CH 21

Name:Living Together Author:
Wen Jin’s room was large, as was his bed.

Jiang Wan never imagined that she would be lying in his bed one day.

With his genital inside her.

Wen Jin placed her legs on his shoulders, grabbed her ass, and fucked her hard.

This was a strange posture, yet the pleasure was so intense that Jiang Wan bit her fingers and whimpered. Her scalp tingled with each thrust, and her back shuddered as a jolt ran through her spine.

“Wen Jin…” Her lower abdomen was terribly sore. She wanted to hold onto him, but she couldn’t reach him, so she could only wave her hands helplessly in the air as she cried, “No more… I’m so sore…”

Wen Jin tightened his grip on her thighs and continued to penetrate her womanhood. As he hit a certain spot, Jiang Wan screamed, her legs straightened, her lower abdomen trembled, and the horny fluid trickled down her buttocks to the back of her waist

The man was still hard at work.

“No more… Wen Jin… No more…” Jiang Wan begged.

She really couldn’t take it anymore.

“I watched thirteen films.” Wen Jin said breathlessly as he spread her legs, folded them into an M-shape, and pressed them down on both sides. “In eleven films, the AV actresses all shouted no when they really meant yes.”

“…” Jiang Wan’s face was filled with tears, and she shouted in a crying voice, “I’m not an AV actress!”

“The remaining two are not actresses,” Wen Jin responded.


Jiang Wan bit her fingers. Her head was dizzy due to the lack of oxygen.

The ecstasy rushed her to her head, numbing her scalp and spine, and her whole body shuddered as if she had been electrocuted. She couldn’t help crying out low, uncontrollable whimpers; the sounds she made were so lascivious that she was ashamed.

“Do you feel good?” Wen Jin kissed her on the lips.

She felt so good that she wanted to die.

But Jiang Wan was too embarrassed to answer him.

“Not good?” Wen Jin was adamant on getting a confirmation.

Moans overflowed from Jiang Wan’s throat as he kissed and fucked her. “I feel…good,” she said with tears all over her face.

Satisfied, Wen Jin pressed her down for another round of deep poundings.

Jiang Wan shivered and climaxed two more times, and the bedsheets were torn from her bites.

As the overwhelming pleasure struck her, she could barely control any reaction of her body other than screaming. Her body tensed up, her toes curled, and her lower abdomen spasmed and trembled.

Her cheeks were wet with tears.

But the rapture was so immense that she was nearly fucked to death.

It was almost three in the morning when Wen Jin finally spurted.

This was his seventh load.

Jiang Wan almost thought that she would die under him. When he carried her to the bathroom to take a shower, her legs were shaking.

Their bodies would inevitably come into contact under the shower. Jiang Wan never expected that while they were just applying shower gel, Wen Jin was glancing down between his legs again.

He had another boner.

Jiang Wan gulped and took small, imperceptible steps backwards until her back was to the wall. With nowhere to go, she could only try to persuade him with words, her voice extremely strained, “Wen Jin… Listen to me. I think you should calm down.”

“I’m listening.” Wen Jin looked at her, but his gaze shifted from her lips to her nipples, then down to her soft waist and slender legs.

“…” Jiang Wan covered her chest with one hand and said hoarsely, “I’m asking you to calm down. We should sleep now that it’s almost dawn. I’m exhausted, and you should also…get some rest.”

He had come seven times, but why did he still look so energized?

“Mhm.” Wen Jin swept his wet bangs to the back, revealing his smooth forehead. “We’ve got four hours left. You should get some sleep first. Later at seven o’clock, get up and join me on my morning jog to build your stamina, so that you won’t be tired the next time.”
