CH 42

Name:Living Together Author:
Last night was the first time Wen Jin woke up in the middle of sleepwalking.

He was awakened by Jiang Wan’s singing.

The first thing he thought when he woke up was how terrible her singing sounded.

He couldn’t sleep after that.

When he closed his eyes, he remembered his mother bringing him to a psychiatrist as a child.

“Sleepwalking is a manifestation of subconsciously suppressed emotions that surface at the right time. He is only six years old. I believe that by gradually releasing the suppressed emotions, he will eventually return to normal.”

“Can the root cause be identified? What made him sleepwalk?” His mother’s voice inquired.

“Mrs. Wen, the answer is very clear. He keeps taking things out of the refrigerator and throwing them on the floor, making the house dirty and messy. Who is going to clean it? It could be the housekeeping auntie, or it could be you and your husband. He simply wants someone to accompany him.”

“We don’t have much time to spend with him, but I’ll find him some playmates. I hope you can cure him of his sleepwalking because otherwise I won’t be able to send him to boarding school in the future.”

“With all due respect, Mrs. Wen, I believe that parents should devote more time to their children. He may be young, but he has an amazing memory. He can remember things from the age of two. If you play the role of an irresponsible parent during his childhood, it will cause him great harm in the future. He is only six years old, but he has already learned to suppress his emotions.”

“Mrs. Wen, can you imagine what will it be like for him at twenty-six?”

“Wen Jin.”

Jiang Wan gently patted Wen Jin’s arm. He had been sleeping on her shoulder since they boarded the plane and hadn’t woken up the entire flight. They were about to get off the plane.

She took off his sleep mask and gently poked his cheek.

The next second, her index finger was bitten by the man.


Jiang Wan attempted to withdraw her finger but failed.

The man’s tongue had already brushed against her finger. Her backbone tingled, and her ears turned bright red. She exclaimed quietly, “Wen Jin!”

Only then did Wen Jin loosen his jaw and sit up slightly.

He tilted his head and looked out the window, his dark pupils dilated with laziness and drowsiness. The plane had landed and was taxiing down the runway.

“Let’s go to the hotel first. We can go for a stroll tonight, and we’ll gather at the hotel lobby at 7 a.m. tomorrow to ride together to the gaming center, okay?” Dorayaki asked from behind them.

He was directing this question to both Wen Jin and Jiang Wan.

This plan had just been discussed and agreed upon by the other eight people. He was concerned that Wen Jin would object.

Jiang Wan nodded. “Okay.”

Wen Jin looked out the window expressionlessly.

Jiang Wan poked him on the arm, signaling him to respond.

Only then did he nod his head.

Dorayaki patted his own chest. “That’s good, then. Ah Jin, as long as you don’t drop the ball, we can kill them all if that makes you happy.”

Jiang Wan: “???”

“By the way, Ah Jin, aren’t your parents here? Will you be staying at the hotel with us tonight?” Double A wondered.

“Why would I stay with you guys?” Wen Jin looked puzzled. He took Jiang Wan’s hand and said to them, “I’ll stay with her.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

Everyone: “……”

Many fans arrived early at the airport exit, holding signs of support and shouting slogans to welcome Wen Jin.

Wen Jin wore a pure white sportswear and a black mask on his face. He stood tall and upright, two bags on his back, and one hand tightly holding Jiang Wan’s hand.

In stark contrast to the frenzy of the fans.

He was too indifferent.

He did not even wave his hand to greet or smile at the fans.

Jiang Wan walked beside him, occasionally looking up at him.

He was always detached and indifferent on the outside, with an expressionless face.

But only she knew.

His heart was as lonely as a wasteland.

That was why when he was sleepwalking, he would rush to her room…just to hug her.