CH 9

Name:Living Together Author:
She sniffed subtly with the tip of her nose.

There was a woody fragrance on him, like the smell of pine after snow, mysterious and gentle yet fresh, which was elegant and charming.

Her mind drifted off for a second.

Wen Jin cocked his head, and the tip of his nose almost touched hers.

“How do I smell?” he asked, his deep bass voice enticing.

His face was too close, his dark pupils were filled with her face, and the deeply traced love bands under his eyelids vaguely gave his eyes the illusion of being infatuated with her.

Jiang Wan involuntarily took a step back, her voice a little tense. “…you smell good as well.”

Wen Jin nodded and walked away in satisfaction.

Jiang Wan slowly exhaled.

She continued to wash the cups, only to discover that her fingers were still slightly trembling.

Perhaps it was because she hadn’t been close to a man in a long time that at that moment, she felt the urge…to hug him.

After finishing cleaning, Jiang Wan returned to her room and noticed that there was a missed call on her phone. She clicked on it and saw that it was Wei Jiyuan.

She deleted the record and locked her phone. After a while, Wei Jiyuan called again. She was about to turn off her phone when she saw his text message.

【I have something to tell you. If you don’t answer the phone, I will find you. I know where you are. 】

Jiang Wan knitted her brows. Wei Jiyuan called again, and this time, she reluctantly answered.

“Jiang Wan.”

Jiang Wan frowned. “Wei Jiyuan, just say what you want to say.”

“I want to meet you in person.” Wei Jiyuan seemed to have drunk some alcohol, and his voice sounded slightly slurred. “Come here. Let’s talk it out once and for all.”

“Just say it over the phone.” Jiang Wan glanced at the time. It was eight o’clock at night.

“Tongtong is also here. Come here.” Wei Jiyuan sounded exhausted. “Let’s meet and talk about it.”

After some thought, Jiang Wan sent a message to Wen Jin, took her keys, and went out.

There was no bus at that time, so she could only take a taxi.

The sensor lights in the corridor lit up with the sound of her footsteps. She stood at House No. 203 and knocked on the door.

The door was opened, and she saw that the house was a complete mess, with broken glass bottles, pots, and pans strewn around.

The floor lamp in the living room was also broken, and the soil from the potted plants was scattered all over the floor.

Jiang Wan walked in while stepping on the mess, and Wei Jiyuan closed the door behind her. Looking like he had drunk a lot of alcohol, he looked at her with reddened eyes and said, “You came.”

Jiang Wan looked around the living room and asked, “Where’s Yingtong?”

Wei Jiyuan pointed at the bedroom with his chin.

Jiang Wan walked towards the bedroom.

She opened the bedroom door, but there was no one inside. At that moment, she realized that something was wrong. When she turned around, Wei Jiyuan had already put his arms around her, pushed her onto the bed, and pressed her hard.

He reeked of alcohol as he lowered his head to kiss her neck. “Jiang Wan…I really like you…”

She was so shocked that she got goosebumps all over. She attempted to push him but failed. The drunk man was very strong, and his body was so heavy that Jiang Wan was unable to budge. She was so scared that her voice was distorted. “Wei Jiyuan! Let me go—”

“I’m not letting you go… I want to fuck you… Let me fuck you once…” Wei Jiyuan reached out one hand to pull her clothes down, while his other large hand grabbed her breast and kneaded it through her clothes. “I want to fuck you even in my dreams.”

“No…” Jiang Wan struggled vehemently while yelling, “Help—help—Wei Jiyuan—please—let me go—help—”