most of the adventurers have left the town, and the only ones left here are the slackers who can’t complain.” (Knight 1)

They were laughing at us.

The adventurers must have left the town because you people took away their magic power.

I was irate.

Blitz, who had been peering inside through the door gap, sent us a hand sign. Signaling to us that there was one in front and one on the right. He then instructed us on who to attack first and who should do it.

We nodded in agreement.

“We can’t leave them alone. Let’s destroy them, as we discussed in the beginning.”

“Wait, at least let me have the magic stones!”

Ran’s words did not reach Blitz, and Blitz destroyed one of the magic circles with his sword.

“There is no time. The magic stones belong to the residents of this town. We can’t take them with us.”

“I think taking just a little bit would not be a problem.”

Ran’s proposal was promptly rejected, and we followed suit by breaking the other magic circles.

“Now all we have to do is to put out some smoke to let them know that something happened at this watchtower.”

“Maybe we can burn some of the things there.”

There was a box containing a pile of clothes.

There was even a chair for the knights to sit on.

We burned the boxes, clothes, and chairs to produce smoke.

“Let’s hurry and get to the next target.”

Once the smoke was in plain sight, the knights in the mansion and in the town would rush here.

This would create an opportunity for Yuna-chan and the others to enter the mansion.

I wanted to destroy every magic circle on all the watchtowers simultaneously, but we didn’t have enough manpower to pull off such a stunt.

I blocked the stairs with earth magic and left the watchtower as if to harass them.

The knights would need some time to assess the situation, which should give us more than enough time to complete our next task.

Then, we arrived at the second watchtower and succeeded in breaking the magic circles in it in the same way. By that time, smoke was already rising from other watchtowers.

I was relieved to know that the Guild Master and the others had also succeeded.

When we finished breaking the magic circles in the second watchtower and went outside, about five knights were waiting for us.

“One man, three women.”

One of the knights gave us a condenscending look as if they were underestimating us.

“You must be the adventurers who killed the monsters around the town. We finally get to see your faces.”

Do they know who we are?

“Sure, you have three beautiful women with you. I’m still better looking than you, so I guess that’s the difference between us.”

Had he never looked in a mirror?

Or maybe he had terrible eyesight?

But from how he called us “beautiful,” it sounds like he didn’t have bad eyesight, so I guess he’s never looked at himself in a mirror.

“But I’m glad we did what the captain told us to do.”

“Just as the captain said?”

“Our captain saw through your plan, so we pretended to be heading out to defeat the monsters and returned to the town immediately.”

So our raid plans was somewhat leaked, and the knights who had gone out of town to kill the monsters have returned...

“But the magic circles have been destroyed by us.”

Our objective was almost accomplished.

“We’ll just have to fix them. It’s the Lord who has to do the hard work, though.”

The man laughed.

“But if you guys lose and the fairy is taken away, there’s no point in fixing the magic circles, is there?”

“Don’t worry, the captain is still in the mansion. He’s a strong man.”

The Guild Master told us that the captain was one of the strongest.

That’s also why we planned to settle the matter while the knight-captain was out of town.

“I see. Then the captain who stayed in that mansion wasn’t so lucky. And we’re lucky. We just have to deal with the small fry.”

Blitz held up his sword.

If the captain had been as strong as the Guild Master said, it might have been tricky if we were the ones who had to deal with him.

But Yuna-chan would not be defeated by someone only on that level, no matter how powerful he was. As far as we know, Yuna was the strongest and kindest adventurer.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying that if the person who is watching over the mansion is the strongest, then he would also face our strongest. That makes the ones we are facing now small fry.”


The Knights attacked.

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