CH 37

Name:Living Together Author:
Jiang Wan stormed into the kitchen to cook.

After preparing a few dishes, she returned to her room to summon Wen Jin for lunch and noticed that Wen Jin was creating two folders on her desktop.

One folder was titled ‘Female pornstars’.

The other was titled ‘Amateur porn’.

Jiang Wan: “……”

“Lunch is ready!” She shouted in embarrassment and anger, turned around, and walked out.

Wen Jin followed her out the door, washed his hands, and sat at the table before asking her in confusion, “Why are you angry?”

Jiang Wan gave him a gentle glare.

Wen Jin picked up his chopsticks, and before eating, he looked at her and said, “You still haven’t answered my question at the supermarket. Do you want to have children with me?”

“I don’t want!” Jiang Wan exclaimed in shameful rage.

“Very good. I don’t want either.” Satisfied, Wen Jin lowered his head and ate contentedly.


Jiang Wan returned to her room after lunch and couldn’t stop herself from opening one of the folders to see what Wen Jin had put in it. Did he really put porn in there?

And then, the moment she clicked on it, the door was opened by Wen Jin.


Jiang Wan glanced at the various X-rated porn films on the screen, and then at Wen Jin who was standing at the door.

“Let’s watch together?” Wen Jin turned around to get a chair.

“Wait a minute!” Jiang Wan took a deep breath and asked him, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

“The weekend game, come with me,” Wen Jin finished speaking, pointed to her laptop screen, and said, “The third one is better.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

She pushed Wen Jin out. “Okay, I got it.”

Wen Jin looked at her. “You’re not going to watch it with me?”

“I’m not watching!” Her cheeks were flushed. “I’m just curious what’s inside the folder!”



Jiang Wan shut the door behind her and deleted everything in the folder before realizing what Wen Jin had just said.


She? Going to the weekend game with him??????

Jiang Wan hurriedly got up and went to Wen Jin’s room. Worried that he had started livestreaming, she gently opened the room door and was about to open her mouth when she heard Wen Jin say to his fans in the live room,

“Wanwan? She’s-”

Blood rushed to the top of Jiang Wan’s head. She rushed in and shouted, “I didn’t watch it! I deleted both folders! I didn’t watch any of them!”

“Wen Jin took off his headphones and turned to look at her. “Why? You don’t like it?”

“……” Jiang Wan’s face turned red. “I don’t watch that kind of thing!”

“Then, what kind do you want to see? I have a lot of other categories here.” Wen Jin was about to click on a folder when he looked at Jiang Wan as if he had suddenly remembered something. “Ah, we can’t say things like this on livestream?”


The bullet chat erupted:

【Watch what?】

【My blind guess would be……a romantic action movie?1】

【What?! What is ‘a lot of other categories’? Is it the ‘categories’ I’m thinking about?】

【The commentor above, source, please!】

【Seeking for the source as well! *cough cough*】

【What are you guys asking for? Didn’t you hear what Ah Jin said? He has a lot of other categories! Ah Jin! I want it! Send it to me!】

【Chicken coop warning!】

【Hahahahahahahaha I’m dying of laughter! His last sentence is such a desperate attempt at survival! Jin-ge!】

【Is Wanwan angry?】

Wen Jin noticed this comment and turned to face Jiang Wan. “Are you angry?”

Jiang Wan took a deep breath and tried to maintain the expression on her face. “No.”

Wen Jin nodded. “Then I will send it to you after the stream.”


Jiang Wan returned to her room with a poker face, flung herself onto the bed, and covered her face with her hands. “Wooooo……”

She was done for.

Sure enough, once she started her livestream at night, the bullet chat was filled with:

【Please share the source of those ‘other categories’~】

Jiang Wan: “……”

Let her go, please.