CH 35

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan hid in her room for a long time.

Pondering about life.

Wen Jin knocked on the door. “Jiang Wan.”

Okay, pondering time was up.

Jiang Wan covered her burning face and yelled, “Go away!”

“I’m hungry.”

Jiang Wan looked at the time. It was nearly 8.20 am, and Wen Jin hadn’t eaten breakfast yet.

He needed to start his livestreaming soon.

She took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked out.

Wen Jin stood in the doorway and leaned down to stare at her face. “Are you angry?”

He was too close, as if he was about to kiss her in the next second.

“I’m not angry……” Jiang Wan ducked, worrying that his teammates would see, and gently pushed him away. “I’m going to cook.”

Eight people sat upright on the sofas in the living room.

Jiang Wan walked all the way into the kitchen with her head down and took out some eggs from the fridge and the newly bought tenderloin from the plastic bag. After washing the meat, she began preparing Wen Jin’s breakfast.

Wen Jin went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The entire living room was only left with Jiang Wan, who was cooking, and…the eight team members on the sofas.

Dorayaki couldn’t help himself. He ran to the kitchen in small steps and said to Jiang Wan, “Jiejie, we didn’t see anything.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

Without saying a word, she lowered her head to fry eggs.

The others also hurried over. “Jiejie, we didn’t see anything either.”

Jiang Wan’s face was thoroughly red. “It’s alright. Have you guys……eaten breakfast yet? Would you like to have some?”

“Yes!!! Of course!!!” The few of them became energetic. “We’re precisely here to scrounge for free breakfast.”

The awkward atmosphere was finally dispelled.

Jiang Wan softly exhaled and turned around to take out eight more eggs from the refrigerator.

“Do you guys eat vegetables?” she inquired, looking at Dorayaki. 

“Yeah, we do.” Dorayaki walked towards the refrigerator. When he saw that there were still a lot of vegetables in there, he said, “Ah Jin can’t eat vegetables.”

“I know,” Jiang Wan quietly explained. “These were previously bought.”

“Mhm, never, ever let him touch vegetables, not even a little bit.” For once, Dorayaki’s expression was serious. “Even a tiny bit of vegetable leaves will cause him to vomit terribly.”

Jiang Wan had always assumed that Wen Jin did not like to eat vegetables, but she had not expected him to be unable to consume them.

“Why is he like that?”

“I don’t know.” Dorayaki shrugged. “Since the day we met him, we have never seen him eat vegetables. Once during a meal, he accidentally ate vegetable leaves and vomited for a long time. His face was pale white.”

Jiang Wan was still stunned when the bathroom door was opened. Wen Jin walked out, wiping his dripping hair.

He was wearing a pure white T-shirt with a pair of cropped trousers below, showing off his sturdy calves.

Jiang Wan served the fried eggs on plates with her head bowed, then made a few sandwiches, placed them on the plates, and handed them to Dorayaki.

Dorayaki brought the plates to the dining table and called out to everyone, “Come, come, come. Who wants a sandwich?”

Wen Jin draped the towel around his neck and walked to the kitchen. Jiang Wan was concentrating on putting a fried egg on a plate with a spatula when her waist was suddenly hugged by him.

Startled, Jiang Wan struggled softly and whispered, “Wen Jin, they’re all here.”

“I know.” Wen Jin leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck. “When I was showering just now, I kept thinking about you.”


Jiang Wan blushed, then she heard Wen Jin say, “If they hadn’t come, we would be doing it in the bathroom right now.”


“What are you two lovebirds whispering about?” Dorayaki covered his eyes in a ‘I want to see but I also don’t want to see’ coquettish way. “Would you please have pity on the single dogs?”

Wen Jin was about to speak when Jiang Wan covered his mouth. “He asked me when breakfast would be ready.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know if Dorayaki believed her, but he put the plate in the sink and headed back to the dining table.

“Don’t tell other people things like that.” As soon as the Dorayaki left, Jiang Wan gave Wen Jin a warning look.

“Oh.” Wen Jin obediently went to the dining table and sat down.

His teammates sneakily leaned over. “Wow, Ah Jin, you bought so many condoms. I totally couldn’t tell that you are so amazing! Is seven times real? Pics or it didn’t happen! I won’t believe it, unless-”

“You want to try?” Wen Jin raised his head and asked expressionlessly.

Everyone: “……”