People remarked on her alluring charm as she adorned herself in crimson robes.

However, the graceful woman before them emanated an immaculate purity that surpassed comparison.

Among the assembly of seasoned power players entrenched in political maneuvering, several couldn’t resist stealing glances at Youyou. Notably, Emperor Moqing of the Azure Dragon and Princess Yan Yueyao of the Vermilion Bird cast the most fervent and intense gazes.

Since she boarded the imperial carriage and entered the Azure Dragon Palace, Youyou’s eyes roamed ceaselessly.

This feast in the Wuxiang Continent, attended by emperors and generals, teemed with activity, filled with music and dance. Youyou observed everything with curiosity and amazement, occasionally expressing admiration with sighs.

Per Bai Qu’s instruction to simply show her face and enjoy the banquet without concern, Youyou obediently sat beside him, engaging in a battle with the fruits on the table after her initial exploration.

Sweet pastries remained untouched by Youyou.

The verbose and intricate political discussions were incomprehensible to Youyou, who harbored no interest in deciphering them, knowing Bai Qu would handle everything.

Having finished the fruits, Youyou turned her attention to Xuan Ling, who happened to be Su Ling.

Although the four nations of the Wuxiang Continent were deemed equals, the Azure Dragon Emperor sat at the head of the table for his birthday celebration. The White Tiger and Vermilion Bird monarchs flanked him. Su Ling occupied the seat beside Youyou, in close proximity.


Softly, Youyou called out to Su Ling, requesting fruit. “Tsk, you’re really something.”

Shaking his head, Su Ling handed the fruit plate to Youyou with a hint of helplessness, contemplating how this troublemaker resembled a perpetually young child in need of care.

“Eat sparingly, to avoid upsetting your stomach.”

“I know, you always remind me.”

Their intimate exchange drew attention, yet Bai Qu and Su Ling’s identities deterred direct inquiry.

Upon witnessing the scene, the Azure Dragon Emperor promptly instructed his chief eunuch to bring more plates for Youyou. With her large round eyes, Youyou regarded the handsome and dignified emperor, unsure how to react.

“It’s alright, just eat.”

Comfortingly, Bai Qu stroked Youyou’s head, whispering, “He should be the father of your body.”


Her jaw dropped incredulously.

Startled by the revelation, she exclaimed.

“Then wouldn’t I be truly powerful?”

Bai Qu is the White Tiger Emperor, Su Ling is the crown prince of Xuanwu, and the father of this body is the Emperor of Azure Dragon. My, my, isn’t that amazing?!

“Pfft, yes, you’re amazing, you’re so awesome.”

Bai Qu, the White Tiger Emperor, indulged his concubine, playfully peeling grapes for her.

A minister from a small country sighed, stroking his beard.

“The White Tiger Emperor dotes on his concubine very much.”

With a snap, Yan Yueyao’s cup disintegrated into ashes, drenching her hand instantly.


An exclamation arose, and Yan Yueyao’s cold gaze silenced her trembling maid.

She retrieved a handkerchief to wipe her fingers meticulously, maintaining her indifference.

Observing the scene, a faint glint of anger flickered in Yan Yueyao’s half-lidded eyes.

“Bai Qu, when will this end?”

Satiated and growing drowsy, Youyou clung to Bai Qu’s arm, voicing distress and discomfort.

“Now, be good.”

Having achieved his objective, after sending someone to contact the Azure Dragon Emperor, Bai Qu departed, citing Youyou’s discomfort. Su Ling and Yan Yueyao followed suit shortly after.

At the inn, Youyou succumbed to sleep, prompting Bai Qu to tend to her before retiring.

“I remember when Youyou was a child, she wouldn’t speak due to her autism, and she only allowed me to touch her. At that time, I was still young, with a short temper, and didn’t know how to care for others. I often inadvertently hurt Youyou.”

Bai Qu reminisced, smiling faintly as he replaced the face towel in the basin. “But Youyou is very resilient. She never complains or causes trouble. Even when hurt, she silently endures with red eyes, without uttering a word of protest.”

Glancing at Su Ling, Bai Qu smiled lightly and continued, “You know, I’m not a good person. To protect the Bai family, I don’t know how many dirty things I did. And to prevent Youyou from becoming like me and following in my footsteps, from the day I realized this, I began teaching Youyou those great principles that I don’t even care about so that Youyou can be a good person.”

