CH 3

Name:Living Together Author:
At night, He Yingtong phoned to ask Jiang Wan how her new place was.

“It’s pretty good,” Jiang Wan replied.

“Really?” He Yingtong was confused. “According to my client, his friend is really weird, changing housekeepers four or five times in a month, but it’s not because he has a bad temper. It’s just that he’s weird. I don’t know the specifics, but there’s no problem with his character. He won’t use violence against others, and he won’t…force himself on you.”

“I know.” Jiang Wan thought to herself, she had already witnessed his weirdness firsthand.

“Jiang Wan,” He Yingtong said sincerely, “You can come to me in the future if you need anything. I still consider you my friend.”

“Thank you.”

After she hung up the phone, Jiang Wan went to the washing machine to dry the washed bedsheets. As she passed by the living room, she paused in her tracks.

It was already dark, and the living room was pitch black without the lights turned on.

In the darkness, the refrigerator door was opened, and the cold white light shone on the man sitting on the ground. He was facing the refrigerator while bending his long legs and lowering his head as he played chess on the floor.

Jiang Wan continued to walk without looking at him. Once she arrived at the balcony, she shook the sheets and hung them to dry.

On her way back to her room, she unconsciously took a glance at him.

His hair was long. He was wearing a headband that pushed all of his hair back, revealing his smooth and round forehead, and the love bands under his lower eyelids stood out even more in the cold white light.

His gaze was focused on the chess pieces on the floor.

His outstretched hand was slender and clean, with very fair skin and visible veins beneath.

He Yingtong had said that he was a retired professional e-sports player. Jiang Wan expected his fingers to be thick and coarse from excessive use, but she did not expect his hands to look like this.

Beautiful and delicate.

Jiang Wan didn’t disturb him. She went to her room and started livestreaming.

The ASMR livestreaming that she had been doing was without showing her face, only her voice.

One of her cellmates made a living by singing and dancing live on the internet. Jiang Wan heard that she had made a lot of money from it. After consulting her cellmate for a long time and doing a lot of reading in the library, the first thing Jiang Wan did after being released from the prison was to earn money to purchase a computer and recording equipment.

She wanted to make money, a lot of money.

That way…her parents wouldn’t make her go to jail for someone else’s crime for the sake of money in the future.

She had wasted nine years of her life in prison. When she was released, she could hardly tell what day and year it was, and she had almost forgotten how old she was that year.

She entered prison at the age of nineteen, the age where she should have been in college and everyone her age was in school, the age where she should have been blooming like a flower, but instead she was locked up. On her birthday, she could only look up at the dark sky and silently make a wish.

I want to go out.

I want to have a good birthday.

I want to buy a big cake, preferably one with three layers.

In the past nine years, no one from her family had paid her a visit. Jiang Wan, disheartened, had never visited her parents after being released from prison. She had no money when she was released, so she had taken on part-time jobs that paid her on a daily basis. After working day and night for nearly a month, she finally saved enough money to rent a place to live, but every landlord required a deposit. After a long search, she finally met He Yingtong.

That was the first time she was grateful that there were still good people in the world.

He Yingtong had helped her a lot. She had taught her how to use a computer, how to dress, gave her beautiful clothes, reduced her rent, and even took her out to eat.

When Jiang Wan received her first earnings from livestreaming for the first time, she bought a very expensive perfume as a thank you gift for He Yingtong.

She had thought that they could always be good friends and live together for a long time.

She even secretly saved money in order to give He Yingtong and Wei Jiyuan an extra large red packet when they marry.

Unfortunately, things had not gone the way she had planned.

She put on her headphones, launched the streaming app, and began typing on her keyboard.

【Welcome to all the babies who are listening. The stream starts in 30, 29, 28…】