CH 17

Name:Living Together Author:
When Jiang Wan was cooking dinner, she received a call from He Yingtong.

She turned off the stove and went to her room to answer the phone.

He Yingtong called to say that she was leaving.

Jiang Wan was holding the phone, not knowing what to say.

Before hanging up, she asked where He Yingtong was, and then told her, “Wait for me.”

She sent Wen Jin a message, took her keys, and went out.

Wei Jiyuan’s case was still ongoing. The entire process would take at least two or three months before reaching the sentencing. The lawyer had told He Yingtong the worst possible outcome.

He Yingtong didn’t ask the lawyer to pass a message to Wei Jiyuan. She only sent him food and sat down to smoke on the steps in front of the police station.

She decided to leave this place1 after finishing the pack of cigarettes.

When Jiang Wan arrived, He Yingtong was still sitting on the steps, with more than a dozen cigarette butts scattered on the ground.

“Hi.” He Yingtong raised her head and greeted her unenthusiastically.

Jiang Wan walked over. “I’ll treat you to dinner.”

“Sure.” He Yingtong smiled, stood up, and patted the dust off her butt. “Let’s go to the food stalls.”

The food stalls were crowded at night. The two of them ordered more than 100 yuan’s worth of barbecued food at one of the stalls. He Yingtong ordered two bottles of beer and asked Jiang Wan, “Wanna drink?”

Jiang Wan wasn’t a good drinker, but she took the opened bottle of beer from her hand and said, “Okay.”

He Yingtong clinked bottles with her. “He deserved it. No one else is to blame, and it’s not your fault, so don’t think too much.”

Then, she took a big glug.

Jiang Wan didn’t say anything and took a sip after her.

He Yingtong picked up a meat skewer and took a bite. “I’m quite selfish.“

She took another gulp of the beer. “After something like that happened, I still asked you not to tell anyone. When I reflected on it, I realized I had been too shameless.”

Jiang Wan took another swig as well.

She had a lot to say, but words kept rushing out of He Yingtong’s mouth. Those words seemed to have been bottled up in her heart for far too long, and it was only now that she could let them all out.

“I’m actually quite ashamed to see you.” He Yingtong smiled as she wiped her face. There were water stains on her fingertips. The corners of her lips raised into a smile, but tears rolled down her face. “I thought you wouldn’t answer my call, but not only did you pick it up, you even bought me dinner.”

As she laughed, her laughter gradually turned into cries. “How I wish I hadn’t met you…”

Jiang Wan silently drank the beer.

He Yingtong continued to cry, “Jiang Wan, I have always regarded you as my good friend. I didn’t want to lose Wei Jiyuan, nor did I want to lose you, but…how did things end up this way…”

Jiang Wan looked up at the dark sky. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said in a very low voice, “I’m sorry.”

Yeah, how did things end up this way?

She wanted to know as well.

He Yingtong was a good drinker. She had drunk three bottles of beer, but when she left, her steps were still steady.

Jiang Wan only drank one bottle of beer. She hadn’t felt anything when she returned home in a taxi. But when she got to the front door, she felt as if the world was spinning and crumbling around her. It took her a long time before she succeeded in inserting the key and opening the door.

The living room was dim with no lights on. She staggered into the bathroom, took off her clothes, and took a shower.

The barbecue smell of the food stalls mixed with the smell of tobacco and alcohol had caused her to lose her sense of smell. She knew that she stank, and all she wanted to do was wash herself clean.

Only when she got out of the shower did she realize she had forgotten to bring clean clothing with her.

She pulled a bath towel to wrap herself in.

She suddenly remembered what she had promised Wen Jin in the morning. She knocked on Wen Jin’s door, and her voice that had been moistened with beer was strangely soft as she said,

“Wen Jin.”

“I’m done showering.”

Her voice was a little drunk, but her words were clear.

“Do you want to see it?”

The man in front of the computer took off his headphones, and when he turned around, he saw Jiang Wan wrapped in a bath towel, leaning against the door frame with her face flushed and her fair skin exposed in the open.

His voice became hoarse.

“I want.”

Then he turned off his livestream and shut down his computer.

He didn’t know that, before he shut down the computer, nearly 10 million fans were frantically spamming the bullet chat:

【I hear a woman’s voice!】

【Ah Jin has a girlfriend?!!!!】

【If I heard it right, that woman said that she was done showering… ah ah ah ah! My hubby has a girlfriend? ! Why didn’t I know about this?!】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my son! Why did you have a girlfriend so soon! Mama does not allow it!】

【Didn’t you guys hear Ah Jin say ‘I want’? ! Ah I’m dead!! Why the hell is his voice so sexy! I’m dead!】