CH 38

Name:Living Together Author:
Chapter 38: Come and Watch Together With Me

Unsurprisingly, the bullet chat that night — was all asking about Wen Jin.

Jiang Wan did not even dare to make bubble popping sounds for fear of being kissed by Wen Jin again.

In just two hours of her stream, she had received nearly 100,000 yuan in tips, a figure she had never even dared to imagine.

She had spent the entire night typing ‘thank you’. Many fans requested for her to speak and also asked her to call Ah Jin to say a few words.

Wen Jin was playing chess on the floor.

Jiang Wan still didn’t say anything. After typing another ‘thank you’, she began to gently nibble on a banana peel.

The crisp sound provided a different kind of pleasurable experience to the eardrums.

Four banana peels were placed on her table.

The bullet chat never quieted down, but there were quite a few fans who were actually listening. They were all fans of Wen Jin who hadn’t been exposed to anything like this before, so they had a lot of questions.

Jiang Wan did not have much time to reply. She wasn’t a fast typer. She would occasionally miss the previous comment, and before she could read the next one, it got buried again by the new ones.

She had no choice but to whisper, “Thank you.”

Who knew that after hearing her speak, the fans went insane and kept asking,

【Where is Ah Jin? Is Ah Jin beside you now?】

【Jin-ge! Jin-ge! Jin-ge! Is Jin-ge here?】

【Little Jiejie, I’m curious how you and Ah Jin met? Please disclose!】

【Are you really living together?】

Jiang Wan could barely handle their questions. By the time the stream ended, her back was covered in sweat.

When she walked out of her room, Wen Jin was still playing chess on the floor. The cold refrigerator light fell on him, illuminating his completely emotionless face.

Jiang Wan looked at him quietly for a moment before going to the balcony to take in the clothes.

When she passed by him, she poured a glass of water and placed it by his side before going to the bathroom to take a shower, as she had done before.

What she didn’t know was that after she left, Wen Jin’s gaze, which had been focused on the chessboard, diverted for a moment to take a glance at her back.

When Jiang Wan finished showering and blow-drying her hair, she looked in the mirror and noticed that her hair had grown longer and was now hanging down over her shoulders.

She thought about the days when she was in prison.

She had just entered the place at that time. Because she was too good-looking, an extremely ugly woman spilled soup on her face. Fortunately, the soup was not particularly hot, so she wasn’t injured, but she was drenched with soup and was in a terrible mess.

When she went to her cell to clean herself, an older woman in the same cell as her advised her that being too beautiful here was too conspicuous and could lead to harassment.

It was not a good thing.

Later, she shaved her head and kept her face unadorned all day long, not even daring to wash her face.

Her days there gradually improved when people could barely sense her presence, but her face became more and more unattractive, and due to exhaustion and malnutrition, her skin became sallow.

Only after she was released from prison did she cleanse her face properly and apply skin care products. It had taken her a full six months to restore her skin to this condition.

She did not think that she was pretty.

In her schooling days in the past, the prettiest girls in class would receive bags full of love letters, only she, throughout a whole semester, had only received one love letter.

Which was given by a student with bad grades.

She still remembered the anxiety and uneasiness she had felt when she received the love letter, but when she thought about it now, compared to what she was currently experiencing, the ambiguity and restlessness of her adolescence seemed so innocent.

With her palm, she wiped away the water vapor on the mirror.

As if she was wiping away the memories of her past, leaving a clean and clear surface.

She returned to her room and, as expected, found Wen Jin on the bed.

He was dressed in only underwear, with a cell phone in his hand and earphones in his ears.

When he saw her coming in, he took off one of his earphones and said to her, “Come and watch together with me.”

Jiang Wan walked over in disbelief. “Watch what?”

Wen Jin turned his phone toward her.

On the screen, a black cock was inserted into a bright red vagina. A black man was thrusting his waist fucking the white woman below him.

Wen Jin asked, “Do you want to watch this category?”

Jiang Wan: “……”