CH 7

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan had no idea that today was Wen Jin’s birthday.

But she was even more surprised that his face was full of disgust when his friends had come to celebrate his birthday with him.

She resumed cooking in the kitchen, and the young men went over to help her. Some assisted her with the washing of ingredients, while others helped with washing the dishes and pans. They were all very lively and talked a lot, as if they came from a completely different world than Wen Jin.

But they were friends with him.

“We used to be on Team AY, but we’ve all retired now. Some have gone to become professional coaches, game commentators, and livestreamers. In fact, we don’t contact each other much anymore, and nowadays we only get together on everyone’s birthday. However, because Ah Jin never helped us celebrate our birthdays, we can only see him on his birthday…” Dorayaki was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He wasn’t tall, had a baby face, and his eyes were big and bright behind the glasses.

He was standing next to Jiang Wan, helping her wash the dishes while gossiping, “Ah Jin isn’t easy to get along with, is he? When he first joined us, he had a fight with our coach.”

“Why?” Jiang Wan was a little surprised.

That man might appear strange, but he wasn’t the type to hit someone.

“Our coach liked to teach by insult, that is, he would constantly insult you. Even if you played well, he would call you trash in order to provoke you to perform to your full potential. Then, after Ah Jin joined us, when he won a game against someone else, the moment he stood up, he heard the coach say, ‘Don’t think you can be complacent after you win. In my heart, you’re just a piece of trash-‘ As soon as he finished saying the word ‘trash’, Ah Jin punched him to the ground.”

“What happened after that?” Jiang Wan couldn’t help but ask.

“Afterwards, he went on to win the tournament and became extremely popular. When he returned to the country, the entire airport corridor was packed with fans who came to welcome his return, yelling his name so crazily that their voices became hoarse.”

“I bet he hadn’t had any reaction,” Jiang Wan speculated.

“Yes! How did you know!” Dorayaki laughed out loud. “Ah Jin is too cold. He basically doesn’t communicate with others except playing games, and his temperament… If you say he’s weird, he’s pretty normal, but if you say he’s normal, he’s not quite like other people.”

Jiang Wan knew that clearly and deeply, and just as she was about to nod her head, she noticed Wen Jin approaching her.

He was taller than the rest of the group, and he was the most good looking one among them.

“I’m going out. Come with me,” he said as he stared at Jiang Wan, before turning around and walking out.

“Eh? Ah Jin, what are you going out for? Aren’t you gonna celebrate your birthday?” The boys gathered around him. “Also, what do you mean by taking this beautiful jiejie away with you?’

“Literally. If something bad happens to her at my house, I’ll have to bear some of the responsibilities,” Wen Jin said with a blank expression.

“Fuck! What are you talking about! Are we that type of people?!” Dorayaki yelled.

Wen Jin looked at him. “I don’t know. You might be.”

Everyone: “…”

Jiang Wan awkwardly watched the farcical scene in front of her and left with Wen Jin.

The man merely went to the security room downstairs to pick up a package.

Jiang Wan thought he wanted her to help carry it, but when she offered to help, he rejected.

Jiang Wan couldn’t help but ask, “Did you really ask me to come down with you because you’re afraid that they might do something to me?”

“Yes.” Wen Jin picked up the two shoebox-sized packages and walked back home.

Jiang Wan was a little puzzled. “They’re your friends. Why are you worried that they’ll do that?”

“They are them, and I am I. I don’t know them well, and I’m not sure if they’ll do anything. The only thing I know is,” Wen Jin turned to her and said, “when I saw your naked body that day, I had a sexual impulse.”
