Ling xueran is really angry. No one dares to yell in front of her, but now she can't tear her face, otherwise some plans will die. So in the face of her face, Ling xueran tries to keep a facial paralysis, otherwise she is afraid that she can't help showing her cruel side.

Lin Yuqian finally breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at her gradually relaxed look, but she still couldn't understand why she was not allowed to expose Qiao Shanshan's "infidelity"? So, why don't you let me do it

"Bai Senyu has just left. The mountain is high and the emperor is far away. Even if you expose him, he won't do anything to her now. Don't you want to make Qiao Shanshan better? When Bai Senyu comes back, he is tired and has to deal with the company and her affairs. He will be angry. " Ling Xue ran said.

After hearing this, Lin Yuqian's eyes brightened. Yes, Bai Senyu is not here now. Even if she says it, it will be a long time since he comes back. If the day he comes back Think of this, she smile, she will let Josephine become a street mouse!

After she thought about it, she felt guilty about her attitude just now. People thought so much about her, but she didn't know how to kill her. He hugged Ling xueran's arm and praised her for her consideration. Ling Xue ran smiles on her face, but there is no smile in her eyes. She looks at her flattery indifferently.

Qiao Shanshan had never seen Jianji since she met him that day. She didn't care about what she should do. She was waiting for Bai Senyu to come back and worked hard.

She has done two-thirds of the projects that Ling xueran has done for her, and most of them have passed the standard. Therefore, her current work is relatively much easier, and she still has plenty of time. While she is drawing slowly, she is teaching Deng Sisi some basic things.

After so many days together, they have built a revolutionary friendship. Their way of thinking in many places is similar. As a result, when she explains to her, she will react quickly, and they are more and more in tune.

At this time, Qiao Shanshan was doing the data collation of her last manuscript. Someone called her and said that Ling xueran was waiting for her in the office. She thought Ling xueran had something to explain. She immediately stood up and walked to the office. Unexpectedly, after knocking on the door, no one asked her to go in.

She carefully opened the door and found that there was no one inside. She was a little confused. She slowly walked in and had a look. The decoration style of the office was very similar to Ling xueran herself, simple and generous, but it would not make people feel monotonous. Just like Ling xueran, she always felt that she had many secrets.

"What are you doing?" The sudden voice behind her scared josansan, who was visiting. She was so scared that she turned around and saw the owner of the office standing at the door, frowning at her.

Afraid of her misunderstanding, she explained: "I'm just looking. Someone told me that you have something to do with me. When I came, there was no one, so I came in curiously to have a look."

After listening to her explanation, Ling xueran's brow relaxed a little. When she got to work, she put the papers away and said to Qiao Shanshan, who was standing at a loss: "sorry, I forgot. You sit first." Then he pointed to the sofa next to him.

Qiao Shanshan hesitated and went to sit down. Then she asked her secretary to bring in two cups of coffee. She came and sat opposite her. She was a little worried. Was there anything wrong with her previous manuscript?

She was about to open her mouth to ask something when she heard a knock on the door. It was the secretary who brought the coffee. Looking at the Secretary going out, she asked, "what can I do for you? Is there anything wrong with my previous work? " She asked carefully.

Ling xueran looked nervous and said after a sip of coffee with a smile, "don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your previous work. Today I called you to ask if you would like to join our project team."

Looking down at Ling xueran, she knew that although she was involved in the project, she was not involved in the core of the project. She was only responsible for one of them. But what did she hear today? She can join their core project team!

She asked excitedly, "really? Can I really participate? "

Ling xueran looked at her excited coffee almost overflowing. She sneered in her heart and didn't remind her. She only said to her, "I've looked at your previous materials and works, and I think you are very talented, and I won't let any talented people bury you."

These words really came to the heart of Josephine. She always had this feeling. No one except Senyu knew that she was gifted in this field. Those people always felt that it was Senyu who made her success today. But now this person said, she knows she has talent, and she will not let her bury, let her have a thousand Li Ma finally met Bole surprise and excitement.

When she heard the news, she immediately put the coffee in her hand and stood up to thank Ling xueran with a bow. But in front of her, Ling xueran was not so happy as to get a talent. She looked coldly at Qiao Shanshan's servility and disdain.

The two reached a consensus, and she successfully entered the core project team and directly contacted the most important part of the project. The news exploded in the office like a deep-water bomb dropped into the lake. They were all discussing the reason why she was promoted so soon.A group of people around, jealous and mean face exposed no doubt: "what can be the reason, is not the president to do backing it? Otherwise, how can a vase with no ability like her get into the core project team? "

They felt very dissatisfied on the first day they came from Qiao Shanshan. They worked hard for the college entrance examination, and then they got the job opportunity through layer upon layer selection and hard interview. And because she has a relationship with the president, how can she be on an equal footing with them? So they had a lot of opinions on her from the beginning, and wanted to see how she complained to the president like a failure.

However, she not only did not complain, but also did better and better, and they did not have the opportunity to say anything to her. However, in the face of this situation, she was able to enter the core of this kind of project soon after she came, which was that she would be uncomfortable, so she attracted a wave of hatred.

When Josephine came out of the bathroom, she heard these words. These people didn't hide their voices, as if they were just for her. After a pause, she walked to her original seat and began to collect things as if she had not heard anything.

The top management of the company accepted Ling xueran's proposal and arranged a separate studio for her immediately, so that she could have enough space to play.