CH 15

Name:Living Together Author:
In the evening, Jiang Wan went to the police station again.

Wei Jiyuan had already been arrested, and as the only eyewitness, He Yingtong also appeared in the interrogation room. He Yingtong never even cast a glance at Jiang Wan the entire time.

Jiang Wan didn’t say anything to her as well. After following the police procedures, she stood up and left.

Perhaps, she and He Yingtong could only be like this in the future.

When they met, only silence remained.

When she left the police station, Wen Jin was standing at the entrance, and many passersby were staring at him.

He was dressed in pure white sportswear and stood tall with a cap on his head. As he stood slightly sideways, the sharp features of his side profile were revealed. His chin was slightly raised, causing his Adam’s apple to bulge in a sexy arc.

When he noticed Jiang Wan approaching, he tilted his head and looked over at her. His pupils were black without much emotion in them. The lines of the love bands under his eyes were conspicuous, giving his eyes an unexpectedly charming and affectionate appearance.

Wen Jin had a really good-looking face.

A single face enough to make the heart of every young woman passing by flutter.

After arriving home, she briefly washed up and returned to her room to livestream.

Just as she was about to go to bed, Wen Jin knocked on her door with a pillow in his hand.

“…” Although Jiang Wan was dumbstruck, her heart was racing. “You’re…still going to sleep on my bed tonight?”

“Mhm.” Wen Jin looked at her. “If tonight, you have-”

“I don’t!” Jiang Wan retorted loudly. She glared at him, her cheeks flushed, and her voice trembled. “I don’t! I will never!”

She pushed Wen Jin out and shut the door. “You…sleep in your own room. I’m going to sleep now.”

Her face was burning as she climbed into her bed and buried her face in the pillow.

Wen Jin didn’t knock again; he had most likely already left.

Worrying that she would have nightmares at night, Jiang Wan hugged a pillow, put on her headphones, and chose some calming music to help her fall asleep. She had gotten a good night’s sleep, but when she was suddenly hugged from the back, she nearly screamed from the shock.

She sighed with relied as she turned her head and smelled the faint scent of pinewood. “You almost scared me to death…”

Wen Jin didn’t say anything. He simply hugged her and buried his face in her neck.

Jiang Wan took off her earphones and asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Wen Jin continued to remain silent.

Jiang Wan thought it was unusual. No matter how weird he was, he never ignored others.

“Don’t tell me you’re…” Jiang Wan stared at him in astonishment. “…sleepwalking?“

She was a little fearful.

She was even more frightened when Wen Jin was silent.

She had no idea what a sleepwalker would do, and she was even more afraid that she would startle him if she tried to free herself from him. She had heard that you shouldn’t scare a sleepwalker, or you might risk causing brain damage to the sleepwalker.

She wasn’t sure if it was true, but she didn’t dare to move.

The man was only silently encircling her with his arms.

Jiang Wan didn’t know how she had fallen asleep later in the night. She only knew that the faint pine scent on the man’s body made her feel very at ease.

She had slept with her back to him, but when she woke up the next day, she became the one hugging him, and one of her legs was even lying on top of his leg, her knee barely touching a hot object.

She gazed down only to see the front of the man’s underwear had formed a tall tent.

Her face was red-hot, and she was carefully moving her legs away from him when she noticed the man’s eyes had opened.

“…” Jiang Wan forced herself to greet him, “…Morning.”

Wen Jin had a perplexed expression for a brief moment, but his attention soon shifted to the area between his legs.

It was so hard that it was a little uncomfortable.

He pulled his underwear down and adjusted the painfully strangulated hard object in a different direction, pressing it against his abdomen.

Jiang Wan’s eyes widened, and her mind went completely blank.

This time…she saw it very clearly.

The scarlet giant had a thick shaft coiled with blue veins, whereas the huge tip was purplish, hideous, and fierce-looking.