CH 11

Name:Living Together Author:
The air was still.

Wen Jin looked at her, his dark pupils showing no emotions. “I’m a pervert?”

Jiang Wan wiped away her tears, yanked off the towel, and threw it into his arms. “I’m returning it to you!”

She walked past him and dashed into her room. She then shut the door, climbed onto the bed, and hid beneath her blanket.

Wen Jin stood for a while and glanced at the bath towel on the floor.

He gave a long frown before picking up the towel and tossing it into the laundry basket.

During his video game livestreaming at night, he was out of focus. His hero was the first to be killed at the start. After his whole team was killed, he removed his headset with a blank expression, left a sentence “I’m not playing anymore”, and ended the stream.

He had been living in this house for many years, and all of his housekeepers had lived outside. This was the first time he had accepted a live-in housekeeper because a friend had recommended her as being mild-mannered and diligent.

He knew that many people could not accept his temperament. He had tried to fit in but with little success.

He had felt that Jiang Wan was very good in the days following her arrival and did not want to change to another housekeeper, but he was very concerned when Jiang Wan cried and called him a pervert tonight.

He was so concerned that until one o’clock in the morning, he still couldn’t fall asleep.

He exited his room, went to the bathroom, and came out with a fresh bath towel.

Jiang Wan had been listening to music while lying in bed. She didn’t livestream today because she was trying to calm her fear with music, but she hadn’t been able to sleep for the past few hours.

When her room door was opened, she opened her eyes in surprise, only to see Wen Jin standing at the door.

With a towel in his hand, the man walked in from the darkness and quietly brought it in front of her. Seeing that she was lying on the bed, he frowned and thought for a moment before lifting her blanket and spreading the towel on her body.

Jiang Wan: “…”

She couldn’t tell whether he was awake or sleepwalking, so for fear of startling him, she didn’t dare to speak.

When Wen Jin noticed her eyes were open in the dark, he paused in his movements and asked in a low voice, “You’ve been awake?”

Jiang Wan finally let out a breath. “Aren’t you sleepwalking?”

Both of them were silent for a moment.

“I’m sorry…” Jiang Wan sat up. “…I shouldn’t have lost my temper with you. Today…”

Her body trembled uncontrollably.

Wen Jin quietly waited for her to finish speaking.

In the end, Jiang Wan couldn’t say it out. She took a deep breath in the dark. “It’s okay now, it’s all over… It’s okay now…”

“Jiang Wan,” Wen Jin called out her name, his bass voice unusually low, “You made me very concerned tonight. I want to know what happened.”

Jiang Wan’s tears suddenly fell.

She hid her face with her hands aggrievedly and described the scene of herself escaping from Wei Jiyuan’s hands in fragmented sentences. “I’m sorry… I’m just too scared. That’s why…that’s why…”

“Get up.” Wen Jin rose to his feet. “Get dressed. I’ll take you to the police station.”

“No… I promised He Yingtong that I would not call the police. I…” Jiang Wan was at a loss for what to do.

“You never promised her anything. From the beginning to the end, you never said, ‘I won’t make a police report’.” Wen Jin had no expression on his face when he spoke, but his pupils were dark and showed a calmness and restraint that belied his age. “This is a rape attempt. If He Yingtong didn’t show up, you are now a victim lying on the crime scene, not sitting here discussing with me whether to file a police report or not.”

Jiang Wan’s heart immediately calmed down. She wiped her tears, looked at Wen Jin, and said,

“I want to make a police report.”