Liu Yuru hadn’t hated many people in her life.

Yet she really hated Gu Jiusi at that very moment.  

Going off her servant’s description of Gu Jiusi’s attitude and the Gu couple’s recent visit to her home, she was able to piece together a general timeline of events: the Gu family intended to find a match for Gu Jiusi, much to Gu Jiusi’s chagrin. When his announcement that he wanted to marry her reached the Gu family’s ears, his parents decided to get him engaged to her so as to settle the matter once and for all. A single sentence from Gu Jiusi was all it took to undo her years of hard work.

Endless waves of injustice surged through Liu Yuru. She felt utterly helpless. This must be what it feels like to be an ant, she thought.

To Gu Jiusi and the Gu family, her life was just a joke. 

Would Gu Jiusi help her? She had no idea. She even expected Gu Jiusi to assume she had schemed to marry up into his family. (A suspicion that would prove to hold true, for that was indeed what Gu Jiusi believed of her)

Gu Jiusi could not understand why Liu Yuru would accept this engagement out of the blue. Even if his parents went to propose marriage, the option to turn them down existed. Why would she agree? 

Didn’t she say she would rather throw herself into a lake? 

Such a scheming girl…

And then it clicked: His family. Perhaps that was what she was after all along; everything could well be part of her plan.

It would be well within Gu Jiusi’s expectations if that was the case. He certainly didn’t underestimate her capacity for deceit in the least.

He stalked home in a foul mood, went right up to the door leading to his parents’ bedroom and yelled angrily, “Dad! Gu Langhua! Come out, you old coot!” 

Gu Langhua and Jiang Rou had just woken up only to find their darling son making a grand ruckus. Outraged, Gu Langhua instantly fished out a rod from beside his bed and bellowed, “The runt’s gone out of control again!”

He rushed out of the door and blazed, “How dare you waltz back in here?!”  

“Care to explain the Liu Yuru situation?!” 

The sight of Gu Langhua’s rod failed to intimidate Gu Jiusi this time. Gripping Liu Yuru’s letter in his hand, he said unyieldingly, “The two of you set me up with the Liu family without consulting me. How could you?” 

“Consult you? You are my son!” Gu Langhua roared, fury driving all plans to be civil clean out of his mind. “Marriage has always been decided by parents and coordinated by matchmakers. You will marry whomever I tell you to. You wish to revolt? Perish the thought.”

“I told you!” Gu Jiusi flared. “No one can force me into marriage. You may be my Dad, but not even you can make me submit.”  

“One moment,” Jiang Rou looked from father to son and said apprehensively, “Isn’t this the girl you wanted to marry?”  

“When did I ever say that?” Gu Jiusi asked, exasperated. The housekeeper, who had been hovering close by, supplied hastily, “Young Master, you said so yourself, back in the rouge store. Plenty of witnesses can attest to that.”  

“Hear, hear!” the maidservant behind Jiang Rou pitched in. “The entire city knows.” 

Gu Jiusi blanked. Then he remembered. A beat later, he said weakly, “I — I was just joking. You can’t possibly take that seriously…”

“You don’t joke about marriage!” Gu Langhua boomed as he gestured angrily. ”You must be true to your word. To shirk responsibility at this juncture would be to besmirch a lady’s honour. I can excuse your usual larking about, but this is something else. A blot on her honour is a lifelong matter!”

“And is marrying me not a lifelong matter?” Gu Jiusi countered without hesitation. He gestured in frustration and went on, “I don’t care. Annul this betrothal as soon as you can. She’s about to marry Ye Shi’an. Stop messing around already!”

“Ah, is that what’s holding you back?” Having assumed that her son was honourably repressing his true feelings due to a mistaken belief that Liu Yuru was promised to Ye Shi’an, Jiang Rou’s tone softened considerably. “We heard the truth from the Lius,” She hurriedly explained. “It’s a misunderstanding. You’re the one Miss Liu fancies.” 

Those words struck Gu Jiusi’s brain like a thunderbolt.

Liu Yuru fancied him?

Ye Shi’an was the golden boy with the golden future; He was unlearned, a mischief-maker, a gambler, and a dandy. Yet the one she fancied was him? 

Good lord, something’s seriously wrong with her brain! 

But Gu Jiusi rapidly recovered his wits.

No, her brain’s fine.

After all, not only was his family wealthier than the Ye family, they’re not such sticklers for rules. He was the only son and his parents were constantly fretting over him. His mother was sure to entrust the management of the family businesses and finances to her in the future.  

