"Did you see that just now? Qiao Shanshan and Zhang Qiang are together

"Of course, a swan, an ugly duckling, such a distinctive and strange combination can not be seen? What do you think of their relationship? I think they were talking and laughing to Zhang Qiang who was above the top of our eyes just now. "

"Yes, do you think that Qiao Shanshan has anything to do with Zhang Qiang, or that her Beijing is not simple, or how a person who usually walks with her head up would walk with her

"It's quite reasonable. If you look at her flattery, you can see that there must be something shameful."

A group of people went to the sales department. Ye Qiaogang came back from the bathroom and happened to hear half a sentence. After a while, he wanted to be ignored, but he was seen by the sharp eyed people. "Ye Qiao, ye Qiao, don't hurry. Come and have a chat with us."

They all moved their eyes to make her stop and wave her hand awkwardly, "hi ~"

"it's Ye Qiao. Come here and sit down, come here!"

Everyone agreed to give up his seat and pressed the man on the chair. "Yeqiao, are you familiar with Qiao Shanshan? Do you know why she went with Zhang Qiang and didn't eat with you?"

Ye Qiao didn't think much about everyone's doubts. After all, she didn't eat with her very often. She just sat down and said a few words occasionally.

"She has her own business. Why do you have to eat with me? Besides, it's her freedom who she eats with. Why should I care? " Ye Qiao has some thorns in her ears when she hears Zhang Qiang's name. After all, in the eyes of all the people in the sales department, she is the most familiar person with Qiao Shanshan. Now that she talks and laughs with Zhang Qiang, it will definitely make her uncomfortable, especially when she is called out.

The crowd immediately began to wonder, "isn't she your friend? Don't you know? "

she is her friend, of course, but that's just her cheek, unilateral thought. Ye Qiao make complaints about herself in her heart. Then she suddenly thinks of what her colleague said just now. She can not help but ask curiously, "have you just seen Zhang Qiang eat with her?"

"I don't know for myself, but seeing them enter the company together and talking about sashimi happily, we'll know with a little association. We're also curious. After all, Zhang Qiang is a famous climber in our company. Now staying with the rustic Qiao Shanshan will certainly arouse everyone's speculation."

In the heart still some vacillate leaf Qiao a lift an eye, just saw the two people who were talking at the door.

I don't know what Zhang Qiang said. Qiao Shanshan was very happy with her smile. Later, she saw Zhang Qiang raise her hand and look at her watch. "It's over. I'll go out to see clients later. I'll go first if I don't say it."

The rest of josansan stood in the same place, laughing like a gift to the person she liked.

Ye Qiao is about to ask, see Xiao anling take the lead to call away Qiao Shanshan.

Only when she came out of the manager's office did she have a chance to stop her in the tea room.

"It's a coincidence that you like this brand of coffee, too!"

The leaf Qiao Yang raised the coffee in the hand, the smile on the face, increase unabated, "Shan Shan this noon originally wanted to have a meal with you, how didn't see your person in the dining room, where did you go?"

Smelling the brewed coffee, I couldn't help frowning and hesitated. I turned my head to look at Ye Qiao and said with a sorry smile, "I'm sorry, I just went out at noon and met Zhang Qiang. She said she wanted to invite me to dinner, so I didn't go to the restaurant."

"What?! Zhang Qiang invites you to dinner! "

My darling, when does this Zhang Qiang need to use such means to bribe and please others? She used to be a person with her tail up to the sky!

"What's the matter? She can't treat me to dinner? " See ye Qiao reaction so big, Qiao Shan Shan also followed Leng for a while, rhetorical question.

Ye Qiao knew that he had lost his manners, and immediately explained: "of course not. I'm just curious about what Zhang Qiang talked to you about. How could she invite you to dinner? Or do you two know each other long ago? "

She couldn't find a better reason to persuade herself than to classify them as friends.

After putting down the coffee cup, Qiao Shanshan recalled what Zhang Qiang said that she couldn't tell manager Xiao about her. She omitted it and said, "Zhang Qiang is very good, that is, old employees care about new people, and I admire manager Xiao. I just heard her talk about manager Xiao, and then I talked about some work, and nothing else It's all right

Can not find a trace of flaws in the answer, let Ye Qiao anxious, should not ah, that Zhang Qiang how can not ask anything, not in line with her consistent style of doing things ah!

"What else?"

"No!" Qiao Shanshan doesn't know why Ye Qiao asked, and recently she seems to care about her, but she is very happy. After all, there are very few people who really care about her. It's really nice to have one more person who always cares about her.After Qiao Shanshan said two more words, she left the tea room, leaving Ye Qiao thinking in situ.

Zhang Qiang didn't ask about Bai Senyu. It's abnormal. It's abnormal.

In the president's office, Bai Senyu, who has already finished his official business, has already looked at the clock on the wall for the seventh time. How can the pointer go so slowly? It's not time to get off work.

Walking back and forth in the office, it seems to be thinking about something. Secretary Liu came in to hold the document. He couldn't help but have a mouthful. Bai Senyu stopped when he was fiddling with a thick literature book, and walked towards the door. "I'll care about the work of the staff, and I'll deal with it tomorrow."

Before Secretary Liu could react, all he could hear was the sound of closing the door.

"When is it necessary for the president to go in person?"

Bai Senyu was a little nervous and excited when he looked at the elevator numbers and kept going down. He didn't know what to say when he saw Qiao Shanshan, so he decided to just have a look at the door. "Yes, just have a look."

The door of the sales department is a transparent glass door. As soon as Bai Senyu got out of the elevator, he took two steps and locked the position of Qiao Shanshan at a glance.

White side face because he is focusing on the work on the computer, appears a little serious, the body sat straight, but there is an attraction let him involuntarily indulge in.

I don't know who said that serious men are the most handsome, but now he thinks that serious women are the most charming.

With her broken hair floating across her face, Qiao Shanshan raised her hand to pull her hair. Her long white neck moved with it. He couldn't help but move his throat. It seemed that a fire had been aroused in her body.

The big palm inside the trouser pocket secretly used his strength to keep himself awake, so as not to lose his posture, but the ice on his face was melting.