CH 16

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan hurriedly said, “I didn’t see anything!” as she covered her eyes like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Wen Jin tilted his head to look at her and said with certainty, “You saw it.”

Jiang Wan’s ears turned red. “No, I didn’t.”

“You did.” Wen Jin removed her hands from her eyes, and as he had just awoken, his voice was raspier and sexier than usual. “Let me see yours.”


Jiang Wan felt numb on her back, and a thin layer of sweat formed on her neck. Her ears were burning, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at Wen Jin as she murmured, “Not fair. I never wanted to see yours. You were the one who…did that.”

“You want to see it.” Wen Jin sat up, his black bed hair a little messy, and his face revealed an unexpected hint of lazy sexiness.

Jiang Wan glared at him with a reddened face. “No, I don’t!”

She didn’t want to argue with him any longer about something like this. She had already let him see her naked body a few times before anyway, so there was nothing much to be ashamed of. She stood beside the bed, removed her pants, and gently pulled her panties down.

At that moment, her head was swimming.

She clearly noticed a damp patch on her panties.

She was wet…down there.

“Wait…” Jiang Wan hastily pulled her panties back up. “Let’s do this n-next time.”

Wen Jin gripped her wrist. “Why?”

“I…I need to go to the toilet.” Jiang Wan struggled free of his grasp and scuttled to the bathroom.

Why did…this happen?

She didn’t quite understand why she had gotten wet down there.

When she went out of the bathroom, Wen Jin was standing at the door.

Jiang Wan froze for a moment before running away.

“Jiang Wan.” Wen Jin called out to her from behind.

“I know. Let’s talk about it…tonight. I still have something to do, something urgent.” She shut herself in the room and listened to the movements outside. After confirming that Wen Jin hadn’t followed her to her room, she gently exhaled.

She changed her clothes, grabbed her keys, and went out to buy groceries.

While Wen Jin went for a run downstairs. By the time Jiang Wan finished shopping, Wen Jin had finished running and walked back home with her.

The two of them did not communicate the entire time, but the minute Jiang Wan spotted him, her ears inexplicably heated up, and she had her head lowered, not daring to look at him.

Wen Jin’s livestream schedule had been completely disrupted for the past few days, so he planned to start streaming himself playing games after breakfast. He still remembered Jiang Wan telling him to ‘talk about it tonight’, and after eating, he reminded Jiang Wan not to forget the promise she had made for tonight.

Jiang Wans’ hands shook, almost causing her to drop the bowl in her hands.

He entered his bedroom and never came out.

After Jiang Wan finished cleaning up, she returned to her room. As she thought of Wen Jin’s face, she couldn’t stop herself from secretly searching for his live room. 1

She wasn’t familiar with live game streaming, but Wen Jin was very popular. As soon as she clicked on the search button for ‘live game streaming’, his name appeared in the recommendations on the first page.

He didn’t have a chuunibyou-style ID2 as his teammates did. His gaming ID was simply ‘Wen Jin’.

Jiang Wan clicked on it, and before she could see Wen Jin’s face, she was shocked by the bullet chats3 that took up the entire screen. 

In the densely packed bullet chat on the screen, people were calling him Ah Jin, Jin-ge4, and Huo-ge5.

Many people had tuned in to watch his livestream. Jiang Wan took a look at the number of his online viewers; there were over three million.6

He had only been streaming for less than half an hour.

She could only see Wen Jin’s face after turning off the bullet chat.

He sat in the white gaming space capsule with his eyes slightly lowered, and deep traces of his love bands were visible beneath his long eyelashes. The pair of eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and occasionally when he opened his mouth, he only spoke a word or two in his sexy bass voice.



The camera only captured his upper body, his overly handsome face, bulging Adam’s apple, pure white T-shirt, and his hands with long, slender fingers.

That hand had been around her waist this morning.

And even pulled down his underwear…and took that thing out.

Jiang Wan abruptly covered her face.

Under the palm of her hands, her face was terribly hot.

T/N: I like this novel but the author needs to stop using the same sentences for ML’s appearances… The number of times the word ‘love band’ appeared lol

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So, chuunibyou-style ID are cringe or corny names like xxDemonSlayerxx lol

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