CH 14

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan somehow managed to fall asleep, and she even had a dream. In the dream, it was no longer Wei Jiyuan’s face, but…Wen Jin’s.

He was grabbing her chest and kneading it vigorously. Hot kisses were planted on her neck, and his deep, hoarse voice fell alongside his kisses, so hot that her soul trembled.

“I want to fuck you…”

This was what Wei Jiyuan had said, but in her dream, it became Wen Jin’s words.

For the same words, when she heard them from Wei Jiyuan, she trembled with fear, but when she heard them from Wen Jin, she found herself softening into a puddle of water.

He pinned her to the bed and shoved his manhood into her. The bed shook, and she moaned from the thrusts.

Jiang Wan gasped and opened her eyes, only to realize that she had been dreaming.

Her body was sweating all over.

It was also at this point that she noticed she was cuddled in the man’s arms.

Wen Jin had awoken and was staring at her.

Jiang Wan hurriedly pushed him away and got up. She was taking a set of clean clothes to the bathroom when she heard Wen Jin ask, “What is this?”

Jiang Wan turned around and took a look. There was a damp spot on the bed where she had slept.

Her mind went blank.

She looked down at herself and saw that the middle of her light-colored pajama bottoms was also wet. Her body froze and her ears turned red as she remembered her dream.

“Was it the water…from there?” Wen Jin followed her gaze and noticed it as well.

Jiang Wan was so embarrassed that she hid her face with the clothes in her hands and rushed to the bathroom without looking back.

When she came out after washing up, Wen Jin was standing at the bathroom door. “Did you have sexual impulses towards me as well?” he asked.

Jiang Wan covered her face with her hands as she walked past him and dashed straight to her room.

Wen Jin followed behind her, his voice a little confused. “Jiang Wan, why aren’t you answering my question?”

Jiang Wan slammed the door shut and yelled embarrassedly and angrily, “Stop asking!”

Wen Jin stopped in front of her door as a puzzled look appeared in his eyes. “I told you before, if you have a sexual impulse towards me, you should tell me.”

Jiang Wan covered her ears, her heart pounding furiously.

The balance between the two of them had been completely broken.

When Jiang Wan was cooking in the kitchen, Wen Jin asked her again. He had just taken a shower, so his hair was partially wet. He briefly wiped his hair dry with a towel and combed his long hair to the back with his fingers, revealing his smooth forehead.

He was very good-looking, the kind of looks that would attract a person at first glance.

His pupils were dark, and the love bands beneath his eyes were deep. When he stared at someone, it gave the impression that he was deeply in love with them.

However, if one looked closely, one would notice that there was no emotion in his eyes.

“No!” Jiang Wan denied it as she washed the dishes with her head lowered. “I had a dream, and that was a natural reaction from my body.”

“Who did you dream of?” Wen Jin asked.

Jiang Wan was mute for a long time before she uttered, “…a male celebrity.”

“You’re lying. You didn’t even dare to look at me when you speak.”

Jiang Wan looked at him, her face flushed. “…no, I’m not!”

Wen Jin leaned in slightly, turned his head sideways, and moved his ear close to her heart. Then, he raised his chin slightly and said to Jiang Wan, “Your heart is beating fast.”

Jiang Wan took a big step back, her voice nervous as she said, “I…any normal person would be like this when they tell someone something like that. T-this is perfectly normal.”

Wen Jin looked at her thoughtfully.

And said,

“Then we can’t have sex yet for now.”

Jiang Wan: “…”