Zhang Qiang managed to do the customer's work well, and let the other party agree to modify according to their plan. She went back to the company tired with her bag. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw the tall and straight posture of the man at the door, and she was ecstatic.

He walked forward quickly and stood beside Bai Senyu, "good president!"

Bai Senyu looked at Zhang Qiang and nodded his head calmly. When he turned his eyes back, all the people in the sales department looked at him, and they all got up and called out: "Hello, president.".

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became a lot more weird.

Zhang Qiang, a man with deep intention, saw Bai Senyu standing at the door. Just now, he came forward to say hello. His face didn't seem very happy. Naturally, he guessed Qiao Shanshan, so he paid special attention to Bai Senyu's eyes.

The rest of the sales department stood upright, waiting for the president to speak.

Knowing that he couldn't escape this time, he had to put up his boss's airs and said, "you don't have to care. Everyone is busy. I just come to have a look and inspect. You all sit down. It's like normal work."

How dare you sit down? It's a matter that the president will lose his head when he arrives. Who dares to take the president's politeness seriously, he has to continue to stand with a smile on his face.

Xiao anling's rescue came in time. He opened the office door and came to Bai Senyu. "General manager Bai condescended and suddenly appeared in my sales department, but he scared the soul of my staff out. What should Bai always say?"

It's not just the employees who feel redeemed, it's also Susan.

When she heard that "good president", her whole back was in a cold sweat, and she did not dare to look up at the abrupt man, but her heart was already pounding.

He actually came to the sales department. Didn't he say that he had nothing to do with the company? Pretend you don't know each other? What is he doing!

There were more than a dozen possibilities in her mind, but at last she was relieved to see that the man was getting closer and closer and walked past her for a second.

I feel a little amorous.

Bai Senyu has long put the ever-changing expression on the little woman's face into her eyes. Naturally, she won't be hard to do in front of so many people.

After a pretentious tour, Bai Senyu left the office area and went into Xiao anling's manager's office.

As soon as the door is opened and closed, the two worlds inside and outside are separated.

They also thought that Bai Senyu was here for inspection, so they didn't think much about it and continued to do their own work. Only Qiao Shanshan and Zhang Qiang were still staring at the door of the manager's office.

Zhang Qiang was puzzled that when she got out of the elevator, she saw Bai Senyu gazing at the sales department. The lines on her side face were much softer. The moment she called him, she seemed to feel a moment's difference in this man.

Peacetime is not the same tone, more a gentle, just like talking with a lover in general, not the same look, just like full of doting, let her dejected.

Looking at Qiao Shanshan, who was also in a daze, Zhang Qiang shriveled and went over, "what are you looking at? Fascinated by our president? "

Qiao Shan Shan was startled, some flustered denied: "how can!"

Too decisive refusal is more like hiding some unknown secret, Qiao Shanshan guilty, dare not look at Zhang Qiang's eyes, had to excuse to move his eyes.

Zhang Qiang is very calm appearance, generous said: "you don't have to rush to deny, is like there is nothing wrong with it, our president is very charming, or a golden bachelor, the company up and down as long as women will have a love for him, more than one you don't lose face."

Instant red face of Qiao Shanshan at a loss to hold the mouse, dodgy eyes, no longer talk with Zhang Qiang, this let Zhang Qiang is more look at her.

The doubt in my heart seems to have a vague rudiment. If there is another evidence, then I dare to be 100% sure.

Then We're not just friends, Josie.

In the place where Qiao Shanshan couldn't see, Zhang Qiang's gorgeous face was ferocious.

Bai Senyu had gone just to ease the embarrassment, so he left without waiting for a while. Zhang Qiang, who has been staring at the manager's door, leaves the sales department in front of Bai Senyu, and then stands in front of Qiao Shanshan.

Looking up at Zhang Qiang, Qiao Shanshan, who is looking down to sort out the documents, has a sweet smile on her face. "What's the matter? Sister Zhang Qiang. "

The other party suddenly close to let her pour is some uncomfortable, light cough twice, "Shanshan something I want to ask you."

"What? Sister Zhang Qiang, that's what you say. "

Josephine was still busy with her work and didn't plan to stop.

Looking around the people who are working hard, calmly spit out: "Shanshan, do you have a boyfriend?"

The other people who are concentrating on their own business stop their actions in an instant, listen to the next answer with pointed ears, and secretly pass their eyes to each other. Sure enough, they start to do it. Fox tail is waiting here.There's a good play to watch.

However, she didn't let them see the good play. She didn't even have the time to be stunned. She answered directly, "No

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Zhang Qiang some don't believe, then asked again, face or with a smile.

After entering the last data in her hand, she raised her head, "Sister Zhang Qiang, when did I cheat you, didn't I?"

After thinking about it, the woman looked simple and didn't have that little thought, so she nodded, "that's very good. I happen to have some pretty good friends here. You can get to know them. What do you think?"

Even if she was stupid, she could tell that she wanted to introduce her boyfriend. Bai Senyu's figure flashed through her mind and stood up immediately, "no way!"

People in her office area pretended to have to look up at her. Zhang Qiang is extremely embarrassed, in the bottom of my heart constantly scold Qiao Shanshan fool, such a big thing is necessary to be so excited!

What a fuss. I don't know.

"Why are you so excited? There's no need to disagree. "

Zhang Qiang tone a little unhappy, mainly because everyone will her as a monkey, that feel terrible.

Qiao Shanshan was also excited, and her speaking speed increased a lot. "I thank you for your kindness, Sister Zhang Qiang. I'm just working now, and I just want to make some achievements. Other things haven't been considered yet, so you see..."

When she heard that Qiao Shanshan didn't mean to fall in love, Zhang Qiang's mood became clear. She was worried that Zhang Qiang didn't believe it. Qiao Shanshan also stressed that the hard won job was now. Between bread and coffee, she decided to choose bread that could fill her stomach instead of coffee that wasn't practical for her.

Finally, forced by everyone's exploration vision, she didn't have anything more to return to her position directly, but she still didn't completely believe what she said in her heart.

She decided to find another time to have a good talk with her. She had such a fierce reaction just now. Maybe it was because there were too many people present and she was too embarrassed to speak. Just ask again for peace of mind.