[Extra] 55 - Ye Lan x Ye Xiao - «Daytime Sleep» 02


1 According to the rankings, out of the sixty people at the beginning of a cycle, the strongest six are given the name ‘Jia’, and so on and so forth, until the weakest six are named ‘Gui’. All the name rankings are: Jia (1), Yi (2), Bing (3), Ding (4), Wu (5), Ji (6), Geng (7), Xin (8), Ren (9), Gui (10). Top.

2 Comes from a Confucian teaching. In ancient times, it was believed that your body was given to you by your parents, so in order to honour your parents you had to take care of your body. This included things like not cutting your hair, which was considered a way of damaging the body and therefore unfilial. Top.

3 冰肌玉骨 lit ice muscle jade bone. Used to describe clear and smooth skin by comparing it to clear cold jade, also gives allusions to something pure and unsullied. Top.