CH 43

Name:Living Together Author:
After checking into the hotel, the group split up.

Jiang Wan and Wen Jin dropped their bags in their room and went downstairs to eat.

When ordering food, before Wen Jin said anything, Jiang Wan confirmed with the waiter several times, “No vegetables. Not even a single leaf. Don’t put anything green in the food, okay?”

The waiter nodded again and again. “Yes.”

Wen Jin looked at Jiang Wan.

She had a very delicate face, slender eyebrows, and long eyes. Her hair was not very long, barely reaching her shoulders. Her skin was very fair, and her eyes always had a kind smile in them when she spoke.

A face that would make others feel comfortable.

She did not pay much attention to her appearance and didn’t know how to apply make up. She also didn’t like to dress up. She was almost always dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. Girls loved to wear jewelry and dresses, but she did not have a single one of those.

She was quiet and reserved. Even if she was curious, she never inquired anything about him.

Because she was like this, Wen Jin had the desire to speak for the first time.

“I don’t want to go.”

“What?” Jiang Wan did not understand. “Where to?”

“My parents’ house.” Wen Jin repeated, “I don’t want to go.”

“I know.” Jiang Wan rubbed her fingers on the tablecloth. “Actually, I had a major disagreement with my parents, and I don’t contact them anymore.”

She had a vague feeling that it was probably the first time Wen Jin had taken the initiative to talk to someone about his parents, so to be fair, she also confessed a little about her past.

“I never went to college.” She barely managed to squeeze out a smile. “I passed the entrance exam. I just never studied there.”

Wen Jin was expressionless. “Neither did I. I self-studied for two degree certificates.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

The waiter arrived to bring them their food.

Jiang Wan took a deep breath and asked him, “Why didn’t you go to college?”

Wen Jin lowered his head and picked up a fork. “It was too easy.”

Jiang Wan: “……”

“Too much trouble,” he continued. His brows furrowed slightly. “Girls are always talking to me. They have a lot of questions. Too noisy.”

Jiang Wan nodded and took a glance at him.

This was indeed a face that girls would throw themselves at.

If other boys had this face, there was no telling how arrogant and cocky they would become, but he found it bothersome.

Jiang Wan chuckled softly.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked. “You’ve been chased by many boys too?”

Jiang Wan: “……”

What a stab in the heart.

After their meal, Jiang Wan wanted to walk around a nearby college.

She had never been to college and wanted to experience the atmosphere of a college.

Wen Jin followed her all the way.

With his tall stature and long legs, coupled with his high face value, he was very eye-catching. Many people cast admiring gazes at him from time to time.

He frowned slightly, took out the mask to cover his face, and led Jiang Wan across the road.

The nearest college was only a fifteen-minute walk away.

The blazing sun overhead was hot and sultry.

After ten minutes of walking, Jiang Wan was out of breath and drenched in sweat.

She looked at the map on her phone. Their destination was only a traffic light away. It was a university of science and technology.

Jiang Wan wasn’t sure if she could get in with her obviously unstudent-like appearance.

Fortunately, it was lunchtime and people were coming and going at the entrance, so they blended in and went in.

The beautiful artificial lake, the rows of willow trees, and the laughing students on the road all formed a vivid picture in Jiang Wan’s mind, as if she herself had been a part of this environment.

The two of them strolled to the entrance of the institute when Wen Jin received a phone call.

It was his mother, Li Cai.

“I heard that you arrived in Shanghai today. Where are you?”

Wen Jin had little emotion in his eyes. “In front of your institute.”