CH 33

Name:Living Together Author:
Probably because their style of jogging while carrying another person on their back was rather unique, they attracted a lot of onlookers along the way.

Coupled with Wen Jin’s outstanding looks and height, many women passing by were secretly checking him out.

This was the first time Jiang Wan had seen the outside world from Wen Jin’s perspective, and naturally, she had also noticed the gazes of those women. She took a glance at Wen Jin. The man was jogging forward while carrying her on his back, completely unaware of the outside world. His gaze was fixed forward, and his breathing was a little heavy.

Resembling…a certain moment last night.

Her ears turned red, and she patted Wen Jin’s shoulder. “Put me down. I’ll run by myself.”

Wen Jin bent down slightly to put her down, turned to look at her face, and said, “Then tell me later when you can’t run anymore. Don’t cry alone.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

She didn’t cry because she couldn’t run anymore!

She bit her lip and gave him a light glare, then pulled out the headphones and threw them at him before running forward without looking back.

For the first time, she noticed how gentle the morning breeze was.

So gentle that it sent soft ripples though her heart.

When the two of them jogged back from the park, Jiang Wan stopped by the supermarket to buy groceries.

Wen Jin was about to go return home by himself, but when he saw her walking to the supermarket without looking back, he stood in place for a while and then followed her.

Jiang Wan pushed a shopping cart.

She had received a lot of tips yesterday, and after calculating, the tips yesterday were greater than her livestreaming income for the past six months. These fans had given her the tips because of Wen Jin.

She could only think of making a delicious meal to thank him.

She was picking meat when she sensed someone standing beside her. He was dressed in all white. She glanced at the man out of reflex, only to find that Wen Jin had followed her at some point.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to go home and take a shower?” She was a little surprised, but she had a smile in the bottom of her eyes that she did not even notice.

Wen Jin looked frankly at her. “I’ll shower together with you later when we get back.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

The customer buying meat beside her: “……”

The aunt who was weighing meat in front of her: “……”

Jiang Wan blushed and moved to the side, and Wen Jin grabbed her arm. “Didn’t you want to buy meat?”

“……I’ll get it later.” Jiang Wan’s ears were burning from embarrassment.

Wen Jin was puzzled. “Why?”


Wasn’t that your fault?!

Jiang Wan looked at him shamefacedly, held back, and turned around again. She pointed to the beef and short ribs, and asked for some pork belly, followed by a portion of corn with diced pork.

The lady who weighed the meat often saw her coming to buy meat in the past few days, so she had known Jiang Wan for some time, but this was the first time she saw a handsome man next to her.

When she heard Wen Jin’s ambiguous words, she asked, “Is this your husband?”

Jiang Wan blushed. “……no.”

“You’re not married yet, but you’ll sure be soon.” The aunt smiled cheerfully. “The young man is really handsome. Your future children will be lovely!”

Jiang Wan: “……”

“I don’t like children,” Wen Jin commented from the side.

The aunt said with an experienced tone, “Nowadays, young people prefer a two-person world, but children are a must, otherwise, it will be too lonely in the future. You won’t feel it now, but when you’re older-”

“Let’s go.” Wen Jin pulled Jiang Wan and walked away.

The aunt: “……”

Jiang Wan waved at the aunt somewhat awkwardly before walking to the fruit section to choose fruits. She picked a small watermelon and a bag of oranges, intending to make fresh orange juice when she returned home.

Wen Jin looked at her and said, “I don’t like children.”

“……” Jiang Wan glanced around. There was no one else around. She whispered back, “I know. You said it just now.”

“What about you?” Wen Jin asked, “Do you want to have children with me?”

Jiang Wan: “……”

She glared at him, her face flushed, and scolded him in a low voice, “Don’t talk about such things in public!”

Wen Jin pointed to the aunt selling pork behind her with a puzzled look on his face. “Why is it that she can say it in public but I can’t?”

Jiang Wan: “……”