CH 8

Name:Living Together Author:
After Jiang Wan returned to the house, she shut herself in her room and took a few deep breaths before regaining her composure and walking out.

Only that, while chopping vegetables, her gaze was uncontrollably drawn to Wen Jin, who was unpacking his parcel on the sofa.

How could he tell her so nonchalantly that he had a sexual impulse towards her! ! ! ! !

Oh my god!

Jiang Wan’s ears were heated, as if they were congested with blood. She lowered her head and picked up a plate to wash. Her mind began to clear a little when her hands were soaked in cold water.

It was okay. He was just weird.

Jiang Wan took a deep breath. It was okay.

His parcel contained two pairs of sneakers with the signatures of famous celebrities. His friends yelled in excitement in the living room and took selfies with the shoes.

Wen Jin had a cloakroom. In addition to pure white T-shirts and sportswear, he had two walls of sneakers. Some of the shoes with the same design and color, he had ten pairs of them.

Jiang Wan couldn’t understand his tastes and preferences. She only sighed that his cloakroom was larger than her room, and she didn’t know when she would be able to buy a house of her own.

Wen Jin’s birthday party was very dull. His teammates were eager to liven up the atmosphere, but the birthday boy did not appear to be thrilled at all, frowning and looking unhappy instead.

They cut the cake and prepared to leave after eating dinner.

Before leaving, Dorayaki quietly asked Wen Jin while Jiang Wan was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen, “Is the pretty jiejie single?”

“I don’t know.” Wen Jin was expressionless.

“She smells so good.” Dorayaki adjusted his glasses. “If she doesn’t have a boyfriend, I’ll chase after her.”

He went to the kitchen and boldly asked Jiang Wan for her WeChat ID. Seeing that he was Wen Jin’s friend, Jiang Wan was too embarrassed to refuse, so she told him.

After everyone else had left, she came into the living room to clear the coffee table. She bent over and reached out for the two cups in front of Wen Jin.

Wen Jin suddenly approached her, and his thin lips were very close to her neck.

Jiang Wan’s spine went numb, and she stood motionless in a daze.

The man only leaned over and sniffed her neck. Warm breath blew against her neck. Her back felt hot, and her arms trembled.

“What are you…doing?” She picked up the cup and straightened up, but sweat broke out at the nape of her neck for no reason.

“Dorayaki said you smell good.” Wen Jin looked at her, his gaze frank and straightforward. “You do smell very good.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

She blushed as she carried the cups to the kitchen.

Wen Jin stood up and followed her to the kitchen. “I smelled you just now. Now, you can smell me back.”

Jiang Wan’s face was completely flushed. She twisted her head to look at him, then averted her gaze and threw the cups into the sink. “I don’t want to smell!”

Wen Jin had already turned his head sideways, his long, slender knuckles pointing at his neck. “Come on.”

Jiang Wan took a glance at him.

Something was seriously wrong with this man!

“I said, I don’t want to smell!” she said louder as she turned on the faucet to wash the cups.

Wen Jin frowned. “No, you have to smell.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

She turned off the water and looked at him for a second, her face reddened.

His world was simple: fair, just, and equal.

You couldn’t invade his territory, and at the same time, he would not invade yours.

But when the balance was thrown off, you had to make up for him, and at the same time, he would make up for you.

Jiang Wan hesitated for a few seconds before forcing herself to approach him. She couldn’t reach his neck because he was too tall, so she stood on tiptoe, lifted her chin, and leaned closer to his neck.