From a financial standpoint, this marriage was an absolute win for Liu Yuru. His only real vice was being a trifle playful. If money was what she’s after, marrying him was leagues better than marrying Ye Shi’an. 

Gu Jiusi’s opinion of Liu Yuru plummeted in an instant—she disgusted him to the hilt.

It’s quite possible that Liu Yuru had spread the rumour about her forthcoming marriage to Ye Shi’an as a ploy to get closer to him, to attract his attention. It was all a trap!

His temper flared at this thought. He announced immediately: “No way in hell will I marry her. I won’t hear of it!”

“Preposterous!” Gu Langhua bellowed with a ferocity he did not have before. “The engagement has been fixed. Think of what’s to become of Miss Liu should you call it off! You’ll ruin her for life!”

“Excuse me, she’s the one who’s about to ruin me for life!” Gu Jiusi bristled. “Even if I am to marry, I want to marry someone I like. Why should I allow you to coerce me into marriage? I’ll be walking right into her trap.”

“I coerced you?” Gu Langhua gave a sardonic laugh. “You said you would take no wife but her, did you not?”

Gu Jiusi gagged on those words. “I was kidding!” He retorted after a beat. 

“A man should have the courage to be true to his words; if he can’t do it, he shouldn’t say it. You said she was the only one for you, so we asked for her hand for you. I need you to think long and hard about cancelling this engagement. What is she to do for the rest of her life?”

“What do you mean by ‘what is she to do’?” Gu Jiusi didn’t get what the fuss was about. “Why, she should find someone she likes and do what she wants. It’s just a broken engagement. What’s she gonna do, hang herself or put a sword to her neck? Surely there’s more to her life than just marriage. You’re all being ridiculous!” 

Not even Jiang Rou, who was wont to indulge him, could let this slide. She frowned and chided, “Jiusi! Men and women have their differences. What would people think if she breaks it off? Think of what they’d whisper about her! Who would still want to marry her? Jiusi, you wouldn’t want to marry a girl who has scuppered a match, would you?”

“If I love her, whyever not?” Gu Jiusi replied without a second thought. Gu Langhua and Jiang Rou stared in disbelief. They saw it clear enough: their doting and indulgent style of parenting had produced a son whose worldview was jarringly out of step with the current times.

He had a contrarian streak, one that disposed him to think ill of those who were wholly dissimilar to him, for that to him betrayed cowardice and weakness. 

Jiang Rou would not make any headway arguing with him. After a long silence, she could only say in exasperation, “Jiusi, unlike you, Yuru was brought up to be a proper lady. She’s not equipped with the courage that you have. Cancel the engagement today, and she might just take her life out of shame the next day.”   

“Why are the both of you so eager to see me married?” Gu Jiusi looked coldly at Jiang Rou. Jiang Rou sighed, walked down the steps and said gently, “Your uncle sent a letter. He wants to take you to the capital and present you before the Princess in the hopes that you’d catch her eye. Marrying a princess will destroy your career prospects. ‘Prince-consort’ has a nice ring to it, but it’s an empty title. You’ll be unable to wield positions of power and be dependent on Her Highness’ grace for the rest of your life. It’s a stifling life, one of quiet suffering. You don’t know what your uncle’s like. He has made his request. Once he comes to take you away, there’s no denying him, hence all that hurry to get you married before he’s here. You’ve never had a girl you’ve liked, so when we learnt that you finally had someone in your sights, we decided it was best to strike while the iron was hot.”

“A likely story!” Gu Jiusi sneered defiantly. “I could refuse to go. I doubt Uncle would coerce me.”

Jiang Rou gave a rueful smile.

“Jiusi, everyone has to contend with circumstances beyond their control over the course of their lives. When power towers before our feet, not even a House like ours can refuse to bend the knee.”

Gu Jiusi snorted derisively. “Bunch of excuses!” 

Gu Langhua saw the futility in trying to reason with him and adopted a different tack: “If all of that has gone over your head, you can bugger off to your room and chew on it there. No need to think about anything else. Just sit tight and wait to get married!”  

“I will not get married!” Gu Jiu insisted at once. “I’ll call it off. I’ll do it right now…”

“Guards! Take him down!” Gu Langhua barked. The guards in the courtyard surged toward Gu Jiusi. Gu Jiusi dodged hither and thither as every guard in the Gu residence bore down upon him. After a protracted struggle, the guards emerged triumphant and tied him up securely. 

“Confine him in his room. The room stays locked till his wedding day! No one is to let him out!” 

Everyone present could see how livid Gu Langhua was. Gu Jiusi was thus unceremoniously hauled back to his room. 

