CH 44

Name:Living Together Author:
Li Cai hung up the phone and ran out without even taking off the cleanroom suit on her body.

How many years had it been?

Was it three or four?

When Wen Jin traveled here to compete in the past, he had never returned home or even visited her here.

Not even once.

This was the first time he had waited for her at the entrance of the research institute.

Li Cai only remembered to remove the sterile gloves from her hands when she almost reached the entrance. She took off her gloves and cleanroom suit and handed them to the assistant behind her.

She then asked her assistant to order lunch.

The assistant looked at the time. It was nearly one o’clock. “He should have eaten his lunch by now, right?”

Li Cai was about to instruct her assistant to order dinner instead when her assistant pushed open the door. Wen Jin was standing there with his back to her. He looked dazzling in his pure white sportswear.

She didn’t notice Jiang Wan who was standing at the side. She walked down the steps, looked at Wen Jin, and shouted, “Ah Jin!”

Wen Jin turned around and only responded with a single word, “Mom.”

A face with little expression and eyes with barely any emotion, as if he were staring at a stranger.

“You’ve lost weight.” Li Cai examined him and wanted to reach out to touch his face, but she stopped in mid-air because Wen Jin turned his face sideways, clearly refusing to let her touch him.

She awkwardly withdrew her hand, and it was only then that she noticed Jiang Wan standing by Wen Jin’s side.

“Hello, you are…?” she inquired with a smile.

Jiang Wan never would have thought that a stroll around college would lead them to Wen Jin’s mother. If Jiang Wan had known that his mother was here, she would not have come here, and……most importantly, she did not know how to introduce herself.

Jiang Wan bowed at her. “Hello, auntie, I am his-”

Before the two words ‘housekeeping auntie’ could be uttered, Wen Jin had already held her hand.

Jiang Wan tilted her head to look at him.

The man’s pupils were dark, and there was no emotion at the bottom of his eyes as his gaze fell indifferently on the two people in front of him.

Li Cai was surprised. “You-you are Ah Jin’s girlfriend?”

Jiang Wan nodded stiffly. “Hello, auntie, my name is Jiang Wan.”

“Hello.” In addition to surprise, a look of joy appeared on Li Cai’s face. “I was just too surprised just now. This is the first time he has ever……liked a girl, and this is also the first time he brought his girlfriend over to see me. I was just too surprised. Sorry for that.”

“We’re just passing by,” Wen Jin said flatly, “not to see you.”

Li Cai was a little embarrassed. “Have you eaten? I have asked my assistant to make a reservation at a restaurant, and I have sent a message to your father. He will-”

“We want to walk around the college.” Wen Jin’s gaze shifted elsewhere. “We don’t have the time.”

The joy on Li Cai’s face had completely vanished. She couldn’t even muster a smile. She looked at Wen Jin and asked, “So soon? You haven’t seen your father yet. You haven’t seen him for three or four years. He-”

“Let’s go.” Wen Jin had already dragged Jiang Wan away.

Jiang Wan couldn’t help but look back. Li Cai was still standing in the same spot, and the assistant beside her was patting her shoulder soothingly.

They walked around the library until they found a gazebo to sit in.

Jiang Wan sat down and cast a few glances at him.

Wen Jin rested his arm on the railing and asked, “What do you want to ask?”

“Your first time?” Jiang Wan asked uncertainly. “You have no previous experience?”

It didn’t look like it was his first time that day at all.

“No, I don’t.” Wen Jin bent his long legs. His dark pupils landed on her face. “I told you, you are the first woman who made me have a sexual impulse.”


Jiang Wan bit her lip and couldn’t help but put it more bluntly, “But you look very skilled…doing that.”

She was too embarrassed to mention that he had been playing more and more tricks and positions recently, with the bathroom floor and all.

“It’s easy. I’ve learned it after watching it once.” Wen Jin turned to look at the shimmering lake before returning his gaze fixedly to her. “You, on the other hand.”

Jiang Wan’s spine tingled. Sure enough, she heard him say, “You’re still bad at oral sex after learning it for so long.”
