CH 1

Name:Living Together Author:
When Jiang Wan returned home with a bag of fresh vegetables, as she climbed up the stairs to her floor, she heard the quarrels from House No. 203.

They quarrelled once a week on average.

Usually on Mondays.

While today was Friday.

She turned around and walked downstairs, planning to wait a while before going back up, but unexpectedly, she heard her name amidst the quarrel.

“Wei Jiyuan, are you fucking shameless?! Ah!? I ask you, are you shameless!? Jiang Wan went to jail before! She can’t even find a proper job! What do you like about her?! Are you planning to be with her?! Ah?! I’m asking you! Would you like me to make room for you!?”

“Stop yelling. She’ll be back soon…” It was Wei Jiyuan’s voice.

“Fine! She’ll be back just in time! I’ll move out to make room for you! Wei Jiyuan, just you wait!”

The door opened, and as He Yingtong rushed out with tears streaming down her cheeks, she saw Jiang Wan standing in the corridor.

Without saying anything, she ran down the stairs.

Jiang Wan chased after her with the plastic bag in her hand.

He Yingtong hadn’t run far. She stopped beside the garden just outside their apartment.

She took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it, calming herself down while smoking.

After a while, she said to Jiang Wan, “Please move out.”

“Mhm.” Jiang Wan nodded.

He Yingtong glanced at her and asked, “What are you thinking about?”

“Thinking of a place to live.” Jiang Wan answered honestly.

He Yingtong turned around and looked Jiang Wan in the eyes as she asked, “You don’t like Wei Jiyuan?”

Jiang Wan shook her head.

He Yingtong didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. “Do you know? You only have to go up and tell Wei Jiyuan that you like him too, and I’ll be the one who gets kicked out of the house.”

Without any expression on her face, Jiang Wan simply patted He Yingtong’s shoulder to comfort her. “I don’t like him. Don’t worry, I’ll move out later.”

“Where are you moving to?” He Yingtong put out the cigarette.

Jiang Wan was He Yingtong’s housemate who had moved in half a year ago. Because Jiang Wan had never had a stable job and loved cleaning, doing the laundry, and cooking, plus He Yingtong saw how frugal she had lived, He Jingtong had waived her rent and only asked her to do some housework in exchange.

However, when she got up this morning, she caught Wei Jiyuan secretly sniffing Jiang Wan’s underwear in the bathroom.

The two of them got into a fight.

He Yingtong felt as if her world had come crashing down on her. At that moment, she hated Jiang Wan and hated herself even more.

She shouldn’t have rented out the second bedroom to save on rent, otherwise she would never have met Jiang Wan.

“I’ll search online,” Jiang Wan said quietly.

He Yingtong exhaled. “I know a place. It’s a friend of my client who is recruiting for a housekeeper, but I’ve heard that he’s a little weird.”

“Is accommodation provided?” Jiang Wan was more concerned about this.

He Yingtong: “……”

“You’re weird, too.” She reached for her phone and dialled the number. “I’ll ask if accommodation is provided.”

“Okay,” Jiang Wan said sincerely to He Yingtong, “thank you.”

“Don’t thank me.” He Yingtong rubbed her reddened eyes. “I don’t want to see you. That’s the truth.”

“I know.” Jiang Wan continued to smile.

He Yingtong took another glance at her.

When Jiang Wan first moved in, she had really short hair, only one or two centimeters longer than a buzz cut. She had worn a mask, and she appeared very haggard with her sallow skin.

At first, she disliked Jiang Wan for being too ugly and didn’t want her to move in. But when she saw how fast and hard working Jiang Wan was, she put up with it in the end.

But in the span of six months, Jiang Wan’s hair had grown long, and her skin had lightened. When the mask was removed, her face was cute and delicate. She wasn’t a stunning beauty, but her face was quite attractive.

He Yingtong was still happy for Jiang Wan at first, complimenting her for becoming beautiful. Until today, after witnessing the nasty thing her boyfriend had done, she realized how ridiculously wrong she had been.