Stuck in his room, Gu Jiusi hurled abuse for an entire morning until he wore out his throat. Since he had nothing better to do, he picked up Liu Yuru’s letter and reread it.

It was a pretty well written letter, he had to admit: The tone of Liu Yuru’s prose was sincere; pleading her case humbly like a victimised young maiden, she explained the injustice she had to suffer at home before rounding it off with a request for assistance in securing the title-deeds. 

Reading the letter, he was so mad that he laughed; he had to hand it to Liu Yuru for how thoroughly she had calculated everything. After fuming for a time, reason prevailed: chances were that most of what Liu Yuru said were true.  

The Liu family was a mess. Everyone knew that. Besides, he was no fool. His parents had proposed a match on such handsome terms. The Liu family must have gone nuts over it.

He thought Liu Yuru was beneath him, that was true, but he despised the Liu family more than he despised her. He thought of the “wife-spurning, concubine-spoiling” Liu Xuan and his disreputable second wife. The sheer thought of handing over his family’s silver to them left a bad taste in his mouth. He considered it for a moment before sending for Jiang Rou.

Jiang Rou arrived to see Gu Jiusi sitting cross-legged on his bed. Her heart broke when she heard how hoarse his voice had become. “Oh son,” she said. “I’ll tell the servants to boil you some pear and snow fungus soup.” 

“Er — Mom,” said the sitting Gu Jiusi with a rather unnatural expression on his face. “I have a favour to ask of you.” 

“I’m listening.” 

“So, uh,” There was nothing improper about the request Gu Jiusi was about to make, yet a curious, squirrelly feeling tugged at him and made him unable to look at Jiang Rou. He said in what he hoped was an offhand voice, “I see that there’s to be no finagling out of this match. Liu Yuru’s basically half a Gu family member. You know how it is with their family. Our betrothal gifts will probably fall right into the hands of that what’s-her-name — I mean that concubine’s hands — It nauseates me just thinking about it — Could you…”

“I understand,” Jiang Rou said with a gratified smile; it seemed Gu Jiusi had finally learnt to show consideration for others; though he sounded so begrudging, he was looking out for Liu Yuru in practice. She quickly added, “I’ve thought about it, which is why I’ve already signed off the most valuable items on the list—the plots of land and those stores on East Street—under her name. Once the documents are stamped with the red seal, I’ll personally send those over. I plan to give them a good knockin’ on their noggins regarding their dowry. I’ll request Miss Liu’s birth mother to be in charge of the matter.” 

Gu Jiusi felt relieved.

Still feeling rather awkward, he pursed his lips and said, “I’ll be counting on you to take care of it. No need to pay special attention, mind. I’m only doing this because that concubine’s too repulsive. I have no other intentions.” 

“Sure, sure,” Jiang Rou said as she held off a smile. “I get it.”

Liu Yuru knew nothing of Gu Jiusi’s and Jiang Rou’s plans. 

After figuring out what was going on, she no longer expected anything from Gu Jiusi. Su Wan arranged for Yunyun to serve in her room. That very night, Liu Xuan stayed over at Su Wan’s.

Su Wan personally took charge of Yunyun’s living arrangements. Taking Liu Yuru’s advice, she did not elevate Yunyun’s status immediately. As a result, Liu Xuan visited Su Wan daily to see Yunyun. Knowing that Zhang Yue’er would be upset with him if she found out, he dared not inform her about Yunyun, and would furtively come looking for Yunyun under the pretext of visiting Su Wan.

A formidable sweet talker, it wasn’t long before Yunyun had Liu Xuan completely under her spell. Su Wan, having let go of her previous airs, appeared dignified and magnanimous. Liu Xuan couldn’t help but feel a rush of affection for Su Wan. He even began to think he was too severe on Su Wan in the past.

Half a month passed in such a fashion. Both the Liu family and the Gu family had their hands full preparing for the wedding. Gu Jiusi remained under house arrest under his father’s orders, while Liu Yuru practised her calligraphy daily to settle her mind.

Half a month later, Jiang Rou visited the Liu residence personally with title-deeds in hand. 

She was delivering a windfall to his doorstep; Liu Xuan naturally had a warm reception prepared. After exchanging pleasantries with Zhang Yue’er and Liu Xuan for a while, Jiang Rou remarked suddenly, ”I’ve yet to see Lady Su and your eldest daughter after all this time.” 

Zhang Yue’er froze. Before, Liu Xuan would have glossed over this by saying that Su Wan was indisposed. Now, however, he felt some guilt and affection for Su Wan. He knew that Su Wan would’ve liked to have a say in Liu Yuru’s marriage. To Zhang Yue’er’s surprise, he coughed lightly and said to a servant: “Fetch First Madam and Yuru.” 

