CH 4

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan only did livestreaming at night, from ten o’clock at night to one o’clock in the morning.

She would archive each stream, so that her new fans could watch her previous streams.

She had a lot of tools on her desk, including more than a dozen small bottles. Some fans liked to hear the sound of twisting open bottle caps, others liked the sound of picking ears, and many liked listening to the sound of bubbles.

She almost never spoke in her streams. Even if she occasionally made sounds, they were pop sounds made with her mouth, like a small fish blowing bubbles.

If there was a message from her fan in the chat, she would make a bubble pop sound. If there was no message, she would quietly sweep the microphone with a feather or cotton swab.

At one o’clock, when she was done, she would quietly close the live streaming without saying anything.

That was her habit, not saying good night or anything else like other livestreamers.

She was always conscious of having an accent when speaking Mandarin and was afraid of others hearing it.

However, He Yingtong used to praise her, saying that she could hardly hear her accent.

When she was in prison, in addition to reading books, she also read novels to her fellow inmates. They enjoyed listening to her read, claiming that it sublimated their souls.

After cleaning up her desk, Jiang Wan opened the door to go to the bathroom.

But the moment she opened the door, she froze. The light in the living room was turned on, and the man had a glass of juice in his hand, which he was spilling on the floor all the way to the bathroom door.


Jiang Wan asked quietly, “Do you hate me?”

The man didn’t speak. He opened the refrigerator door again, took out an egg, and plopped it on the floor.

Jiang Wan walked behind him. “Mr. Wen Jin, I think we need to have a conversation. Do you hate me and don’t like me here, so you’re doing this on purpose?”

The man turned around, as if he couldn’t see her, and poured another bottle of juice onto the floor.

Jiang Wan was a little angry, but as she was about to touch him, she saw his eyes.

His eyes were half-closed.

Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment.


She took a few steps back and quietly observed him.

The man was very tall, nearly 1.9 meters in height, with no expression on his face. He took out drinks and juices from the refrigerator again and again, poured them on the ground, and opened the fridge door again. Only after he had thrown everything on the floor did he return to his room and shut the door.

This was the first time Jiang Wan saw someone sleepwalking. There were also sleepwalkers in prison, but she had only heard about them. This was the first time she had actually seen one, so she was a little scared.

She didn’t know what sleepwalkers do, but the one in the prison was said to be confined in a separate room after nearly strangling someone to death.

She grabbed a mop and began mopping the floor. It took her more than an hour to clean the living room.

She had been busy all day. After taking a shower, she flung herself on the bed and fell asleep the moment her head touched the bed.

When the alarm went off, she had only slept for less than four hours.

She rubbed her eyes and got up for grocery shopping.

She was surprised to see the man downstairs. He was running, and he had done a few laps with sweat on his forehead.

He was dressed in white sportswear, with a cap on his head and earphones in his ears. He was tall and slender, and his face was full of sunshine and vitality.

Jiang Wan thought of the expressionless man pouring drinks on the floor in the early hours of the morning, and she really couldn’t connect that man with the person in front of her.

When she was finished with her grocery shopping, she noticed the man walking out of the supermarket with a drink in his hand.

“Mr. Wen Jin.” Jiang Wan walked over to him. “I already bought drinks. If you want something to drink the next time, you can write me a list and I will buy it for you.”

Wen Jin removed his earphones and turned to face her. He was quite tall, and his downcast gaze was somewhat condescending.

The voice that drifted through the air was low and magnetic, yet the words that came out were not particularly pleasant.

“You are the housekeeper in charge of cleaning, not my nanny.”

Jiang Wan: “…”