CH 24

Name:Living Together Author:
Chapter 24 - I Want to Eat Something Else

Translator: Superbulat

He wasn’t weird; he was sick in the head!

Jiang Wan shut the door, washed her face in the bathroom, untied her scarf, wrapped it around her neck again, and took a deep breath. Only then did she open the door and walk out.

The eight teammates had already left.

Probably because they were worried that she would be too embarrassed.

Wen Jin was the only one left in the living room.

Jiang Wan carried the groceries from the door to the kitchen and began cooking.

Wen Jin silently hugged her from behind.

Jiang Wan’s back tingled, her ears burned hot, and her voice unconsciously trembled, “What are you doing?

“Are you still shy?” he asked.

Jiang Wan: “…”

She still couldn’t believe it. “Did you really say it during your stream?”

“About me having sexual impulses towards you?” Wen Jin nodded. “Yeah, I did.”

“…” Jiang Wan exhaled deeply and questioned, “Why?”

“They asked,” Wen Jin said.

“They asked you, so you told them?” Jiang Wan thought of something, and she blushed. She stammered, “I-if one day, th-they asked mo-more detailed questions, w-would you still answer them?”

“How many times a night?” Wen Jin continued to nod. “I told them that too.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

It was unclear whether she was angry or ashamed, but her whole face was flushed. She turned around and glared at Wen Jin with reddened ears. “How could you tell other people about that!”

“You can also tell your fans.” He was aware that she did livestreams as well.

“I won’t!” Jiang Wan became even more enraged.

Wen Jin looked at her, puzzled. “But you’re angry.”

“Shouldn’t I be angry?!” Besides being angry, Jiang Wan felt more ashamed. “How could you tell other people about that kind of thing!”

“I shouldn’t tell other people about that kind of thing?” Wen Jin said with a solemn expression on his face. “Then, I won’t tell them in the future.”


Jiang Wan took a deep breath and persuaded herself not to quarrel with him. He was an oddball; she should have known.

Wen Jin looked at her. “You should do one thing that makes me angry.”

Jiang Wan glowered at him. Wen Jin was very tall, appearing around 1.9 meters tall, and when he stood in front of her and spoke to her, his eyes were cast down at her.

His thick eyebrows were black, as were his pupils, and the love bands under his eyes were extremely deep. His facial features were very attractive, but there were not much expression on his face and rarely showed emotion in his eyes. 

Jiang Wan hardly ever saw him express other emotions, which made her curious if he would ever be angry about anything.

“What should I do to make you angry?” she wondered.

Wen Jin’s brows briefly furrowed as something came to mind. “Adding vegetable juice in my soup.”

Jiang Wan inquired, “Someone did that before?”


She guessed, “Then, you fired her?”

Wen Jin gave a nod. “Mhm.”


It seemed that he really hated eating vegetables.

“What else?” Jiang Wan continued to ask.

Wen Jin looked at her, his gaze straightforward and honest. “Keep talking to me and asking me questions.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

The air was silent for a brief while.

Jiang Wan abruptly stood on tiptoes, leaned into Wen Jin’s ear, and spoke very quickly, “Like this? Like this? Like th- Mmm!!”

Wen Jin tilted his head and kissed her lips.

Jiang Wan’s face was flushed, her hand rested on his chest, and her fingertips trembled slightly.

Wen Jin pried open her mouth, hooked her tongue with his, and sucked. With a sweep of his long arms, he encompassed her entire body into his arms.

Their hots breaths intertwined, so hot that the air around them became thin.

Jiang Wan was breathless from the kiss, and her lower abdomen trembled from being prodded by his hard object. She pushed him away with both hands, her breath unsteady, “Wait a minute… I-I need to cook.”

Wen Jin nibbled lightly on her lips, and his low bass voice was sexy and seductive. “I’m not hungry right now. I want to eat something else.”

Jiang Wan: “…”