CH 6

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan was shocked. She hurriedly picked up her clothes on the ground, covered her chest, and dashed out the door. She ran into her room and buried herself in her blanket.

After catching her breath, she poked her head out from under her blanket. There was no sound outside.

She exhaled a deep breath.

As the scene just now flashed through her mind, she quickly covered her face. “Forget about it, forget about it, forget about it…”

Yes, she saw his, and he saw hers as well.

They would not feel awkward anymore.

However, as soon as Jiang Wan closed her eyes, her head was filled with the big thing that was raising its head in the dense jungle.

She frantically grabbed her phone, played some music, and inserted the earphones into her ears. She gradually fell asleep after listening to music for a long while.

For two days, Jiang Wan didn’t dare to look at Wen Jin’s face.

The man didn’t like to talk either. Whenever Jiang Wan finished cooking, she would send him a message. He would then come out of his room and sit down to eat. After quietly finishing his meal, he would return to his room without lingering for one minute longer.

When Jiang Wan tried to add his WeChat account, she discovered that he didn’t have one.

As a result, she had to subscribe to a ten-yuan mobile SMS package.

Today, Wen Jin opened his room door and asked Jiang Wan to clean his room.

This was the first time Jiang Wan entered his room.

His bedroom was enormous, with a massive and luxurious space capsule gaming chair. 1 It was all white in colour, with a white computer, plus a white headset on the pure white seat.

He seemed to have a liking for white.

Even the cup on the table was milky white.

There was a sweeping robot on the floor, an air purifier, a dehumidifier, and a noise reducer in the room. Various appliances were piled up in the corner.

Jiang Wan wiped them clean one by one, and out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Wen Jin using his finger to check if there was still dust on his gaming chair.

His furrowed brows relaxed when he saw that it was clean. He put on his headset and sat in his capsule.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and light-colored cropped trousers today, revealing a small section of his sturdy calves, and on his feet were a pair of clean white sneakers.

He was also livestreaming, but he only streamed himself playing games and didn’t like to talk. Every now and then, he would snort a few words in a disdainful tone.


“That’s it?”

Jiang Wan quietly finished cleaning, picked up the rag, and thoughtfully closed the door as she left the room.

It was almost six when someone knocked on the front door while she was cooking dinner in the kitchen. When she opened the door, she saw five or six young men standing there.

“Eh? Who are you?” The men were amazed to see her. “Could it be that you’re Ah Jin’s girlfriend?”

“No, no, I’m the housekeeper…auntie.” Jiang Wan realized she only looked a few years older than them and added in a low voice, “You can call me auntie or jiejie.” 2

“Hello, jiejie!” The few of them enthusiastically shook her hand.

“Jiejie, I’m called Rolling Donkey!”

“Jiejie, call me Dorayaki!”

“Jiejie, my nickname is Double A!”

“Jiejie,  I’m Cool Guy!”

When Wen Jin opened his room door and walked out, there were two more people who hadn’t yet introduced themselves. He frowned as he saw a bunch of people standing at the door, their hands seemingly glued to Jiang Wan’s.

“Why are you guys here?”

Jiang Wan withdrew her hand, took a few steps back, and walked to him. “They seemed to be looking for you.”

“Ah Jin, we’re here to celebrate your birthday.” The young man named Dorayaki pulled a cake from behind him, “Surprise! — are you surprised?”

Wen Jin looked at Jiang Wan expressionlessly and said, “Close the door.”

“Hey, hey!” The group of people squeezed themselves into his house as quickly as they could. “Ah Jin! Don’t!”

(Pic source