CH 34

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan blushed and ignored him. She hurriedly weighed the fruits she had picked and pushed her shopping cart toward the cashier area.

Wen Jin followed behind her. “Jiang Wan, answer me.”

Jiang Wan glared at him, ashamed and enraged “We’ll discuss it when we get back!”

“Oh.” Wen Jin stopped talking.

The two of them stood in line. Wen Jin’s height was very conspicuous among the crowd, with a cap and white sportswear, his body slender and upright, especially his face, which featured slightly raised eyebrows, dark pupils, extremely deep lovebands, a straight nose bridge, and thin pursed lips.

The expression on that face was somewhat cold, but the attractiveness value was ridiculously high.

Many people turned their gazes to him several times, and some even told the people behind them to look at Wen Jin.

Jiang Wan was standing in front of Wen Jin, and she could sense gazes from all sides sweeping past her to look at the person behind her.

When it was her turn at the cashier, she casually looked back.

And noticed that Wen Jin was looking at condoms with his head down.


Jiang Wan’s face flushed instantly, and her voice involuntarily rose, “Wen Jin!”

People from all directions turned to look at her.

Jiang Wan: “……”

Wen Jin walked towards her, carrying over twenty boxes of condoms in his hands.

The cashier stared at Wen Jin dumbfoundedly the entire time.

Jiang Wan wanted to find a pit to bury herself in.

She reached out to stop him and said in a lowered voice, “Put them back. You already bought a lot yesterday. Quickly put them back.”

“The ones I bought yesterday were too small and uncomfortable to wear.” Wen Jin showed her the ones in his hands. “These are large-sized ones.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

She covered her face and squeezed out a sentence from her gritted teeth, “Buy it yourself next time.”

“Why next time? After we take a shower later, we’re going to use-” Jiang Wan covered Wen Jin’s mouth before he could finish his sentence.

Jiang Wan’s ears were bright red, as if blood were dripping from them. She barely managed to say to the cashier, “Checkout, please.”

Her voice trembled.

It wasn’t clear whether she was angry or embarrassed, but her body was even slightly shaking.

The cashier scanned the boxes one by one.

His eyes darted over Jiang Wan again and again, and then swept towards Wen Jin.

Wen Jin’s face was expressionless, whereas Jiang Wan’s face was as red as blood.

The people who finished checking out at the other counters noticed the boxes and boxes of condoms, and they couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Wan.

There was already a tiny person screaming and running away in Jiang Wan’s heart, but she still had to try her hardest to maintain her composure.

After paying for the groceries, she carried the plastic bags and rushed forward without waiting for Wen Jin.

Wen Jin caught up to her in a few steps.

Once they were inside the elevator, Jiang Wan covered her face and leaned her entire body against the metal door. “I’m done for…… I’m done for…… They all saw ……”

“What’s wrong with you?” Wen Jin asked.

Jiang Wan turned around and glared angrily at him. “You still ask me what’s wrong?! It’s all because of you!”

The elevator stopped, and an old man walked in.

Jiang Wan abruptly ended the conversation and adjusted the expression on her face.

Wen Jin, however, continued to ask, “Why is it because of me?”

Jiang Wan subtly shot him a glare and turned her head away.

Wen Jin asked again, “Because I bought condoms? Or because I said we are going to do it later at home?”

Jiang Wan: “……”

The old man: “……”

Jiang Wan lowered her head, her cheeks completely flushed. She reached out her hand and gently pinched Wen Jin’s arm. “Let’s talk about it at home.”

Wen Jin took a glance at the old man and nodded without saying anything else.

The elevator finally arrived.

Jiang Wan walked out with meat in one hand and fruits in the other.

In the hallway, she saw Wen Jin opening the front door, while seven to eight team members stood to the sides. They crowded around her and greeted her one by one. Seeing that her hands were full, they all rushed over to grab the plastic bags she was holding.

“Jiejie, I’ll carry them for you!”

“Give me give me! I’ll carry it!”

“Give it to me!”

As the crowd fought over the plastic bags, one of the bags was torn, and among the falling oranges were more than twenty boxes of condoms.

The air became completely still.

Jiang Wan: “……”