CH 12

Name:Living Together Author:
It took more than two hours from filing the police report to leaving the police station.

Jiang Wan sent He Yingtong a message, then turned off her phone and quietly gazed up at the starry sky above her head.

Wen Jin bought a lot of chocolates and candies from the convenience store and brought them to Jiang Wan.

“Why did you buy so many chocolates for me?” Jiang Wan accepted it and thanked him belatedly.

The police officer who handled her case had assumed that they were a couple and advised Wen Jin to comfort Jiang Wan, only to have Wen Jin frown and inquire how he could comfort her. The police widened his eyes with a ‘do men like these rely solely on their looks to get a girlfriend?’ expression before teaching Wen Jin a few tricks on coaxing girlfriends.

The first trick was to buy some sweets, chocolates, and candies.

Wen Jin pointed at the police station. “The policeman asked me to buy it because he said it will make you feel happier.”

Jiang Wan ripped open a chocolate bar and stuffed it into her mouth.

A sickly sweet taste filled her mouth.

She looked up at the sky above her head with the corners of her lips hooked into a rare smile. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Twenty-five yuan in total.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

She took out twenty-five yuan from her wallet and handed it to him.

And couldn’t help but tilt her head to look at him.

Wen Jin was very tall, and his shadow was stretched long under the street lamp. His eyes were lowered, the love bands under his eyes were deep, and his eyelashes were long and dense, casting a shadow under his eyes.

Half of his face was obscured by the darkness; his jawline was defined, and his Adam’s apple was visible when he looked up.

He looked normal.

And yet not quite normal.

He would ask her to walk naked for the sake of a bath towel, but he would also take her to the police station in the middle of the night.

He was a real oddball.

Wen Jin drove her back home, and when they arrived, Jiang Wan thanked him once again before going to the bathroom to wash up.

Wen Jin went to the bathroom as well.

It was the first time that the two of them stood next to each other in front of the sink to brush their teeth.

Jiang Wan thought that it felt…strange.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she returned to her room.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jin followed her inside her room.

“Do you have something to say?” She stopped walking and turned around to ask him.

“He said you needed company and asked me to stay by your side.” Wen Jin looked down at his wristwatch. “Three hours to go. Do you want to sleep? I’ll go get a pillow.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

Wen Jin wasn’t joking. He came back with a pillow and placed it on Jiang Wan’s bed.

Then he began to undress.

“Wait a minute…” Jiang Wan was still a little stunned. “Are you going to…sleep on my bed?”

Wen Jin nodded.

The policeman also expressed concern that Jiang Wan might have suicidal tendencies, so Wen Jin must keep an eye on Jiang Wan the whole time.

Naturally, he couldn’t tell Jiang Wan about this.

Wen Jin took off his clothes and climbed onto her bed wearing only a pair of underwear.

Jiang Wan was dumbfounded. Although she was sure that Wen Jin would not harm her, she was still astounded by this scene.

She had never shared a bed with a man.

“Wen Jin…” Jiang Wan didn’t even dare to look in the direction of the bed when she spoke, and her voice was a little tense, “We’re not in that kind of relationship, so we can’t sleep in the same bed. Do you know that?”

“I know.”

“Then why-”

Wen Jin interrupted her, saying “Come here. He said that with me here, you will forget about the nightmare.”

Jiang Wan was immediately persuaded by this sentence.

She only hesitated for a moment before changing into pajamas in the dark and carefully climbing onto the bed, a person’s width away from Wen Jin.

The room quieted down.

Jiang Wan’s heart felt strangely calm. She slowly closed her eyes, and in her ears was the gentle and shallow breathing of the man.

She drifted off to sleep as she listened to the sound of his breathing.

In the middle of the night, she had a nightmare. In the dream, Wei Jiyuan pressed her, tore her clothes, and rubbed her chest with his large hands. It was so clear and lifelike that it didn’t feel like a dream.

With a sharp gasp, she awoke.

Her entire body shook violently.

Wen Jin sat up. “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Wan shuddered and curled up in the bed. “Can you…hug me?” she asked, her voice trembling.