Chapter 129 - The Chosen Guardian Of The Cursed Bride!

[In the present, Castle of the Vampire King]

Passing through the vaulted hallway that would lead one towards the secret chamber of the vampire king, where generations of the royal lineage would glare at every passerby, from those classical portraits with heavy frames that had four golden dragons on each side of the square, nearly uncountable on each wall of the seemingly endless corridor. 

In between those four secure walls within with no feather of any bird could trespass, King Matteo Leste was unleashing his anger, the Lord was full of rage upon the disappearance of his daughter, who was supposed to be the guardian of the bride of Lord Sinclair.

The vampire princess was the chosen one, by the oracles but the princess ran away from her home, kicking off the crown and leaving the throne, Princess Hestia had left her kingdom long ago. The eldest daughter of King Matteo Leste, took over a different name to hide herself from the royal guards which were out there in search of clues about her, she began to live as Lolita, who was unknown to everyone in the human realm.

[What had happened on that night / Past scenario] 

The princess put on her best sinister face, she was sharp witted since birth, mischievous and evil, precisely highly intelligent that she dared to step into the library of her father, she was determined to lift the curse which would bound her to the bride of Ghost King.

Princess Hestia was chosen by the prophecy of oracles that in order to pay back the gratitude of saving the Vampire Kingdom from calamity and crumbling, King Matteo Leste would offer his first born child to be the guardian of Ghost Lord's bride, which was in turn predicted to be born with the curse of reincarnation!

Lord Sinclair MacLaverty did everything, which was in his power, to save the Vampire Kingdom and it was the same era and time period of after war, that Braille Matteo saw the Ghost Lord and fell head over heels for him.

King Matteo Leste did his best to use negotiation even used force to stop the younger princess from falling into the pit of 'love' which could never be hers, as Lord Sinclair was already waiting for his bride to be reincarnated, with the intention of revenge. No matter what was his resolve, the Lord was destined to be poisoned again with the venomous feelings he had towards the lady in his past life.

"Who says I haven't paid attention to the demonstrations given to me? The magic and forbidden potions, I know all about it."

Princess Hestia entered into the library of her father, no one was allowed to set his foot into that hall, except the trustworthy master Valos. 

The little lady was in her teens, having a brilliant mind in picking up the things, she was ingenious enough to find a way out of the Vampire kingdom, the elder princess started to search for clues and ways that could help her escape from her home, before she would be given precisely offered into the services of Ghost Lord's bride.

"Something should be here that could benefit me."

The princess started to skim through the couple of racks as her eyes carefully read every single title in order to find her desired scroll that could provide her freedom and lift the curse, which would bound her in the service for the rest of her life.

Hestia was determined to change her fate as the lady believed that she could go against her destiny, unbeknownst to her that no matter how hard she tried, the lady eventually ended up meeting Syna like their fates were written.

"How can father promise such a stupid thing, how can he even give away his daughter like that? Unbelievable! But I won't surrender to any such demand, I will find my way out at any cost."

Hestia muttered to herself, while her eyes were still fixated towards the door, as the little lady roamed with pin drop silence and cautiously as not to drop or bump into anything.

"What is this strange book?"

Hestia's eyes landed on the wooden table in the middle of the study room, the lady was skimming through the book of spells when she saw the strange book cover, that seemed an ancient lock which was mysterious enough to garner attention. 

The princess shoved the book of spells back into the rack, among the pile of other books that had similar topics and multiple queries to answer and precautions to state. She moved towards the table which had bundles of papers scattered across the width while the strange bulky book was resting in the center of the wooden table.

Her sight was clear as the racks of ancient scriptures were on the left side to the table, from where the door could be seen through a sneak peak. Hestia was determined to do anything, the princess was willing to pay any price if the certain attempt could bring her freedom.

She didn't care for the circumstances, Hestia wasn't afraid that she might do any mistake and the spell could bring disaster to her or what if it killed her? The only thing on her mind was the every possibility that could provide her a way out of the realm.

The princess halted in front of the table with a pounding heart, Hestia felt as if this was exactly what she had desired, what she needed, the lady seemed to be bewitched by the book's unusual lock, the butterfly on the cover was split into two equal halves from where it was supposed to open sideways. 

Hestia could feel something different about the book not only because of having the lock in the shape of two wings of the butterfly rather she felt the atmosphere tensed up as soon as she stretched her hand to gently touch the right wing.

As soon as her pores collided with the right wing of the butterfly, the lock automatically opened with a sudden noise that made Hestia jump into her place out of fright. The two wings moved as if they had shrunk a little providing her access to the spells caged inside the book. 

Hestia didn't even bother to think for a single moment that why the book was possessed a lock while the rest were random. It didn't cross her mind that maybe something was wrong with the spells, perhaps that's why they were written and then caged into the book, not to befall into wrong hands. 

The princess opened the book curiously, she wasn't the scaredy cat type delicate lady, Hestia had trained herself in self defence and mastered the sword, a mere book couldn't give her a mini heart attack. What the princess witnessed inside brought a devilish smirk on her face, as her eyes flickered with hope and flashed blue.

The princess flipped the pages when her eyes eventually saw something that could be benefited to her, her mind ran with a fast pace that the lady made up a plan to escape from her destiny, she replayed everything in her mind as not to leave any hints or loopholes.