CH 22

Name:Living Together Author:
Chapter 22 - Yes, We Are Living Together

Translator: Superbulat

After taking a bath, Jiang Wan’s legs were so weak that she couldn’t walk and had to be carried to her room by Wen Jin.

Both of their beds had been soaked all over, so she had to change new bedsheets. After changing the sheets in both rooms, she dragged her tired body to her bed.

As soon as she lay down, the door was opened, and Wen Jin came in with his pillow.

Wearing only underwear, he lay down beside her.

Jiang Wan had no more energy to speak. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Before losing consciousness, she felt the man extend his long arms and sweep her into his embrace.

At seven in the morning, the man woke Jiang Wan up. He pointed to the watch on his wrist to remind Jiang Wan that it was time to get up and exercise.

Jiang Wan buried her face in the pillow and mumbled to him as if she was sleep-talking,” Let me sleep a little longer…”

Wen Jin couldn’t get her to wake up, so he went downstairs and jogged by himself.

After running for half an hour, he went to a cafe for breakfast. Even after he returned home, Jiang Wan was still sleeping.

He showered, put on a set of clean clothes, and returned to his room to begin his live game streaming.

He didn’t have a fixed schedule for his streams, but he would stream for eight hours a day — the normal working hours of a normal person.

He seldom spoke during his streams. Even when he opened his mouth, he would only utter one or two words, but today he was talking a lot, which was unusual for him.

Because usually, the audiences would all lick their screens over his good looks, and the bullet chats would be full of praises for him.

However, he had only been streaming for less than ten minutes today, but the messages on the bullet chats were all about:

【Jin-ge!!! What happened to your hand?!!!! 】

【My son!!! Look at your happy face today! You must have completed one of the major events in life last night! The kind of major event that is inappropriate for children! 】

【Hubby…you have a woman now, right? Who was that woman last night… During the time you disappeared, did you… Woo woo woo…I’m in tears! 】

【From the looks of the scratch marks on your hand, last night must have been an extremely brutal night… Ah Jin, I’m curious how many times you did it last night… Don’t throw me in the chicken coop! 】1 

【Jin-ge!! Who is that woman?!! I’m crying! How could she injure your hand like that?! Is that the woman who took a shower last night? ! What’s there to see in her?! Look at me! I’m prettier than her! 】

【The commenter above who said you’re pretty, don’t leave! Add me as a friend…】

【Don’t be shameless! Jin-ge finally has a girlfriend, so don’t cause trouble! I’m curious what kind of stunning beauty was able to capture my Jin-ge… woo woo… She must be a fairy! 】

【What I’m wondering is, Ah Jin, do you live with your girlfriend? Why was she at your house at such a late hour last night? 】

Wen Jin glanced at the bullet chat, and while controlling the hero’s actions with his mouse, he said in a deep, magnetic voice,

“My hand? She scratched it.”

“Last night was our first time.”

“We did it seven times, and then she got tired and wanted to rest.”

“She is not a stunning beauty or a fairy, but she is a woman who makes me have sexual impulses.”

“Yes, we are living together.”

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the bullet chat erupted:

【Ahhhhhh I’m dead! What is Ah Jin talking about!!! Ahhh! Why did he use such a handsome face and such a serious expression to say such indecent words ahhhhhh! Mommy, I’ve been tainted! 】

【Seven times?!!!! Jin-ge, I have a friend who has a terminal illness. She said she couldn’t believe it and wanted to see it with her own eyes! 】

【I am the terminally ill friend mentioned above! 】

【They are living together!!!! Ahhhhhh! Ah Jin is actually cohabitating with a woman!!!! 】

【Sexual impulse!!! Ah Jin, you’re actually not frigid!! 】

【Ah Jin actually has a woman he likes! I always thought you liked men! 】

【What he meant was that he had done it seven times; he still wanted to keep going, but his girlfriend was tired. Sisters, you don’t have to thank me. I had always gotten a perfect score on reading comprehension tests. 】

【I cried. This incredible sexual ability, pfft I mean love… 】