CH 5

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan returned with the groceries, went into the kitchen, sorted them in the refrigerator, and then began preparing breakfast.

Because she didn’t know his preferences, she fried eggs, cooked sausages, and made two sandwiches with the bread she had just bought.

She had paid for the groceries with her own money, but the man paid her 8,000 yuan per month, which was considered a high salary. After deducting 3,000 yuan for food expenses for a month, she could earn 5,000 yuan a month, and her job even included food and lodging. No matter how she looked at it, it was a pretty good deal for her.

Naturally, she did not dare to serve him anything less than the best in terms of food.

The man came out after taking a shower and ate a fried egg. He glanced at the sandwich and took a bite after confirming that there were no vegetables in it.

“What would you like to eat for lunch? You can let me know if there’s anything you want to eat.” Jiang Wan cleaned up the kitchen, poured a glass of milk, and handed it to him.

The man pulled out his phone and tapped the screen with his slender fingers.

Jiang Wan: “…”

She took out her phone, opened the messaging app, and typed: 【What do you want for lunch? 】

Then, the man sent her his reply: 【Anything. 】

Jiang Wan: “…”

Her phone vibrated once more, and a new text message came in.

Jiang Wan clicked on it.

【Don’t call me Mr. 】

Then, another one came in.

【We are equal. 】

Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, not realizing what he meant until the man finished eating and went into the bathroom to wash his hands.

She sat down at the table to eat her breakfast.

While eating, she thought of his message and couldn’t help but chuckle. He really didn’t seem to be like other people.

At night, after Jiang Wan finished her livestreaming, she noticed the light in the living room was turned on and dashed to open the refrigerator. She had hidden some of the drinks elsewhere and only kept two bottles in the fridge. Fortunately, both bottles were still there.

She checked the floor. It was clean.

There was no one in the living room, nor on the balcony.

She glanced at the bathroom. The light was turned on.

“Mr. Wen-” She remembered his text message and swallowed the last word.

Worried that something might have happened if he sleepwalk in the bathroom, she anxiously opened the bathroom door.

Then she saw the man walking out of the shower naked and dripping with water, the wet hair on his head pulled back, revealing his smooth and round forehead.

He was tall and slender, with well-defined pectoral and abdominal muscles and straight legs. In between his legs was a dense jungle with a soft lump drooping down and swaying along with his steps.

Jiang Wan’s eyes widened, and her mind went blank.

Wen Jin had already walked up to her. He briefly wiped his wet hair with the towel in his hand. His eyebrows were slightly knitted, and his dark pupils fell on Jiang Wan’s face.

His voice was deep.

“Come in.”

Jiang Wan’s heart trembled. “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to, I…”

Wen Jin looked at her expressionlessly. “Come in. Don’t make me say it again.”

Jiang Wan clenched her fist and forced herself to step forward.

Wen Jin pointed with his chin to the spot where he stood just now. “Go over there.”

Jiang Wan knew what he was going to do, and she knew that he would not accept any apology, because he never accepted her apology no matter how many times she apologized the last time. He would only tell her that in order to avoid feeling awkward, they should act fairly.

And…actually, she didn’t think his request was unreasonable, because he was essentially eccentric, and she absurdly thought that it was acceptable.

She closed her eyes in shame, just as she had done the previous time she peed in the toilet in front of him.

“Take your clothes off,” Wen Jin said. His voice remained devoid of any emotion.

Jiang Wan took her clothes off one by one.

At the very end were her panties.

She had an excellent figure, with a slim waist and shapely buttocks, and the breasts on her chest were plump and upright.

Her skin glowed like white jade under the light.

Jiang Wan kept her head down in shame and didn’t dare to look at him, unsure when this would end. She lifted her head to ask, but she saw the man lowering his head and looking down between his legs.

The soft lump, which had been previously drooping, was now raising its head in high spirits.

Jiang Wan: “…”