CH 23

Name:Living Together Author:
Chapter 23 - I’m Also Shy

Translator: Superbulat

Jiang Wan woke up at noon.

When she woke up, she was thirsty and hungry.

She went to the bathroom at almost the crawling speed of a tortoise, and when she washed up, she hardly dared to look at herself in the mirror.

Wen Jin had left a lot of marks on her neck. He had sucked so hard that almost her entire neck, including her chest, was covered in purple hickeys.

After she finished brushing her teeth and washing her face, she walked out with her hand supporting her waist, her legs still trembling.

She drank water with shaky hands, ate some bread from the refrigerator, and then started preparing lunch.

However, since she hadn’t gone grocery shopping in the morning, there was only a little meat and a few ingredients left in the refrigerator. She sat on the sofa and rested for a while, then took the key and went out to buy meat while wearing a thick scarf around her neck on a hot day.

As soon as Wen Jin finished livestreaming, there was a knock on the door. When he went to open it, several of his teammates barged in.

“Where is she?! When did you have a girlfriend?!”

“Fuck! You hid such a deep secret from us?!”

“We would not have known that you have a girlfriend and are living together if we hadn’t seen your livestream!”

“Who is it? Quickly show us!”

A group of eight people searched the entire house but found no one except Wen Jin.

“What the hell? Where is she? I thought you said you’re living together? Why is she here?”

“Yeah, why are you hiding her? Quickly let us meet with her!” Dorayaki looked at Wen Jin excitedly. “I’m so curious what kind of woman you’d make as your girlfriend!”

Wen Jin had talked so much in his stream just now that his deep voice had become a little hoarse, “You’ve seen her before; there’s no need to meet with her again.”

“We’ve seen her?” The few of them stared at him wide-eyed, looked at each other in confusion, and returned their gazes to Wen Jin, “When have we seen her?”

Jiang Wan had just returned from grocery shopping. When she entered the front door, she noticed that the nine men in the room were all staring at her. She froze for a moment before greeting them unnaturally, “…Hello everyone.”

Wen Jin looked at Jiang Wan and said, “Mhm, that’s her.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

The eight teammates: “…”

“Damn it!” Dorayaki went crazy. “When I asked you if she was single the other day, you said you didn’t know. I told you that I would pursue her if she was single, but I haven’t even made a move yet, and you have already made her yours. You-”

Wen Jin looked at Dorayaki and said the coldest and most heartless words in his hoarse and sexy voice, “She won’t like you because she has no sexual impulse towards you.”

Dorayaki: “…???”

He turned to look at Jiang Wan, his eyes full of disbelief, “S-s-she has s-s-s-sexual…”

After changing shoes, Jiang Wan covered her face with a scarf…and ran into the bathroom, leaving the groceries she had purchased at the door.

The air was still for a moment.

Wen Jin asked in confusion, “Is she shy or angry?”

Takoyaki facepalmed. “Ah Jin, you have stated in front of so many of us that she has a sexual impulse towards you. Do you think she is shy or angry?”

“Angry?” Wen Jin asked uncertainly.

Dorayaki: “…”

“Shy!!! Of course she’s shy!” he growled.

“Oh.” Wen Jin nodded, approached the bathroom door, and said to Jiang Wan, “Jiang Wan, I told my fans during the stream in the morning that I have sexual impulses towards you.”

“What—?!” Jiang Wan jerked open the door with widened eyes.

“You are shy,” Wen Jin concluded. “I’m also shy.”

“…” Jiang Wan was still taken aback by what he had said during his stream, and when she heard this, she was even more incredulous. “You don’t look shy at all!”

It looked like you couldn’t wait to announce it to the entire world!

“I don’t know how to be shy,” Wen Jin admitted, “but if you want me to be shy, I am shy.”