The words “good person” were pronounced with a strong emphasis. Bai Qu closed his eyes and said sarcastically: “I taught Youyou to be harmless because I could ensure her safety. This conviction only strengthened after I became a task taker.”

“But, I miscalculated. Youyou become a task taker in the main god space without my knowledge.”

Bai Qu’s eyelashes quivered, his smile tinged with an unusual quality.

“I underestimated Youyou’s ability to provoke and entangle others.”

He sighed deeply, contemplating the perilous nature of the main god’s space.

Su Ling remained silent, his thoughts veiled.

“Su Ling, tell me, how can a harmless kitten like her survive in the Lord’s Dimension, which is full of dangers and devours its prey without hesitation?”

“I can’t protect her.”

“This time, we had a chance encounter. What about next time? Do you think she might blame me? Blame me for not teaching her well? Blame me for not saving her in time? You know she depends on me.”

Bai Qu’s unease permeated his being, his courage faltering at the mere thought of the perils that awaited Youyou.

Su Ling:…

When will this guy start caring about him in the same way?

Su Ling leaned against the door frame, arms crossed, speaking leisurely.

“It’s not as dire as you fear. She’s merely involved in a relationship; it doesn’t necessarily entail bloodshed or significant danger. Relax a bit.”

“Not much danger? Do you expect me to relax?”

Bai Qu’s brows furrowed, his tone tinged with a hint of menacing killing intent. “After the ordeals we faced in that world, how can I relax? Even if Youyou isn’t in mortal danger, do you think I want her associating with those mentally unstable women?”

Mu Qingxue was mentally ill, Ling Ya and Fu Shu were mentally ill, and this time, Yao Yue is also mentally ill.

Ha, for his sister, what kind of man or woman is out of reach for him?! Even if Youyou wants the stars in the sky, he would pluck them down for her to play with!

Su Ling:…

Indeed, those women are quite disturbed. Stabbing someone over trivial disagreements—utter madness.

In the serene moonlit night, Bai Qu and Su Ling retreated to their respective chambers, both leaving secret guards to watch over Youyou.

At midnight, a mysterious figure infiltrated the inn, and, after revealing her identity was silently guided into the inn through a hidden passage.

With a click, a figure materialized in Youyou’s room, standing silently beside her bed.

She surveyed Youyou for a moment before launching her attack, rendering Youyou unconscious and transporting her through the secret passage.

Upon awakening, Youyou found herself bound and blindfolded, gripped by fear and confusion.

“Bai, Bai Qu?”

Her trembling voice betrayed her distress as she grappled with the sudden turn of events, questioning Bai Qu’s absence and her current predicament.

Where was she? Wasn’t she supposed to be resting at the inn? Why was she bound and blindfolded? Had she time-traveled again?

Her mind whirled with questions, her struggles proving futile against her restraints.

“Bai Qu.”

In a lavishly decorated chamber illuminated by scented candles, a girl dressed in a seductive white outfit with a red veil writhed on a vibrant red bed. Beside her, a captivating woman leaned against the bedpost, her expression indifferent, playing with a dagger in her hand.

“Bai Qu, Bai Qu.”

The girl’s persistent calls grated on Yao Yue’s nerves, prompting her to press the dagger against the girl’s neck with restrained anger.

“Call out again, and I’ll end you.”


“Yao Yue?”

Upon hearing Yao Yue’s voice, although Youyou felt relieved, she couldn’t help but feel a bit aggrieved. “Why did you have to scare me? So hateful1This is said in a playful tone, like lovers’ banter, seriously.”

“You’re asking me why?”

Yao Yue’s eyebrow arched as she traced the dagger along Youyou’s throat, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “It’s simple, really. I just want to kill you.”

She endured Lan Deng because she knew that it was the Love Gu that was causing trouble. But now, how could she continue to endure when Bai Qu was involved?

In just half a day, she had managed to metaphorically put such a big green hat on her. She really underestimated Youyou’s ability to provoke and entangle people, huh?

Faced with Yao Yue’s menacing demeanor, Youyou bit her lip as tears flowed freely and she struggled against her bonds, overwhelmed by fear and sadness.

“Is this pitiful look the one that softened Bai Qu’s heart? You seem starved for affection. Do you want everyone to like you?”

Observing the tears staining the cloth, Yao Yue discarded it, revealing Youyou’s red, swollen eyes and tear-streaked face.

Meeting Youyou’s gaze, Yao Yue softened slightly, and she looked away, wiping away Youyou’s tears with a handkerchief.

“What do you say we become a pair of ghost mandarin ducks?”

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