Zhang Yue’er was a little flustered. Before long, Liu Yuru came into the room while supporting Su Wan. 

Only then did Jiang Rou see Liu Yuru for the first time. 

Everyone said that Liu Yuru had ordinary looks, but Jiang Rou could tell that Liu Yuru had a lovely bone structure. Her facial features had the immature, child-like feel that came with youth. They were not pronounced, which made her look ordinary. However, as she grew into her looks, she was certain to bloom into an elegant beauty.

Liu Yuru moved with grace and refinement as she supported Su Wan inside. Even though the Liu family was a minor household, her deportment was as immaculate as that of the noble ladies she’d seen in the capital.

Liu Yuru had deliberately learnt how to carry herself from the Ye family. The Ye family was a noble House and took great pains in cultivating well-bred children.

Liu Yuru felt Jiang Rou’s appraising eyes upon her. She stood primly behind Su Wan without looking up.  

Jiang Rou smiled as she made small talk with Liu Xuan. Then she said, “Oh my, I nearly forgot! I’ve come today to deliver the title deeds. By rights, the deeds ought to go to Yuru’s brother, but it doesn’t appear that she has any. Besides, we realised that offering too large a sum in the way of betrothal gifts would give you all undue pressure to return the favour via the dowry. So to keep things simple we decided to sign off these stores and deeds under Yuru’s name. As for your dowry, we are not particular about it; just a token sum of gold and silver will do.”

“Pardon?!” Zhang Yue’er raised her head upwards abruptly in shock. “The deeds are under Yuru’s name?!”  

Zhang Yue’er blanched, as did Liu Xuan. 

Jiang Rou’s expression remained unchanged, while Su Wan and Liu Yuru watched in stunned silence. 

Zhang Yue’er was the first to react after a long silence. She squeezed out a smile and said, “How you jest, Lady Gu. Yuru has two younger brothers. How can you say she has no brothers?”

“Younger brothers?” Jiang Rou echoed, surprised, a remorseful expression appearing on her face. “Dear me, it would appear I’ve been quite misled. I was told that Lady Su has only one daughter, with no other children to her name. Lady Su has other children, I see…”

“I most certainly do not,” spoke Su Wan. She wasn’t very adaptable in general, and her inability to bear a son was her sore point, yet she very much approved of what Jiang Rou had said at that moment. She said composedly, “There are no other children under my name.”

Jiang Rou revealed a confused expression as she looked at Zhang Yue’er. Liu Xuan coughed lightly and said, “Uh, about that. Both of my sons were born to Concubine Yue.” 

Jiang Rou lowered her head and lightly brought a handkerchief to her lips as if to stifle a chuckle. The atmosphere shifted ever so subtly. Zhang Yue’er in particular had the strangest feeling that Jiang Rou was laughing at herself.   

Liu Xuan felt his face burn. Jiang Rou said nothing; she felt as if she’d been made a laughing-stock. 

“Ahem…Master Liu,” Jiang Rou pursed her lips and smiled as she raised her head. “A distinction has to be observed between the trueborn and the baseborn. Whoever heard of a bastard being heir? It is unheard of amongst distinguished Houses. In such Houses, even in cases where the principal wife has begotten no sons, it is customary for said wife to adopt a concubine’s son and raise him as a trueborn scion. That is to say…as a trueborn daughter, Yuru has a disparate status that ought to be respected.”

The expressions of everyone present shifted.

Their family situation was an open secret to outsiders: everyone knew but kept it hush-hush. After all, they had better things to do than to stick their fingers into another household’s family drama. Now and then someone might dredge it up again in private, but that was the extent of it.  

No one had roasted them publicly over it—until now. But so what if she embarrassed them? This was Lady Gu of House Gu, the wealthiest family in all of Yangzhou. There was nothing for it but to grin and bear it.

Liu Yuru lowered her head and stifled a giggle. For the first time, marrying into the Gu family didn’t seem like such a bad idea. 

It was her first time meeting a woman who could drink tea so serenely while casually humiliating her father and stepmother.

Su Wan’s hands vibrated slightly as she savoured a rush of pleasure unlike anything she’d experienced before. 

Zhang Yue’er said hurriedly, “Be that as it may, I do believe the deeds ought to be under my husband’s name, if not Yuru’s brothers’. Naming Yuru is as good as taking the deeds back!”

“Madam Yue,” said Jiang Rou smilingly. “This brings me to my second point of consideration: the dowry. Suppose we named Master Liu instead. What will the Liu family offer in return?”