CH 32

Name:Living Together Author:
T/N: Posting this chapter literally the moment it came out of my translating oven because my heart is overflowing with feels

At seven in the morning, Jiang Wan was woken up by Wen Jin.

“It’s seven o’clock,” he said to Jiang Wan, pointing to his watch. “Get up and go for a jog.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

She was still dazed, but Wen Jin had dragged her up and half-carried her to the bathroom.

“Wen Jin, I’m really sleepy ……” Her voice was so soft that she seemed to be murmuring, her hands weakly resting on his arm.

“You won’t be sleepy after a jog, “ Wen Jin assured her seriously.

Jiang Wan: “……”

She controlled her trembling wrists as if she were sleepwalking as she used the toilet, washed her face, and brushed her teeth. After changing clothes and stepping outside, the cool breeze blew on her head, and she was finally wide awake.

There were a lot of people jogging in the neighborhood, all running from here to the park outside. A single round would take around half an hour.

Jiang Wan followed behind Wen Jin, trying to drag her two shaking legs to keep up with his pace.

Wen Jin was dressed in a white tracksuit, with a cap on his head, headphones in his ears, and shoes on his feet that were brand new as if he had just bought them from a store.

Jiang Wan looked down at his shoes, worrying that he would step on something dirty.

She hadn’t jogged in a long time. In her memory, only when she was in high school, she would get up every morning to jog during training, shouting slogans and running at the same pace as her schoolmates.

At that time, she was full of enthusiasm every day, believing that she would have a bright future after passing the examinations.

Later, when her fantasy was shattered, she thought that she was dreaming.

Yes, if it had not been a dream, how could she have entered such a terrifying place.

Her feet continued to run, but her oxygen-deprived brain flashed back to her school days.

Her unbridled youth, and her longing for college.

Like a broken string, it had come to a screeching halt.

By the time she arrived at the park, Jiang Wan was already so exhausted that she slowly knelt on the ground. Struggling for breath, there was sweat on her face and tears in her eyes.

In fact, she always wanted to ask her parents, why they were so cruel.

Why did they destroy her so easily.

She covered her face, her eyes sore and hot, tears spilling out through her fingers.

She wanted to go back.

She wanted to find a place to hide and gradually calm down.

Her legs, however, were too weak to walk. She heard the sound of someone breathing moving down in front of her, followed by headphones being stuffed into her ears. It wasn’t pop music, but rather a piano piece.

She was a little taken aback. She had hardly ever heard this kind of music before. 

Her arms were pulled by the man. Before Jiang Wan knew it, she was already on Wen Jin’s back.

He carried her on his back and continued to jog into the park.

He was sweating a little, but there was no smell of sweat on him.

Jiang Wan lowered her head and only smelled the charming smell of pinewood, a soothing scent that instantly calmed her heart.

Wen Jin did not jog fast, but it was still a bumpy ride for Jiang Wan, causing her chest to hurt. She wiped away her tears, gently wrapped her arms around Wen Jin’s neck, and looked up.

For a brief moment, she was stunned.

Under the long pavilion, people were chatting in groups of twos and threes. On the bridge, elders were taking small children out for a walk. The garden was full of aqua blue flowers, and middle-aged women were taking pictures on the side. Incessant waves of laughter filled the air.

Above her head were large green leaves, and through the gaps, she could see the twinkling morning rays.

The wind blew past her face, so softly, like a kiss falling on her face, bringing a burst of numbness.

In the air were the smell of soil and the fragrance of flowers.

In her ears was the soothing piano music.

At this moment, Jiang Wan’s heart was comforted and moved.

“Wen Jin,” she called him quietly.

The man stopped, panting slightly, and turned his head to look at her.

His jawline was smooth, and a thin line of sweat ran down his forehead to his firm chin.

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, manliness overload, sexy, and alluring.

Jiang Wan wiped the sweat off his face. While blushing, she leaned over to kiss his face, but his face was too far away. Her kiss landed on his ear instead.

Wen Jin looked down and then turned to look at her. The darkness in his eyes was intense, and his voice was extremely hoarse.

“Jiang Wan.”

“I’m hard.”

Jiang Wan: “……”