CH 2

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan went to the address given by He Yingtong.

The phone call didn’t go through.

No one answered the door.

She squatted at the door and waited for an hour until the door was opened, and a tall man stood inside.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of khaki-coloured cropped trousers, revealing his sturdy and hairy calves.

His skin was fair, his eyebrows arched, and his pupils were dark, but there was no expression on his face. His love bands were prominent, making his eyes appear particularly charming. 1

“Housekeeping Aunty?” He sized her up, his voice didn’t quite match his appearance.

It was one of those deep bass voices.

His voice was low and slightly hoarse.

His voice…was really nice.

“Yes, He Yingtong introduced me here,” Jiang Wan replied. “Hello, nice to meet you. My name is-”

“There’s a room inside,” The man interrupted her. “Clean it up by yourself. You can stay in that room if you want, or you can find a place to live on your own. The contract is on the table. You can sign it if there’s no issue and send me a message if you have any questions. My phone number is on the table.”

“…Okay.” Jiang Wan smiled.

The man had already turned around and returned to his room.

Jiang Wan followed him into the house, carefully closing the door and changing into house slippers.

The living room and rooms were not too messy, only that there was quite a large area of sticky juice stains on the floor.

She went to read the contract first. After confirming that she had objections, she took the pen on the side, signed the contract, and placed it on the coffee table. She then put on gloves and a hat before she began cleaning.

She was very efficient at her job. After spending two hours cleaning the house, she even took a bunch of keys hanging on the head of a deer in the entryway and went downstairs to buy groceries and kept them in the refrigerator.

After a short break, she started cooking lunch.

It was half past one, and the man still hadn’t come out of his room.

Jiang Wan did not disturb him. After she finished cooking lunch, she ate some by herself, and then went to tidy up the room she was going to stay in tonight.

The room, which was slightly smaller than the master bedroom, had quite a gender neutral design and was most likely used as a guest room. Since the room had been unoccupied for a long time, it was very dusty.

Jiang Wan opened the window to ventilate the room and bought a few pots of spider plants to place in her room.

After she finished tidying up, she went to wrap up her cleaning work. She tied up all the garbage, placed them at the door, and meticulously cleaned the floor.

When she was done, she saved the man’s number on her phone and sent him a message:

【I’m going back to get my luggage. Lunch is on the table. 】

She didn’t have a lot of luggage, but she had a computer and a set of recording equipment, which were rather expensive. Worried that her equipment might be damaged by the crowd on the bus, she took a taxi for the first time in a while.

When she returned, the food on the table had been eaten. She could tell that he was a picky eater because he only ate meat and not vegetables.

Jiang Wan took note of the few dishes that he ate, then cleaned up the dining table and kept her luggage in her room.

Her new room was slightly larger than the one she had previously stayed in.

After placing the computer and recording equipment on the table, she changed her bedsheets before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

She had sweated a lot today.

After shower, she went back to her room to put her toothbrush in the bathroom, but when she opened the bathroom door, she saw the man standing in front of the toilet peeing.

Jiang Wan was about to close the door and pretend that she hadn’t seen anything when she saw the man pull up his pants and walk towards her with an expressionless face.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and his bass voice was very sexy.

“To avoid feeling awkward when we see each other in the future, now, it’s your turn to pee.”

Jiang Wan: “…”